I woke early in the morning and prepared myself to go to the Academy. I didn't want Onoki to barge in and drag my ȧss all the way.

I went to Han's room to wake him up. But turns out he already woke up. Han looked at me and greeted me with a bit of a smile.

"Good morning, Genji-nii!"

"Hey, good morning! I am surprised you woke up early. Wash your face and come to the kitchen."

"Are we having Ramen again? I am so sick of it. Can't you make any different food, at least for breakfast?"

"Shut it. You can't cook. I can't cook. Ramen is easy to make, and on top of that, it is super delicious. So deal with it."

"But it is unhealthy for us! My teacher told me that we need to have a good breakfast in order to become stronger!" Han retorted me.

"Listen here, Han. Let me tell you a story. A long time ago, there was a guy who was an orphan and very lonely. Everybody thought he is just a troublemaker and loser and didn't hang with him.

That guy's dream was big and grand, to become the boss of the trash-collecting company. No one believed he would achieve this big dream, but he didn't give up on his dream. He started as a trash collector and worked his ȧss over to the CEO's place. 10 years later, he had so much authority that he could fuċk up other trash-collecting companies by just lifting his finger.

Now here is a question. Do you know what that guy ate every morning, lunch, and dinner to replenish his strength and determination?

It's RAMEN!!! On top of that, PORK RAMEN!!!"

Han didn't know Naruto's true strength came from Ramen, so I gave him a bit of a lecture. Han, who was just a kid, believed everything I said.

"Wow, I didn't know Ramen has such strength. I guess my teacher lied to me. Genji-nii, I want to have Ramen every day from now on."

I nodded my head wisely and smiled a bit.

"Good, that's more like it. I am glad that you gained enlightenment, that Ramen is the best nutritional food there is. Now go wash your face."


Han went out of his room to wash his face. Han's personality has changed a lot ever since we took him. When I first saw him, he had cold eyes and ready to fight back at everything. Now he changed completely. He is no longer an aloof loner and cold-looking kid anymore.

After having Ramen, I told Han not to eat lunch. I will bring him to have lunch with Nagato and others at the Barbecue shop.


I arrived at the Academy at the exact time. I headed to the Teachers' lounge and to see several Jounins waiting. I knew most of them as I worked with them together a couple of times.

Onoki wasn't here yet, which gave me time to interact with others.

"So how many graduates are becoming Genins this year?" I asked.

"30. The whole class passed the exam.

Well, it doesn't matter how many passed anymore. Even if kids did fail the exam, they could become Genin after taking supplementary lessons for 3 months. Tsuchikage-sama ordered to raise academy students to Genin as fast as possible." Random shinobi answered me.

"So Genji, you came, after all. I am glad I didn't have to go and drag your ȧss over here.

Hmph, Alright! It seems like everyone is here. I would like to announce something first.

Do not fail or send back any academy students you ȧssigned to. We still lack a lot of shinobi compared to other villages. We can't afford to pick only elites right now. Does everyone understand?"

""""Understood, sir!!""""

Onoki then went to the academy students' room to give congratulation and inspirational speech about the will of stone. We are allowed to pick out students after he finished.

After Onoki finished, he left the room right away. Other jounins were quietly observing their students in order to gauge them. But I knew Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato pretty well, so I didn't bother to inspect like others instead went straight to the room.

I opened the room, and the whole class's eye was on me. Nagato and others looked surprised to see me here.

Instantly the whole class started whispering to each other.

"Who is that? He doesn't look much older than us."

"He looks familiar, though."

"He is young but jounin. I bet he become Jounin by the backdoor."

"Well, but can he teach us anything cool?"

"Blah blah..."

As the sounds of whispering got louder, the homeroom teacher tapped the table to shut down everyone.

"Be quiet, quiet, Everyone. When did I allow you to talk? Bunch of kids as ever.

Sorry about that, Genji. Did you come here to pick your team?" Homeroom teacher Fuze-sensei asked me.

He was also my homeroom back then. I transformed into him to steal jutsu scrolls in the Great library without fearing anything. He looked scary as always.

I am happy that he survived the war.

"Yes, no problem, Fuze-sensei. Alright, team 19! Stand up and follow me to the park."

Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato were more surprised that I was their Jounin sensei. It didn't take them to wake up from stupor and follow me.


After Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato left, the class started to raise their hands to ask questions to Fuze.

"Teacher, who is that person just now? Is he really Jounin?" One boy stood up and asked. Several kids nodded as they also wanted to know.

Fuze just sighed at the ignorance of his class students. Now other Jounins who are watching would think he taught the class poorly that they don't even know who Genji was.

"I can't believe you all don't know who Genji is. He is someone who you all should look up to.

He graduated from the Academy within just two years, while the rest of you managed in 4 years. He is regarded as the greatest genius in Iwagakure. He even got himself the highest bounty for Konoha Bingo's book during the war.

I will be glad if any of you can even do a tenth of that Genji did. Also, stop disrespecting Jounin, whether they are older or younger."

Fuze-sensei quickly taught a lesson to mindless kids. And he just walked away before getting questioned more from kids.

He didn't want these stupid kids to say one more wrong thing when other jounins are watching. Even he valued his reputation.

I waited at the park for roughly 5 minutes and saw three kids running towards me.

"Bro!!! Why didn't you tell us that you were our sensei last week?"

Yahiko came running in the first place while shouting happily. Konan followed second, then Nagato last. They seem pretty happy that I am their sensei.

"First of all, Yahiko. When we are training or on duty, call me sensei, alright? And also, you must learn how to keep secrets even from your friend if you had to."

"Okay, okay, Genji-sensei," Yahiko said while smiling all over.

It felt weird hearing someone call me 'Sensei,' but I guess I have to get used to it.

"Alright, I will be your Jounin-sensei until you are strong enough to go on an independent mission. You guys already know me well, so I will skip my introduction. But I want you three to tell me about yourself, your dreams, likes, etc. Even I know it all."

"Why? Isn't that wasting time? Instead, why don't bro teach us som..."

Before Yahiko say more, I punched his head lightly for punishment. Yahiko then rolled over and shouted loudly. Konan and Nagato just smiled at Yahiko's overreaction.

'Yoh, this shit acts like he received Saitama's punch from me. This shit acting way worse than Neymar.'

I cracked my bones and told Yahiko to stand up in 2 seconds, or I will kill him. Yahiko knew I was not joking and soon stood up and apologized while smiling.

"Sorry, Genji-sensei. Hehehe. Well, my name is Yahiko. I lived at the Orphanage with Nagato and Konan until last week and moved to an independent dorm for shinobi.

My favorite food is a riceball, and I like my friends and brothers and sister who saved us from hell. My dream is to become Tsuchikage and make the world in peace someday."

Yahiko's speech was all I expected him to say. His dream to become Tsuchikage was news to me, though. It is probably either Kitsuchi or Kimiko's doing.

"My name is Konan. I like playing with my friends. My favorite food is eggs. My hobby is origami, and my dream is to help Yahiko achieve his dream."

"My name is Nagato. I also like playing with friends. I hate when friends start fighting each other. My favorite food is Ramen. I would also like to help Yahiko to achieve his dream."

Konan and Nagato's introduction came right after. If I have to judge, then Yahiko was okay. But Konan and Nagato had big problems.

"Alright, I think Yahiko's intro was the best one among you. Konan, Nagato, I would be honest. To me, it seems like you two don't have a clear idea about what you want to do in the future.

It's okay to help Yahiko for your friendship, but you gotta need another specific goal that is just for you. We are humans who have unlimited wants. I won't believe shits about you two have no dreams except helping Yahiko.

In order to become stronger, you need something that you truly want for yourself. I will give you one day.

So think carefully, and tell me what you truly want to do, besides helping your friend to achieve their dream. Or otherwise no training for you all."

Nagato and Konan lowered their heads and thought of what I said. Those two just depend on Yahiko too much. They follow Yahiko like lackeys.

"Alright, since we have done our introductions, let's wrap it up with me asking one simple question to you all," I told the kids.

"Wait, you are not training us? That's so not cool, Genji-sensei." Yahiko complained.

"Are you an idiot or what? Did you not hear what I just say, Yahiko? Until Konan and Nagato find their dream, I won't train you all.

Also, don't worry about falling behind with your classmates. On the first day, none of the genin teams will get training."

"Alright, alright. Shoot your question, Genji-nii, I mean Genji-sensei." Yahiko asked brightly, probably trying to cheer up his other two teammates.

"Here is the question. What do you think the most important thing in this world is?"


[A/N: Answer is your damn life, not friends.

Here is what I truly wanted to write in their introduction. (Omake) This is completely unrelated to the book.

Yahiko: "I like sėxy bitches, especially Konan. She will be my bride in the future. I would like to fuċk up the whole world by destroying Konoha and Ame with one almighty push!

My hobby is to make stupid facial expressions that do not make any shit sense. Currently, I am trying to make my mouth goes up to the forehead. While my eyes below down to the chin.

My dream is to unify the world and become a demon king."

Konan: "I am sėxy and hot. Don't pretend you don't know. I am a top waifu material and you all know it. I would like to make a realistic river with origami and blow it on someone's ȧss.

It will be fun to see their face saying 'OH! I fuċkėd up.'

My dream is to become an angel and look down on every species from below."

Nagato: "I would like to control everything from the shadow. I want everyone to know I am the real underground boss. I am in love with the tailed beast. I want to trap every one of them to status and fuċk the wold with that toy.

I wanna have a lot of money, so I can have better diets, haircuts, and do plastic surgery. I too skinny and ugly. My dream is to be a perfect human being with a 900 IQ big brain! Zehahaha!"

Please don't ask me why I made this omake. I just got high, that's it.

Also, don't get angry. It makes me sad to see hate comments, ahahahahaha!

peace, everyone!]

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