Hard To Reincarnate Into World Of Naruto As Iwa Shinobi

Chapter 6 - 06 Shuji's parents and Training Taijutsu

After the academy, I walked to Shuji's house with Shuji to ask his dad to train me a taijutsu.

I was very surprised when we reached his house. His house is god damn huge.

I am sure at least 20 people can live in this place. This house is as huge as an orphanage.

"Hey, How many people are there in your family?"

"Only me and my parents, so that makes it 3."


Only 3 people are living in this gigantic house?!!

What a waste of space!!!!! There are at least more than 50 people living in an orphanage, and this house, which is as big as an orphanage has only 3 people living in it?!!!!!

I bet not even Tsuchikage's resident is bigger than this.

Shuji was laughing at my shocking expression and explained.

"My grandfather was a president of the weapon factory and my mom inherited all of his fortunes as his only child. Now grandpa retired so, my mom manages weapon factory."

Oh, that makes sense. So his father married to tycoon's daughter.

Lucky bastard.

Now that Shuji is the only child in the family, all of this fortune will belong to him in the future.

We entered to house and went straight to the living room.

Shuji's parents were all there, waiting for Shuji to come back from the academy.

Sitting in the chair, readin' newspaper, this fair-skinned man has a quick-tempered feel about him.

A particularly notable feature is his faint freckles, and he has a small scar on his face.

He has a triangular face with a rounded jaw, a bulbous nose, narrow lips, and his purple eyes are heavy-lidded. He has long arms, a broad torso with chiseled abs, muscular legs, and large feet.

There was also a tall Oliver skinned blonde and beautiful lady with a crooked smile standing next to the man. She wore light make-up and jewelry accessories.

They were Shuji's parents.

They were a bit surprised that their child brought a friend home but still welcomed me with kindness.

"Dad, he is my friend Genji. He wants to join our taijutsu training session. Can we please let him train with us?"

"Hello. So you are the genius in the academy who mastered clone and transformation jutsu in just 3 attempts. My name is Masashi and my wife who standing there is Ami. And, it's alright for you to join my training session with my son.

Lately, Shuji is losing competitiveness, maybe you can reignite it, Hahaha. You can come train starting tomorrow after the academy with my boy."

Shuji's dad was a very optimistic and cool guy. I guess I was worried for nothing.

"Alright you boys, go wash your face and hands. Genji, since it's already late, why don't you have dinner with us together. Today, I cooked too much accidentally. So there is enough food for you too."

Shuji's mother asked me to stay for dinner.

"Well, Thank you very much. I'll stay here for a meal then." I was getting sick of orphanage food, so I agreed to it

----during dinner----

"So, Genji-kun. Did you have to tell your parents that you are having dinner here? They will be worried about you." Shuji's mother asked me.

"My parents died. I am an orphan, uncle Masashi already contacted to Orphanage, aunt Ami."

Suddenly, the atmosphere got awkward.

"OH, I am very sorry for asking Genji-kun. It seems you are having a hard life. You can come to us whenever you feel lonely. We will always welcome you."

"Thank you for consideration."

Shuji's father suddenly looked at me when he heard I'm an orphan. He stared at me for 1 min and asked.

"Hey Genji, Does your dad name happen to be Shinjo??"

'I was confused for a second. Who the heck is Shinjo???

Hey system, do you know who this Shinjo is??

System: "Host, Shinjo is the name of the host's father. The system once mentioned the host's father's name when the host was getting explosion release."

Really?? So Shinjo is my dad's name. I only remember his title as co-founder of an explosion release.

"Yes, Shinjo is my dad's name, uncle Masashi."

I answered Shuji's father's question. Suddenly, Shuji's father looked surprisingly guilty and abruptly stood up.

"No wonder you looked familiar to Shinjo when he was a child. I can't believe I meeting Shinjo's son. hahaha, this must be fate. Genji, did you know that me and your dad were teammates and I owe my life to him. Yes, I can finally repay Shinjo. Genji, if you need any help, just ask this uncle. I will do my best to help you."

'What's with him all of sudden? Did my dad save him or what?

System, do you know what happened between uncle and my dad?'

System: "Host's dad sacrificed his life to save Shuji's uncle in S-rank mission."

'No wonder why he was being so emotional and making a guilty face. Well, I don't know anything about my dad, so I do not grudge on him.

I am not that petty. But surely now, uncle Masashi will definitely train me more willingly.'

We ate dinner with a good atmosphere after that.

They asked me to stay sleep. But I refused kindly and went back to the orphanage, feeling happy.

The next day, Shuji and I officially started harsh taijutsu training under the guidance of uncle Masashi in the private training ground.

Although Shuji's taijutsu skill was superior to me, he didn't train his body, so he had no power to deliver impact.

Therefore, all of his punches and kicks didn't do much damage to me.

I knew Shuji's taijutsu skill is higher than me. Direct confront is bad for me.

He kept attacking me and I just tanked all of his attacks until Shuji exhausted.

As I expected, Shuji's movement started to get slower and sluggish. I immediately grabbed Shuji's right arm, so he can't escape and delivered powerful upper-cut to his chin.

Shuji got shocked by my sudden surprise attack and couldn't defend it. It was an instant knock out for him, but I was also in a bad shape.

Uncle Masashi stopped the spar and began to explain our weakness.

"Shuji, although you are very nimble and has good skill, your stamina and strength is too low.

Genji, you are quite opposite with Shuji. You have great stamina and strength compared to your age children.

But your taijutsu skills are downright terrible. If it wasn't your tough body, you would have lost to Shuji.

Shuji, from now on, you will only have muscle and strength building training and as for Genji, here, take them."

Uncle Masashi gave me a book containing several taijutsu styles.

"Genji, I want you to look and study this book and learn all the taijutsu skills in that book.

We will rest for 10 minutes and you two will have a spar with me next until you guys land a hit on me."

System: "Host has triggered special Quest.

*Quest: Land a hit on Masashi.

Reward: Book containing Wing Chun Kuen Kungfu Style.

Failure:Masashi's impression on host will drop down *"

'Another Quest?

Holy, reward is Wing Chun Kuen Kungfu style!!! Isn't that Ipman and Bruce lee's Kungfu style.

If I learn Wing Chun, then I might be invincible in Taijutsu.


Although it's going to be near impossible to land a hit on Jounin, I will try my damn best to complete the quest as a reward is too great.'

After resting for 10 minutes, Shuji and I started a spar with uncle Masashi.

I was in great determination to land a hit on him.

But as time went, I started to doubt if this quest was even possible.

It was not even a fight, more like he was playing and bullying us.

He kicked me and I flew to the other side of the training ground. I honestly think Uncle Masashi is one punch man of naruto version. His power, speed, and technique are just terrifying.

But I will never give up on this one. I gotta think of something to distract him for a second.

Suddenly a great idea came to me. I told Shuji about my great and sure-win plan to him.

Uncle Masashi just let us have a strategic meeting since he was so confident.

Shuji was very surprised when he heard my plan and hesitated for a minute.

"Are you sure this plan is going to work, Genji? If it didn't, we would be in real big trouble."

"Don't worry. My plan always works. Just believe me and do as the plan or else we would get bullied until we cant' even stand."

Shuji didn't look convinced but still did what I told him to do.

First step of my brilliant plan, we surrounded the uncle Masashi.

Second step, Shuji distracted uncle Masashi until I finish hand sign for particular jutsu.

Then I shouted out loud to get uncle Masashi's attention.

"SSS rank Ninjutsu, Sexy Jutu!!!!!!!!!!!" and transformed into a super sėxy, almost nȧkėd female teenager.

Uncle Masashi got flustered and got a nosebleed. I could see that he is trying his best to keep his cool.

Suddenly the sound of aunt Ami was heard behind uncle Masashi. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT, YOU PERVERT. HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON ME!!!!!!"

Uncle Masashi finally lost his cool when he heard aunt Ami's voice. He turned around to aunt Ami and tried to explain.

"Ami, this is not what you think it is. This is a misunderstanding."

I smirked and dashed off to uncle Masashi who completely let his guard down, then punched his face with all of my strength. Uncle Masashi was obviously not ready for it and fall down.

System: "Congratulation on completing a special quest. Host has successfully landed a hit on Masashi. Since the host doesn't have inventory, the reward will be in the host's room."

Aunt Ami suddenly laughed really hard at uncle Masashi and turned into Shuji.

Uncle Masashi was gobsmacked and just stared at us.

Shuji was cheering and high fived me while I was happy because of the reward.

My plan was to use sėxy Jutsu to make uncle Masashi lose his nerve.

I refused to believe that sėxy Jutsu will have no effect on him, even freaking Kagura got effected by reverse sėxy jutsu.

Just in case uncle Masashi still didn't lose his nerve, I ordered Shuji to transform into aunt Ami and shout at uncle Masashi.

This would completely destroy the uncle's nerve.

Hahahahahaha I am such a Genius!!!!

Uncle Masashi realized what really happened, he reprimanded us for even thinking about such a dirty jutsu and ended the training.

He obviously ordered us not to mention any of this. He had his pride and didn't want others to know that he got punched by two academy students.

I returned from my uncle's training and dashed off to my room to take a look at Wing Chun Book.

Wing Chun is a concept-based traditional Southern Chinese Kung fu style and a form of self-defense, that requires quick arm movements and strong legs to defeat opponents.

Softness and performance of techniques in a relaxed manner are fundamental to Wing Chun. Although Wing Chun Kung Fu style was created by a female, Ipman and Bruce lee already showed how powerful this kung fu style is.

I needed the training dummy for Wing Chun style. Fortunately in the Orphanage training ground, there is a one dummy exactly same as Wing Chun wooden dummy.

I can also claim that I have invented this style since no body in naruto world knows Wing Chun style.

I am sure I will get more well known for inventing new style at age of 7.

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