Onoki has summoned every Jounin and Chunin in Iwagakure to the great hall. It is the first time he gathered the main force of Iwagakure all together after he gathered everyone to declare war two years ago.

I am sure he would announce something big.

As newly Jounin, I led my squad to the great hall. Gari, Gin, and Kan didn't go to frontlines after the Konoha mission, like me. Since I am the leader of the squad, they have to stay Iwagakure with me.

There weren't as many shinobi in Hall as the last time due to most of them sent out to frontlines. But still, there were at least more than 500.

We didn't wait long for Onoki and elders to make an appearance. Onoki obviously came flying to show off. We all stopped whatever we were doing and greeted Onoki and elders.

Onoki raised his hand to greet us back.

"Hello, proud Iwagakure shinobi. Today, I have called you all here for no reason other than to end this great war.

During the past 3 years, our mighty force has completely crushed Uzushiogakure and drove away Suna invaders successfully. Now the only one standing our way is Konoha. Konoha now has lost their Kage and mess inside. This is the perfect opportunity for us.

I know everyone here is tired of all this war. But I ask all of you to gather your strength once more and attain the victory over Konoha.

From here on, I will declare to commence a large scale invasion on Konoha. And I will personally lead this invasion!!" Onoki gave us a motivational speech.

After one second of silence, everyone in the hall loudly roared and swearing loyalty to Iwagakure.

'2 years passed, and I know we are close to the end of the second great ninja war. Maybe this invasion will be the trigger to end the war?

I mean, Onoki will personally lead this invasion. That old man who has been sticking his ȧss on the office chair for 2 years, finally started to move.

Konoha practically won all the great ninja wars, so does that mean, Onoki will lose this campaign and be forced to end the war?

Oh shit, should I convince Onoki to cancel this campaign? No, this stubborn old man will instead accuse me as a coward.

God, I better prepare myself to run away.'


Onoki's big campaign consisted of the remaining of Uncle Masashi and Roshi's divisions and a half of the reinforcement division, a total of 6000 shinobi.

There were 100 medical shinobi, 300 Sensors, 100 scouts, 5000 main shinobi force, and 400 elite shinobi force (ROCK, explosion corps, Kekkei Genkai, and clan members).

My squad and I are deployed to elite shinobi force.

Onoki left Captain Ishika in charge of protecting Iwagakure and Iwa land while we are gone. Onoki didn't trust other Great villages nor small chained villages.

I can't believe we will lose this campaign despite having these mighty forces. It's a bit frustrating that I can't do anything while knowing we will lose for sure.

I am just a newly promoted Jounin. It will take me everything to just save my ȧss during the battlefield. I won't have the luxury time to think of how to change the outcome of the war.


I got to meet up with Shuji and Uncle Masashi again as they were also part of the invasion force. We bragged Shuji about our bounty in the Konoha Bingo book, which made Shuji jealous and envy of us.

Our 6000 force invaded Konoha after 2 weeks later of Onoki's declaration. We have been advancing to Konoha's land like mad lads.

Finally, Konoha didn't stand still and organized the ultimate defense force to drive us away.

'Onoki is using Ame force as a vanguard in the Konoha invasion. If this keeps up, Ame will suffer more than anyone and eventually be eliminated by other villages sooner or later.

I clearly heard Hanzo predicting Konoha will win during his battle with Sannin. If he wanted a Great Ninja village spot, then wouldn't it make more senes to attack the losing side?'

While I was deep thought about the current situation, Gari tapped me from behind.

"What is it, Gari?"

"I was told by elite force division head that tomorrow, Ame force will come to ȧssist us in battle with Konoha's defense force. So get ready for tomorrow's battle. I already told others in our squad."

"I see. So we finally fight tomorrow. I guess that old man tested Amegakure's intention enough.

Hey Gari. Let me give you a reminder. Since we are on the first page in the Bingo book, Konoha shinobi will likely remember us. So for tomorrow's battle, you should bring the Smoke bomb as much as you can. They are the best tools when it comes to escaping."

"Okay, got it. Don't worry." Gari ȧssured me.

After notifying me, Gari went to prepare himself. I looked up the sky and sighed.

"I am having a bad feeling about tomorrow. System, you better help me."


(day of battle)

Our 6000 force faced the Konoha defense force with 500m distance apart.

Ame force arrived in the late morning and joined us to fight the Konoha defense force. Just by looking, I can estimate the Ame force are about 2000 shinobi.

Onoki, along with ROCK bodyguards, met with Hanzo and his bodyguards.

"Hello, Tsuchikage-sama. I hope you are well." Hanzo greeted Onoki. But instead of a greeting, Onoki just stared to diss Hanzo.

"Well, you came at last. I thought you are scared and pulled your force out. Next time try not to be late.

Alright, without further ado, let's attack Konoha force."

Hanzo glared Onoki for a moment, and the eye smiled instantly. Onoki just ignored Hanzo's action and started to give a motivational speech to Iwa shinobi.


All of Iwa shinobi charged at Konoha's defense force. But something unexpected happened to our back. Ame force was not attacking Konoha, but instead, they were backstabbing the Iwa force.

This greatly angered and, at the same time, confused Onoki. He quickly eyed Hanzo with an angry expression and asked.

"What is the meaning of this, Hanzo?"

But it wasn't Hanzo who answered Onoki. It was one of Hanzo's bodyguard.

"It is as you can see, you have fallen into our trap deep. Time has passed, but you are still foolish and arrogant as ever. Onoki."

Saying the words, Hanzo's bodyguard transformed to Hiruzen.

"Hiruzen!! So rumor about your death was false. I knew you are alive, but I didn't expect you would secret ally with Amegakure."

"Well, Onoki. I will give you a choice. You can surrender here or fight all the way and drop-dead. What's your choice?"

"Like hell, I will surrender!!!

To all Iwa shinobi, Kill all Ame and Konoha bastards!! Fight until the end.

I will take on you both bastards, Hanzo, Hiruzen. Prepare to die!!!" Onoki shouted.

"This will be your grave!" Hanzo responded while pulling his weapon from his back.

"You haven't changed, Onoki." Hirzuen spoke with disappointment.

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