"Here is the question. What do you think the most important thing in this world is?"


At my last question, Yahiko didn't even hesitate to answer. Nagato and Konan appeared to think for minutes and agreed with Yahiko's answer.

I kinda knew they would answer like that. But I just shook my heads and acted as I was hugely disappointed at them.

"Listen here, you three inexperienced noobs. I get that friends are valuable, but they are not the most important in the world.

It's your damn life. No matter what, prioritize your life first more than anything!! Once you are dead, then that is it. Even if you lost your hope, as long as you live, it is possible to get up and fight back.

Friends are there to support you, make you stronger, give your life more enjoyable. They are not there to sacrifice your damn lives.

Here is the test: Yahiko, you are facing 100 elite jounins, and Nagato got caught. You have no allies or whatsoever that would help you. What would you do?"

"I will charge and save Nagato, of course. I am sure I can do it if I try hard. I definitely won't abandon Nagato and flee."

"Wrong, If anything can be done just by trying hard, then the peace would be already achieved, you idiot. I am not telling you all to abandon your friend when you are in crisis, either."

"Then what is the answer, Genji-sensei?" Konan, who was quiet for a while, asked me.

"If you are confident in beating all enemies and save your friend, then I don't mind you charge ahead. But if you are not, there are still tons of methods to try and rescue your friend while not sacrificing your life, like dragging time or negotiating or bribing.

Just don't do anything that can result in your death quickly, such as becoming hostage instead of your friend or suicide bombing. It will only create more problems for your friend and others."

All my new three students became quiet. They are still young and don't know how does this cruel world work yet. I need to change their global perspective a bit, so they won't become too crazy after losing their friend in case.

"Alright, enough with a life lesson. Let's go have a barbecue as a celebration. You can order as much as you want." I laughed and tried to change the mood.

"Oh, yea? Awesome! Konan, Nagato, we are getting free food!! Let's try our best to empty Genji-nii's savings, hehehe." Yahiko quickly recovered from a heavy mood and got cheerful again.

Konan and Nagato also followed Yahiko and joined laughing. I told them to go ahead as I had to go back to my house to bring Han too. I was worried that if he walked alone in the street, something might happen to him.


I waited for Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato to arrive at the park in the morning. I don't know if Konan and Nagato found their dream within one day, but as long as they don't give me some friends' related bullshit dream, I am okay with it.

My three students soon arrived at the park and greeted me. I greeted them back and asked Konan and Nagato if they found their goal or dream.

Konan and Nagato happily smiled and answered me.

"I want to build charity orphanage all over the world. So that all the orphans and lost children still can get basic needs for food, shelter, and clothing and be happy," Konan answered happily.

'What the heck, if that is your dream, then you chose the wrong profession. But since Konan is also an orphan without any support, I guess being shinobi would be the only way to achieve her dream.'

"I want to become strong and bring the old glory of my clan in Iwagakure. I will try my best to make the Uzumaki clan as number one in Iwagakure." This was Nagato's saying.

'Umm, Nagato knows Iwa participated in his village destruction, right? If other people hear him, they will think our little boy Nagato is planning the coup. I don't know how Onoki will think of this, but I think it's okay.'

I nodded my head in approval of their answers. Well, at least now, those two have their proper goals and won't mindlessly follow others and do the job for them.

"Alright, since Konan and Nagato have their own goals, you will train us right now, ya?" Yahiko asked me.

"Well actually, not today. I will first measure each of your strengths and teach you little tricks that can give you immense strength boost during battle today. Your training and mission will start tomorrow."

"Oh man, I have to wait again? Come on, can you just teach us some cool jutsu first?" Yahiko kept complaining. But I just ignored him.

"How will you test out strength?" Nagato asked me. I smiled at Nagato's questions and took a bell from my pocket.

"I am glad you asked, Nagato. Here is the bell which I will attach to my belt. I will give you 3 hours. If you three managed to get this bell from me, then I will cancel all my today's schedule and focus sorely to teach you 3 A-rank jutsu right away. Well, if you can do that is.

You can do whatever you want to get the bell, including using Kunai. While you all try to get the bell, I will access your strength and mind."

"What if we don't get the bell in the time?" Konan asked me.

"We will just stick with my old schedule and train tomorrow," I answered Konan.

"Alright, I will definitely get that bell in 5 minutes. It's going to be a piece of cake. Konan, Nagato, let's do this." Yahiko pumped up and started shouting.

"Yahiko, I highly doubt we can even get close to Genji-sensei with our current strength. We should retreat and come up with a strategy." Konan tried to calm Yahiko.

"No, we have plenty of time. We will first gauge Genji nii's power and then come up with an idea." Yahiko, while saying this, charge at me.

I didn't know which facts to be amazed at, Yahiko being brave and an idiot on a whole new level or how Yahiko acts similar to Naruto.

I then shunshined in front of him. Yahiko got shocked but still attacked me. I easily dodged his attacks and flicked my finger on Yahiko's forehead as hard as I could.


Yahiko fuċkėd up by my finger flick and sent flying to somewhere over the rainbow. Nagato and Konan just stood still, amazed by my raw power.

"What are you two doing? Go find and help Yahiko." I spoke to them.

Then they woke up from stupor and ran in the direction Yahiko flew away.


(3 hours later)

In the end, Yahiko and others couldn't take a bell, much less touch the bell from me.

"And times out. You three are failed to take the bell. I gave you 3 hours to take the bell from me, but you all couldn't. I was not even serious and only used one hand. I also never went on offense.

Despite all the advantages I gave you, you three still lost. Your weakness disgusts me!!"

Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato all looked desperate and lowered their heads in shame. I didn't expect they would listen to my words seriously. I guess I beat them a bit too hard.

"Hahaha, that was just my little joke. Don't take it to your hearts, my little students. There is no way group of Genins can beat Jounins on their first try. Don't worry too much. I was just like you guys at your age, getting my ȧss kicked a lot.

Alright, I have evaluated all your strength. Starting tomorrow, I will organize training schedules for each of you."

"Hehehe, I will train hard. And someday, I will kick your ȧss, Genji-nii!! Just watch me." Yahiko got up and loudly shouted while smiling like an idiot.

"Ya, Ya. I am looking forward to the day you challenge me.

Before we call the day off, let me tell you the little tricks that can make you slightly stronger during battle.

The first trick is..... Screaming!!!!"




Yahiko and others' eyes were like 'what the hell did he just say?'

"Okay, screaming might sounds ridiculous to you all. But you gotta believe me. Screaming saved my ȧss during the war. Just trust you dear brother Sensei. Shouting out makes you stronger.

Alright, the second trick to say one simple phrase.

"I need to become stronger in order to protect my friends and those dear to me."

Don't look at me like that. I am teaching you guys a real cheat here. I have seen tons of people getting immense power right after saying this phrase. You just have to say it with your feeling. Trust me, this will give you a big power jump. Only works for one time though."

I gave the super cheats, but these little 3 kids seem like they are doubting my word. How dare they!!

"Genji-nii, I mean Genji-sensei. I didn't know you could tell us such jokes with a serious expression. You wasted our time to tell that stupid tricks?" Yahiko complained to me.

"Hey, I am dead serious. I just know it that there would be a day when you would come crying thanking to me for giving you those tricks."

"haha, like that's going to happen, right guys?" Yahiko just kept treated as jokes.

I just sighed and called the day off. These kids are still way young to understand my theory and research.

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