After killing Dan, I ordered the rest of my squad to rest. They were all tired for holding the Four Violet Flames Formation 4 minutes and bȧrėly had a chakra. I also needed them to go back and keep an eye on Hizashi too.

After sending off my squad, I rushed to help Gari in catching Nawaki and Ino-Shika-Cho trio if possible.

When I arrived at the scene, Gari was in the battle against Anbu and three trios along with Nawaki. Gari is the strongest one in the fight, but fighting five people together, was a tough job even for him.

Gari looked back when he heard the noise his behind. He breathed out a sigh of relief after seeing it was me. He probably thought a new enemy came behind to sneak on him.

While unlike Gari who was relieved and happy to see me, Anbu and Konoha trios' face was filled with disbelief. Nawaki just got angry to see me again and shouted to give his necklace back.

I simply ignored Nawaki and walked up to Gari while showing a victory smile to Shikaku. Shikaku frowned his eye and stared my eyes back.

I waited for Shikaku to ask me what happen to Dan, so I could show off to him I am smarter than him, but he still didn't ask me anything. Eventually, I got tired of waiting and told them.

"Okay, if you are wondering about where is Dan who possessed Kitscuhi, then I am afraid he is already dead!!!!

He trusted your plan too much and easily fell into my excellent plan.

I expected more from you, but I guess I overestimated Nara too much. I guess not all Nara is intelligent. Hehehe" I told Shikaku while showing my superiority.

Shikaku didn't say anything instead, Nawaki is the one who replied to me.

"Bullshit!!! I know personally how strong brother Dan is. He is a renowned jounin, and there are not many people who can defeat him in Konoha. There is no way you can defeat him!!!"

I threw leftover blue hairs of Dan to prove that he is no longer in this world.

"Here you go, hairs of Dan. He is dead!!! You need to accept the fact. Alright, enough chitchat. You are next."

Gari and I dashed to Nawaki but intercepted by Anbu while Gari was stopped by trios.

"Senju-sama, I will stay and hold them off. So please escape meanwhile." Anbu said to Nawaki.

"There is no way I will let you guys die while I escape alone. I will stay here and fight to the death." Nawaki immediately denied Anbu's request.

"Their main target is you. We can't afford to lose you too. Don't worry about us. We will also escape once you are gone too." Shikaku told Nawaki.

Nawaki hesitated after hearing Shikaku. After several persuasions going on, he finally agreed to run away first.

I tried to taunt him to fight us, but Nawaki surprisingly ignored me and continued running away.

'I thought he would act just like Naruto who couldn't hold any insult or taunt.

But I was wrong. I guess he received a good education as part of Senju and knew what I was aiming for.

Doesn't matter, we can capture him after dealing with these four.'


Gari and I started fighting. I told Gari to take care of trios while I handle Anbu at somewhere else.

Anbu was prepared to die there and fought madly at me. He used everything he got and even a suicide bomb at death.

Although his suicide bomb didn't kill me, I wasted around 30 minutes battling him.

I went to see Gari's place and saw that he was almost done with trios too. Choza's arm was disabled while Inoichi had a burned mark on his ċhėst.

Gari could use air walk using his explosion on his feet, to escape Shikaku's shadow or Inoichi's mind possession jutsu. And those trios didn't have any elemental jutsu to harm the flying object or person.

They could only throw Kunai and Shuriken by Gari easily returned them back using explosions. Simply, Gari was a bad match for them.

Shikaku saw me coming which he instantly knew Anbu was dead.

I was deciding whether to kill or capture them when I saw Shikaku suddenly pulled out Signal Shooter from his pocket and fired it.

The bright red fire signal shot on the sky which made Gari and I alerted and stopped our movement.

'What's that signal? Don't tell me there are reinforcements? Then why would he send it now?

If it's not for reinforce, then who?'

While Gari and I were focused on the signal, Shikaku used this chance to fall off a deep waterfall nearby the river along with his two teammates.

We tried to stop them but were too late and the trios manage to jump off the waterfall.

We couldn't do anything but to watch them fall with frustrations.

"Hey, Genji. Should we chase them?" Gari asked me.

"You go down to see if you can capture them while I chase Senju.

They might be carried off by currents so I highly doubt you can get them.

Don't go too far or waste too much time finding them. Just come back within 10 minutes." I gave an order to Gari and run off to chase Nawaki.

I used lighting chakra to speed up to search for Nawaki. I soon found the trails and after 15 minutes, I finally saw the Nawaki.

Nawaki was shocked when he saw I was right behind, chasing him madly. He quickly created three shadow clones to confuse me.

Since I was not a sensor, I didn't know which one was real. But I killed all the clones quickly and continue the pursuit.

I was a bit worried as Nawaki was not running in the direction of Konoha, instead, he was going another direction. I also heard him loudly saying "just bit more" several times.

'Ambush? Is this related to Signal, Shikaku sent?'

I didn't lower my guard and just then I saw what's ahead of us.

It was a large and deep abyss. It looked a bit similar to the one Naruto fell down to summon Gamabunta (the toad of Jiraiya and Minato) for the first time, but a different one.

I instantly realized Nawaki was planning to suicide by jumping off to the abyss.

(A/N: he couldn't suicide using Kunai as he didn't have one. Genji robbed everything when he got captured.)

'Ah fuċk not again. Those trios escape but I can not let you!!'

I tried my best to stop Nawaki. But I was late just like last time. Although I managed to grab his clothes, Nawaki simply took off and jumped while sticking his tongue out.

I looked down the abyss. It was so deep that I couldn't see the bottom.

I don't know if Nawaki can survive that as Senju vitality and toughness are the same levels as Uzumaki's. But I was sure he will die due to blood loss or starvation even if he survived the fall.

And there was no way I would go down to capture him. I don't how deep this shit is, and was afraid to fall by mistake and die. I also have to worry about Konoha reinforcements coming.

'I have never seen such a happy person when they suicide before in my entire two lives.

Now that I indirectly or directly killed Dan and Nawaki, Konoha won't forgive me. Especially Tsunade, I don't want to imagine what would that butcher do when I get captured.'


I went back to see how Gari was doing. As I expected, Gari couldn't find any of the trios.

'I didn't know those trios also had plot armors'

"Shall we bring Kimiko to sense where those trios are?" Gari suggested.

"Forget it, she is out of chakra and we don't have time now, Gari.

Remember, we are still in deep inside Konoha. It will take us at least 3 to 4 days to reach the border. We already have Konoha pursuers coming for us, that's why we can afford to waste any more time.

Also I sure Konoha already sent a message to contact the patrols in the vicinity of the border." I said.

"Well, we can ambush the Konoha pursuers and pretend to be them to pass the patrols," Gari suggested.

"Dude, we took last male Senju, Uchiha's eye, Hyuga alive and cut off their Genius' arm before.

And here is the question. Do you think that Konoha and those top clans will only send few weaklings to capture us??

Heck, I won't be surprised if their Hokage and jounin commander chase us." I told Gari what kind of shit we are into.

Gari finally understood where we are and showed his worrying face.

"Then what should we do, Genji? If the likes of Kage level shinobi chase us, we will get captured before even reaching the border.

Also, we move in a group, so we will be easily spotted." Gari asked me.

I looked at Gari for a few seconds before answering him.

"As you said, we won't even reach the border before Konoha pursuers track us down.

That's why we need to misdirect them! They all think that we would cross the Iwa-Konoha border but we won't actually.

I have decided to go through Amegakure (Land of Rain) instead. There is a war happening in the middle and border security is in turmoil." I told Gari of my plan.

"But wouldn't Konoha pursuers follow our trails? I heard they use ninken (ninja dog) or bugs to track down criminals." Gari questioned my plan.

"And that's why we need to use someone as bait to misdirect those ninkens or bugs too.

Konoha doesn't know anything about us, except Tonja (the spy). I am pretty sure they will trail us by following Tonja's scent.

That's why I am planning to deceive Tonja to go to Iwa border alone with Dan and Konoha kids' blood on him while the rest of us sneak through the land of Rain to Iwa!!

Also since reinforcements sent by Onoki are coming to the border, I am sure this will also convince Konoha to believe that we would head to the Iwa-Konoha border."

Gari closed his eye for a few minutes to think.

"Isn't saving Tonja our mission? We will abandon the mission. Won't we break Shinobi law?" Gari asked with seriousness.

"Hey, I value my life than law. Also, remember that our priority mission is to protect Kitscuhi and Kimiko.

If you want to blame for Tonja, then blame on that Old man Tsuchikage. He couldn't even differentiate between S-rank and B-rank missions.

I am sure he will forgive us since we protected Kitsuchi, killed Dan, and took alive Hyuga and Sharingan.

So what's your choice, Gari? Do you against it or not?" I questioned Gari.

Gari just sighed and agreed to my plan. He didn't like the idea of deceiving fellow Iwa shinobi, but he knew the sacrifice was needed for the safety of the rest of the squad.


(Somewhere in the abyss)

Bloody Nawaki was lying down. Although he survived the fall, the pain was too much to handle and he lost his consciousness, but not dead yet.

Suddenly an unknown figure slowly rose up from the ground.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect that Senju would be lying around here. Madara still hasn't found a puppet for his eye among Uzumaki, and I guess meeting you here is part of fate. I wonder if he takes liking to you or not. hehe"

With this, Zetsu took Nawaki with him and disappeared.

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