I clashed with Konoha Chunin. He dared try to kill me with his pathetic taijutsu. I pulled my swords and stabbed him in the heart with ease.

But before his death, Konoha Chunin loudly shouted to everyone near us.

"Guys, this kid is the one who killed Dan-san!!!!"

Soon, every Konoha shinobi's eyes were on me. They all looked at me with killing intent.

'Fuck this shinobi! Now I have to deal with all of these shinobi to escape.'

Right after Konoha Chunin's dying scream, almost 10 Konoha shinobi near me started to attack me, ignoring the previous opponent they were fighting.

"So you are the bastard who killed Dan-san! Die now!"

"We will avenge Dan-sama, attack!"

"How dare you kill Dan-san!"

I was worried for seconds but soon discerned that they are all Chunin level.

"Oh, you all just Chunin and dare to challenge me, the jounin? You fuċkers clearly didn't read the bingo book carefully. Only elite Jounins are allowed to fight me! Taste my Wing Chun sword arts!!"

I displayed my impressive Wing Chun sword style to block or dodge and counterattacked incoming attacks from Konoha Chunins. Quickly bodies of Konoha Chunins started to pile up. This caused a ripple effect, and more and more Konoha shinobi rushed at me.

"Earth style: Stone Pistol!!"

But I spitted tens of stone pistols at Konoha shinobi and exploded them right in front of Konoha shinobi. Since my explosion release was listed in Bingo's book, it wasn't that kind of secret anymore.

A lot of Konoha shinobi were burned by my explosion. However, this didn't reduce Konoha shinobi's dėsɨrė to kill me at all. Instead, they got angrier and burning with dėsɨrė to kill me.

Just as they were about to rush at me again, someone shunshined in front and stopped them.

He had spiky, silver-colored hair that reached into the middle of his back tied in a ponytail and bangs that hung over his forehead protector.

When I saw him, my face went from smirk to despair. It was Sakumo Hatake!

"Don't underestimate your opponent, just because he is a kid. You guys are no match for that kid. Go and help others. I will handle this one." Sakumo told Konoha shinobi.

"But Sakumo-san, we are close in killing him. Please let us fight until the end." Several Konoha shinobi complained.

"Don't let the anger cloud your judgments. Look carefully! Can't you guys see our shinobi corpses below that kid? That kid already took down 20 of our shinobi this fast. You are no match at him." Sakumo convinced others to stay away.

'NO! Don't go! I can't defeat him myself.

Stay here and be my hostage!! Oh shit, I'm so dead, so dead.'

Konoha shinobi respected Sakumo's word and left us alone. I tried to look around to find fellow Iwa shinobi for help, but surprisingly or weirdly, there were none. It was just him and me alone.

"I can't believe you killed Dan. But I won't underestimate you even a bit just because you are a kid. Let's have a good fight, kid!" Sakumo spoke to me while pulling out his white light chakra saber, which emitted a streak of white chakra.

Seeing Sakumo was my opponent, I just cursed my bad luck. It was like a Demon king appeared after defeating a few weak goblins.

I helplessly coated my buŧŧerfly swords into the lightning chakra and prepared for battle.

We clashed each other. I felt a powerful strike from Sakumo's white saber. I instantly knew Sakumo was not joking around, and he was eager to kill me.

He blocked my swords by kicking them and continue to pressure me with his saber. I didn't back down and evaded his attacks while looking for counterattacks.

My advantages over him were that I had two long swords on me while he has a short one. But Sakumo's saber was faster and powerful than mine. I was glad that Wing Chun's sword style was dual sword art, or else I would have been in pieces already.

Kenjutsu battle (sword battle) between him and me went on for almost 10 minutes. I was slowly losing. Obviously, Sakumo was experienced and more powerful than me.

Suddenly one of my swords couldn't handle the striking pressure of Sakumo's saber and broke. I got panicked but calmed down. However, Sakumo didn't let this chance go. He faked his saber attack to draw my other sword away from me and kicked me into the gut with extraordinary strength.

As soon as I received Sakumo's kick, I flew away while throwing out a mouthful of saliva.

'Shit, I am in very pinch here. My sword got broken, and I got kicked into the gut while I haven't done any damage.

Fuck Kenjutsu. Why am I fighting with him in his specialty field?

I will use Ninjutsu.'

I got up and created several earth clones.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon Jutsu!"

I charged Earth Dragon and Earth clones at Sakumo. I then used Earth Travel jutsu and went inside underground to hide from Sakumo.

Sakumo's saber started to give out more intense white lightning charka. He then just cut off my earth dragon and clones before they even reach him.

Next, he started to slice ground below him to find me. I popped out from his behind and did a series of hand seals.

"Lightning Style: Lighting Beam jutsu!"

Several lighting beams from my hands shot out to Sakumo. Sakumo tried to dodge, but since he was in mid-air, he got hit by one of my lightning beams and electrocuted him for a second.

I quickly dashed to cut him off while he was unable to move. But when I cut him down, it turned into a log.

'Shit, when did he use substitution jutsu? Where is he?'

Soon Sakumo appeared from my side and side kicked me. Although I was able to block it using my instinct, I got fly away again.

'Fuck, ninjutsu is not working on him at all. He just cuts off all of them like buŧŧer. What should I do to escape from him?'

"At that age, you were able to hold me until this long. You can be really considered as the greatest genius in your generation. Which is the more reason why I should finish you off here now!"

Then Sakumo dashed at me, not giving any time to breathe. I quickly tried to block him with my remaining sword, but then, someone blocked Sakumo's attack for me and kicked Sakumo away.

I looked up to see who it was. It was Uncle Masashi!

"Not bad, kid. Not bad at all. You managed to hold on Konoha's white fang this long. As expected of my disciple. Now go!

Leave him to me." Uncle Masashi told me.

"Uncle Masashi! Thank god you are here! I thought I was done for. Oh, I love you so much." I grabbed Uncle Masashi's leg and pretended to be weak.

"Get off me. I know you still have plenty of strength. Go and help Shuji for me. I will follow you behind soon." Uncle Masashi spoke while kicking me away.

"Alright, be careful, Uncle Masashi. His Kenjutsu is terrifying." I warned Uncle Masashi.

"Yea, yea. Just take care of Shuji for me. Go now!"

"Sorry, white fang. But I can't let you kill that kid. I owe his father's life and can't let him die here."

"Well, it will be a shame not to kill that kid. But let's have a good fight, golem destroyer, Masashi-san."


After escaping from Sakumo, I ran to the main battlefield to find my squad and Shuji. I need to get them together and escape from this hellish place.

Even after searching for 20 minutes, I couldn't find any of them. Instead, I had to fight random Ame and Konoha shinobi, coming to kill me.

Just as I was about to search for them more, someone punched the ground, splitting the earth, which blocked my path.

"I finally found you, you little sneaky bastard!! How dare you kill my brother and Dan! I will take you down and torture you until you die!!"

I didn't even have to look who it was. It was none other than crazy woman, Tsunade.

'Fuck, what's up with my luck? I just met Sakumo, bȧrėly saved by Uncle Masashi. And now, I met another powerful crazy one who is thirsty for my blood more than anyone in this world.'

"Hey, listen! I didn't kill your brother. He jumped to the abyss himself. I tried to stop him, but he was so happy that he gets to die.

As for Dan's death, it was no choice. I wanted to eat and live like others. I told him not to follow me, but he did anyway. So he died." I shouted at Tsunade.

"Oh, I don't care what you have to say. You are dead! I will end your pitiful life and sacrifice your brain and heart to Dan and Nawaki's tomb."

"Hey, that is not something doctor should say, bitch. I should have killed you when Hanzo spared your life. I was kind enough to let you three go, and is this how you pay to your lifesaver?" I didn't know why but I wanted to diss Tsunade.

"Stop Bullshitting!" Tsunade dashed at me to punch me.

"Okay, I will stop bullshit then. So don't come to me."

Tsunade didn't even listen to me and dashed at me madly. I did a series of hand seals and slammed down to the ground.

"Earth Style: Earth Golem Jutsu."

Then 5m tall Earth Golem came out from my beneath. Seeing this, Tsunade didn't even hesitate and tried to punch my golem.

I predicted Tsunade's simple thought and quickly controlled the golem to dodge Tsudane's punch.

"You missed it! Hahaha. Let me introduce you. This golem is my standoooo. And here is my ultimate jutsu. Taste this."

Golem raised it's both arms and started to punch at Tsunade repeatedly.


"SHUT UP!!!"

Tsunade didn't give a shit about my ultimate jutsu and just punched my golem and flew it away. I was sent flying with my golem also.


'Dio power didn't work? Impossibe!! Fuck, this third time today that I was sent flying!!! It hurts so much.

Now enough playing around. I gotta do something to deal with that crazy woman.'

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