It's been 7 years. It's time to go to the Academy.

I'm very excited to enroll in the academy since they would be teaching some serious ninja stuff.

For the past 7 years, I have been training myself to survive the upcoming second great ninja war.

My chakra control is already on chunin's level, thanks to my mother's chakra control talent.

Also finally, constantly doing chakra reserve exercises such as running, sit-up, push-ups for 6years, my chakra reserve has grown to the as same level as the average genin's chakra reserve.

I am very proud of myself for achieving the genin's chakra reserve level at age 6. I am don't have genius talent, but I guess hard work really pays off.

Although my chakra control and reserve training are going great, my taijutsu and shuriken throwing is just average. I have only learned basic stances for taijutsu that orphanage staff teaches to us.

I rarely trained on taijutsu as chakra control and reserve training took all of my time.

I am ȧssigned to Class 1A. That's the class where most of the students are from noble clans and influential families.

I'm sure I got in this class due to my parent's accomplishments despite being an orphan.

Also, none of my friends from the orphanage are in my class since they didn't have impressive background support unlike me. I have to start making social networks again.

I entered to my homeroom class and looked at my classmates to see if there are any kids I can recognize. Despite my effort, I didn't find anyone familiar.

I guess no one in my generation was famous.

I can tell most of my classmates are selfish and have mindsets that the world revolves around them, basically spoiled brats. It's going to be hard to befriend them.

System: "

*Quest: Since host officially started the path to ninja, a host should aim to be well known and loyal shinobi. Please make 70% of Iwagakure citizens know the host's name until the host reaches the age of 9.

Reward: Pill which increases in chakra reserve thrice with 2 million ryo.

Failure: Decrement of chakra reserve by half.

progress: 1%*


System, are you crazy?? This is just the second quest you gave me and why is it so damn hard?

I have to make 70% of the Iwa population to know my name within 2 years or all of my 7 years hard work of increasing chakra reserve will be in vain!!!!!

Difficulty between first and second quest is like heaven and earth!!!! What are you being so cruel all of sudden, system?

Did you got pissed because I cursed you for suggesting Guy's training routine??

While I was panicking at the system's quest, our homeroom teacher came in. Standing 5' 11" tall, this tan-skinned man has a mad feel about him. A particularly notable feature is his crooked smile, and he has a noticeable welt on his left ear which he always to hide from view.

He has a square face, a small nose, puffy lips, a birthmark on his face, and his light brown eyes are narrow.

He is naturally bald, and he has an unkempt beard.

He has strong arms, a muscular torso with a well-defined waist, and toned legs. He has a violent tattoo on his arms.

Fuza: "Hello, class. From now on, I will be your homeroom teacher. My name is Fuza. I will be teaching you basic math, literature, history, economy, cooking, basic taijutsu, clone, and transformation Jutsu in the first year of Academy. Since you guys are the best students in this year, I expect great results from you. Now let's check attendance, bla bla bla bla bla...."

I was shocked by my homeroom teacher's appearance. He has these gigantic tattoos all over on his arm and huge muscle that can put any bodybuilders in the Earth to shame. He looks like a muscle brain idiot, and he would be teaching us literature, math, and even cooking ???

Iwa's academy teacher's quality is damn low than I expected. No wonder, they rarely produce genius, unlike Konoha or Kumo or Mist. Most of Iwa shinobis are just straight forward type that doesn't think before they act.

------------ 6 months after enrollment -----------

It's been 6 months since enrollment. We were taught the history of Iwagakure, the creation of other villages, first great ninja, etc.

Fuza was very surprised that I managed to perform clone and transformation Jutsu in 3rd try.

Even if those are E-rank Jutsu, it will take months for academy students to perform them. Now my transformation level is already on par with most of the teachers.

I also won first place in the fitness test which gained me a lot of attention. Fuza and other teachers also found out I have a high level of stamina, and chakra reserve compared to other academy students.

Due to these incidents and coupled with my parents' great status, I was deemed to be a genius in my class.

I was happy because quest progress has risen from 1% to 8% due to gaining the title of Genius of class. Now all the academy staff, some low ranking ninjas, and academy students and parents know me well.

At the same time, I was getting impatient, since only one and a half year is left, but quest progress is not even at 10%. It was too slow. I gotta do something big quickly.

Shuji is my deskmate and can be considered a best friend in my class.

"Hey, Shuji. Do you know any way to become famous quickly?" I asked my friend for advice. Having two heads thinking is better than one after all.

"There are plenty of ways to become famous. You can pull the pranks on everyone or you can challenge to Tsuchikage or you can blow up the whole academy. Be creative bro."

Sometimes I think something is wrong with this kid's brain.

"Dude, I am serious, is there any way I can get well known in a short time??"

Shuji pretended to think for a moment and answered me.

"Dude, Every year of the academy which is 6 months away from now, we will hold a battle event where academy students will compete with each other to earn the title of biggest genius in their generation. We can even challenge the final year students or Genins to graduate academy earlier. This is a tradition of Iwagakure so thousands of people are coming to look at events even Tsuchikage. Participating in the event is obligatory for academy students. It's the best chance for us, academy students to show off."

"We can even challenge Genins or above ?!! This is the best chance to get famous. Thanks for telling me." I was excited.

If I managed to beat genin in that event, I am sure my name will be known to everyone. Muhahahaha.

"I know you are getting impatient to become famous, but don't get crazy and challenge everyone. No one has ever challenged Genins or ranks higher before. Even if you are called a genius, you can't handle everyone." seeing me making a crooked smile, Shuji warned me.

"I know bro, don't worry," I answered Shuji but I didn't heed the warning.


I have 6 months to prepare for the academy battle event.

No one knows I have an explosion release yet, which is going to be my huge advantage in the event.

First, I need to learn some earth-style jutsus. I am sure the academy library has few useful C-rank earth-style jutsus which is only accessible to teachers.

Well, I learned and even excelled at transformation jutsu, so why don't I put it to practical use.

I will transform to Fuze-sensei and sneak into the off-limit library. Hehehehehe.

Most urgently, I need to learn taijutsu. Most of the academy students will use taijutsu in a battle event as only a few would know how to perform decent ninjutsu or genjutsu. My taijutsu's level is slightly above my classmates since I have better strength and physical body than others due to chakra reserve exercises.

But I am sure, most of the upperclassmen can beat me in taijutsu.

I heard from Shuji that his father is a jounin and he always brags about his father is the best taijutsu specialist in Iwa. I should ask him to train me in taijutsu.

"Hey Shuji, Can I join your taijutsu training with your dad. In return, I will teach you how to walk on the water."

Since I have chakra control of the chunin level, I easily mastered how to walk on waters or trees.

"Really? alright, Genji. Let's go to my house tonight and I will ask my dad tonight if he can teach us together. If my dad agrees, you gotta keep your promise and teach me to walk on waters."

I've been friend with him for months, I knew what kind of bait to throw out to make him agree. Shuji was always jealous of me able to walk on water while he couldn't.

So when he heard about a walk on water, he agreed to my request easily.

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