Hard To Reincarnate Into World Of Naruto As Iwa Shinobi

Chapter 65 - Han's birthday party

[A/N: this chapter is more like an interlude.]

It's been 2 weeks since I became Jounin sensei to Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan. To be honest, it feels good to see them adoring me whenever I use cool jutsu.

Yahiko's nature types are fire, water, and wind, which are the natural types that I am not familiar with. So, I decided to teach Yahiko Wing Chun style, including its swords style. I thought it was time for someone else to appreciate and learn Wing Chun style. Besides, this was also System's quest with a reward being Shadow Clone jutsu, so two birds in one stone for me.

Nagato has a huge charka reserve, just like any Uzumaki. His chakra control is excellent compared to his age children. Not only that, he was a sensor, which I found out after System's telling. His nature affinities are wind and lightning.

I taught Nagato several C-rank jutsu, which he mastered in no time. To sums up, he was a genius. As expected of future Akatsuki leader. I mainly teach him ninjutsu, mostly long-range ones.

I am planning to teach him Rasengan. I haven't mastered it yet, but it should be easy to master as anime already showed how to master it in detail. Hehe, since Rasengan and Raikiri haven't known, I shall become their inventor. It truly feels good to steal someone's good work.

As for Konan, she has the best charka control in the team, better than Nagato. She is currently learning how to control the papers more precisely.

Later, I am planning to teach her about the seals, especially the explosion tag seal. I have been studying seals quietly alone so far and realized seals are quite similar to coding languages. As a former computer programmer, I soon got a grasp on how they work. Also, I will let her study Eagles' wings so she can fly using papers.

We have done several D-rank missions so far. I honestly never done D-rank missions in my life before. Explosion corps division never gives out half-assed missions like D-rank.

I think it is almost time for them to try on C-rank or B-rank mission to get familiar with killings.


Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan gathered around at Nagato's room after intense training from Genji. However, they were all dressed up neatly and readied to go out anytime.

It was Han's birthday. Genji and Gari hosted a celebration dinner party at the barbecue restaurant, and they are preparing themselves to go to dinner.

"Alright, I am done. Let's go!" Nagato told his two friends after doing the final check-up on him.

Three friends got out of their dorm and started walking while chatting with each other. However, the usual chatterbox Yahiko didn't talk at all for some reason. Nagato got worried and asked Yahiko.

"Hey, Yahiko. Are you okay? You haven't chat for a while. Is something bothering you?"

Yahiko then looked at Nagato and smiled back.

"Nagato, you remember how I told Genji-nii that I would beat his ȧss someday, right? When we had first team-battle against him?"

"Yeah, he beat us pretty bad with only using one hand at that time," Nagato said.

"Well, I highly doubt your promise would come anytime soon, Yahiko. You are currently far too weak compared to Genji-nii." Konan jumped in, stating the facts to Yahiko.

"I know that. But I would definitely surpass Genji-nii someday, and that got me thinking. Just how strong Genji-nii is. We all know he is strong, but how specifically?

We don't know his strong or weak points or how big chakra reserve or what nature types he affiliated or many more."

Konan and Nagato just looked at each other after hearing Yahiko's problem.

"You should relax, Yahiko. It's not like you can beat him even if you know it now. Also, we can figure them out while training under him. Don't be too hurry, Yahiko." Nagato just smiled and advised Yahiko.

"But still, I at least want to know how strong he is. Is he A-rank shinobi or S-rank shinobi? hmm?"

"Then, if you are so upset, how about we ask Gari-nii or Shuji-nii? They should at least know how strong Genji-nii is since I heard them having spar each other often. Besides, Genji-nii will be arriving late to the party to accompany Han. So it is a perfect chance to ask them." Konan kindly suggested Yahiko.

"Yeah, yeah!! That! We should do that. Konan, you are so clever! This is why I like you... I mean, I also like Nagato. Thanks for trying to help me, hahaha."

Silent enveloped the three. Konan and Nagato looked at awkward Yahiko. Konan was blushing a bit while Nagato looked with disgust. Finally, Yahiko couldn't handle the awkwardness and urged them to go fast.

[A/N: I am hinting to you guys that Genji won't end up with Konan! Genji's reputation will hit bottom rock if he dates his own student or under-aged girl. If Genji really wants to date Konan, she has to at least become 17 (5 years later). And there is no way our healthy young youth mc will wait that long.]


Yahiko and the other two arrived at the party. They looked around and saw almost everyone is here except Genji and Han. Three nodded to each other and commenced their plans to dig out Genji's information.

Their first target was Gari. They knew Gari and Genji hanged out and trained together for over almost a decade now. Those three were sure Gari had an answer to Genji's strength.

"Gari-nii, we have questions to ask. Would you please answer us?" Konan was the one asked.

Gari, who was in a good mood, smiled and told them to ask anything,

"Does Gari-nii know how strong Genji-nii is? Like can he beat A-rank shinobi?"

"Well, Genji is indeed powerful. If I have to be honest, he can beat me without using his full power. I am not sure if he can beat all A-rank shinobi, but I know he sure can hold S-rank shinobi on his own." Gari spoke honestly about what he thought about Genji's power.

"Woah! Genji-nii is more powerful than you and can hold on against S-rank shinobi?? Damn, I knew Genji-nii was powerful, but not this powerful." Yahiko couldn't help but be shocked by Genji's power.

Konan and Nagato patted Yahiko to console him. Gari got curious why these three would suddenly ask about Genji to him. Soon, three told about what happened and Yahiko's worry.

"Hahaha, so you want to beat Genji, huh? Then you gotta train 100 times harder than ever. Genji was the best-talented genius in Iwagkure, and I never saw him slack off training during the war."

"Gari-nii. Do you believe that I can surpass Genji-nii?" Yahiko asked without any confidence.

"To be honest, I don't think you can beat Genji, even in the future. He created his own unique taijutsu at the age of 8 and have powerful giant summonings. And top of that, he has an explosion release. He has achieved something impossible for his generation. Even I admire him sometimes for his intelligence and power.

But I am not telling you all these to discourage you. Know your enemy before you challenge him. Nobody knows about the future. Maybe you could become super powerful too. So don't give up early, and keep challenging on Genji." Gari kindly spoke to Yahiko to boose his confidence back.

Yahiko cheered up again and thanked Gari.

'Oh god, Yahiko is so easy to manipulate, just like Genji told me. Maybe I can use him to get close to Karen. How dare that Gin stole Karen from me! But I still haven't given up. I have Kan and Genji's backing.'

While Gari was plotting to steal the Karen, a small trio went around to ask everyone, including Shuji, Kitsuchi, Kimiko, and Gin, about Genji's power level, possible weakness, etc.

They all gave the same or more praising answer than Gari. Genji is a powerful shinobi, taijutsu genius, strong kekkei Genkai user, A-rank shinobi who can hold ground against S-rank shinobi, cunning as a fox, well known in Iwagakure for his talents and strength, and powerful enough to be in top ten criminal records in Konohagakure. To make it worse for Yahiko, Genji is young 17 and still growing his power.

The more Yahiko hears, the more he regretted to dig out Genji's power level. But he still hasn't given up and approached the final target, Karen.

Karen is the newest to join the gang. It was around 2 years that she started to hang out with Genji's gang. But since she works in Hospital and does regular health check-ups on everyone here, Yahiko thought she might know some weakness of Genji.

"Hey there, Karen-nee. How are you doing? We have questions to ask..."

"I know you are going to ask about Genji, right? You have been bothering everyone to ask about him. I was wondering when you would actually come and ask me." Karen sharply interrupted Yahiko.

"Hahaha, as expected of Karen-nee, quick-witted as ever. So could you please tell us anything about Genji-nii, if you know?"

"I am not too sure about that. When I first joined the group, I thought Genji was just an ordinary pervert whom you can find in any street, and Gari was the leader. But I was wrong to ȧssume like that.

Although he acts like an idiot and pervert sometimes, whenever some sort of trouble occurs, he steps up and commands everyone to solve the problem. Everyone also relies on him heavily.

He already established himself as the leader of the group before I joined the group. Later I realized he parti-"

"No, no! Stop! Karen-nee, I don't want to hear what your thoughts about Genji-nee anymore. I heard that probably 100 times already!! What I want to know is if you know anything about Genji's power or his weakness."

As Karen was going on, Yahiko interrupted her. Karen got pissed off for little brat to interrupt her speaking.

"Hey, listen, you brat. In the first place, it is forbidden to give out info about someone else's weakness or power level. Every shinobi has their secret and weakness that they don't want others to find out. I have it, Genji has it, and I bet you have one too.

I am sure everyone won't tell you about Genji's weakness, even if they know. Why? Because it's rude and an act of betraying their friendship. Besides, you are his students. Students shouldn't go around and ask about their master's weakness and power level!!!"

Karen, who got pissed easily, started to severe lecture on Yahiko and the other two for being inconsiderate and rude to Genji. Gin and others quickly came up and stopped Karen.

They soon calmed Karen, and the trio apologized to Karen and everyone for the disturbance. Karen, who also felt bad for criticizing them, and apologized also.

"Just now I went too far on lecturing you three. I am sorry. I kinda feel bad now that it happened. Alright, as compensation, I will give you a piece of info about Genji's power. It is well known to other shinobi, so I guess it doesn't count as a secret." Karen told trios.

"Really? Karen-nee! what is it?" Yahiko, who still hasn't learned the lesson, asked happily.

"It's about his chakra reserve. He has about a Kage-level charka reserve. Last year, he came to measure his chakra reserve suddenly.

I personally measured him and confirmed that he had more chakra than me. As Uzumaki, I kinda felt humiliation for the same generation to have more chakra than me."

Just as Karen finished, Genji and Han showed up at the party. It was honestly excellent timing to change the mood. Since they all gathered for Han's birthday, they all quickly showed their smile and congratulated Han while giving presents.

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