"Finally!! I have been waiting for this moment all my life. I get to revenge my brother and Dan!!"

"Hey, didn't you say that last time we met? This is like the 20th times you spoke that phrase, and I am still alive kicking. How about you change your phrase next time?"

"Shut it! I will definitely kill you this time!"

"You also said that. Seriously, I advise you to speak something else, instead of spouting the same bullshits over and over again. Be creative, Tsunade! "

"It seems your ability to annoying people is still top-notch. Now die!!"

Tsunade threw punches at me while screaming. I gracefully dodged and retreated a few steps, several steps more, and slowly turned it to running away.


Tsunade realized I wasn't keeping distance for battle, rather I was running away from her. Without thinking, She started to chase me.

'For now, I can't fight her here. I will lure her there, hehe.'

Our little game of tag was getting close to 20 minutes. At this moment, Tsunade couldn't take anymore and started to use lightning chakra to speed up.

I first thought Tsunade was not the master of nature releases. But during our last encounter, she surprised me by using lightning release jutsus to suppress my lightning.

'According to System, this bitch not only had talents for nature releases, but she can also fully utilize four nature releases. Tsunade was a master of Fire, Water, Earth, and Lightning elemental ninjutsu.'

She used lightning chakra on her legs and boosted her speed to catch me. She seemed to get close to me until I also used my lightning chakra to increase my pace.

Not long after, I finally lured her to the place I wanted. It was the place where I fought the Suna shinobi. There still were Kiri and Suna shinobi's corpse all over the place.

"Alright, Tsunade! Let's get our battle started."

"What? How come there are Suna and Kiri corpses here? Judging from corpses, they died not too long ago. Genji, did you kill all of them?"

"Haha, what do you mean? I wouldn't leave any traces if I killed them. Besides, when did you worry about other village shinobi? Enough with your terrible depressed acting!"

Tsunade glared at me angrily, but she seemed to agree with my response. She knew I am not the type to leave any evidence. Also, their corpses were not any of her business.

"AHH! I will stitch that annoying mouth of yours after I beat you!!"

She came at me with all her mighty punches. Instead of dodging her attack, I bent over the ground. I grabbed the lying corpse and used it as a meatshield against Tsunade's blow.

Although I used meatshield, Tsunade's punch sure was powerful to impact me a bit.

"You think that meatshield is going to protect you from my fury punch?? Haha, let's see how long it can last!"

'This idiot fully knows I can dodge that punch, but I still chose to use the corpse as a shield, and she suspects nothing??? Revenge sure made people blind as hell!!'

I threw several Kunai at her and pretended to move forward at her. Seeing this, She raised her leg to axe kick me. I immediately used substitution jutsu to switch place with a nearby Suna corpse.

'Hehe, yes. Keep leaving your marks on Suna shinobi. You will be framed without knowing how you did.'

"Earth Style: Stone Fist!"

I encased my arms with rocks and charged at Tsunade. She didn't back down on my attack and threw her punch. Our punches clashed with a loud sound, but we didn't bother and kept exchanging our kicks and punches.

Although my strength was multiplied 10 times, I was dealing with a physical prowess monster. Therefore I relied on my superior speed and forced her attacks to land on corpses.

This continues for a while until Tsunade finally frustrated for not hitting me once. She continuously threw her punches and kicks for 20 minutes, only to miss.


She thrust her punch to the ground with all her strength to relieve her stress. Instantly 50m around her landscape were destroyed into the crater.

'Alright, it's time to pull out from here. This crazy girl might even destroy all the corpse to ashes.'

I deemed all those marks and crater was enough to prove Tsunade's horrifying massacre on Suna shinobi.

I immediately left the area, and Tsunade promptly followed me. After another 10 minutes of her yelling at me from behind, I thought it was time to fight her seriously.

I stopped and pulled out my buŧŧerfly swords from the sheath on my back. Seeing me holding the swords, Tsunade knew I was dead serious about fighting her this time. She couldn't help smiling and charge immediately.

I charged lightning to my swords and dashed at her too. I dodged her kick first and spun my blades around to cut her face. She retreated a few steps to avoid and immediately jumped front to give a dropkick.

Even though she missed her dropkick, the surface started to vibrate due to her immense strength. I quickly strike one sword to the ground firmly and jumped on top of it, not to lose balance.

I used another sword to strike down on Tsunade from the top.

But Tsunade didn't damn give a shit about my sword and just threw a fist at it. Sword clashes against Fist, only Tsuande can survive with her hand attached to her arm due to her medical healing.

Side-kick...Jump...Slice.....Punch...Pierce....Drop Kick...Substitution.....Shunshin...Block.....Strike.....

Tsunade had several small slash marks on her while I also had bruises on me even though I was blocking her attacks with swords. Our Taijutsu was pretty much even until my blades ultimately gave in and broken by Tsunade's brute force.

'Ohh, shit. My swords got broken again. This is why I don't want to fight Tsunade. I am sorry precious swords!'

Without my swords, I knew I wasn't matched with Tsunade in pure Taijutsu. I decided to gain distance and shoot her with ninjutsu.

"Earth Style: Mudslide"

Four large spikes came out from different directions to pierce Tsunade. But Tsunade immediately used her Earth wall to block them.

"Earth Style: Stone Impending Waves"

I touched the ground, and a series of spiky rocks popping out in front of each other, coming at Tsunade.

"Water Style: Water Impending Waves"

Tsunade delivered a similar jutsu as mine but in the Water version. Both jutsu clashed and canceled each other. This time, it was Tsunade who launched offense at me.

"Fire stye: Fire dragon jutsu"

She was charging at me while breathing gigantic fire dragons from her mouth. I knew she was using fire jutsu as a decoy, and she will launch her punch when I dodge it.

"Earth Style: Great Stone Wall"

I created a more robust and better version of the Earth wall. It managed to blocked fire dragons, but it only managed to withstand Tsunade's punch for 3 seconds and collapsed. However, it was enough time for me to escape and perform jutsu.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Snake Devil Bolts"

I shot out 30 snake bolts at her. She kicked the ground to pull out a large chunk of land to use it as a shield.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Dragon"

Tsunade performed a powerful offensive jutsu. So I used the same jutsu to cancel it out.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Dragon"

I didn't waste any time and used Earth Style: Moutain Sandwich jutsu on her. The two enormous rock formations that close in on the Tsunade from opposing sides with tremendous force, smashing everything caught in between.

Seeing Tsuande was being squeezed between the rocks, I used explosion release to blow them up. Of course, I knew Tsunade was alive with her miraculous healing, but at least she used a large amount of chakra.

After healing, Tsunade didn't come to attack me. Instead, she stared at me intensely. She looked like she was determinant. She bit her thumbs and did similar hand signs.

I instantly it was Summoning jutsu. I didn't lose out and also bit my thumbs to summon Boss Eagle.

"Summoning Jutsu!!"

"Summoning Jutsu!!"

With the sound of massive smokes, two giant creatures appeared on the command of each respective summoner.

"Hmm, what is this interesting battle you having, Genji?"

"Tsunade-sama, do you need any of my help?"

Boss Eagle and Katsuyu asked at their summoners.

"Boss, I am fighting with quite a troublesome opponent. Can you take care of that Slug until my fight ends with that woman?"

"You summoned me to fight with Slug?" Boss Eagle asked like I was joking with him.

"Yes, I am dead serious, Boss. Slug can heal almost any injuries and breathe corrosive liquid. I need your help, Boss."

"Hmm, alright. I didn't have dinner yet. I will just eat that Slug for an appetizer."

"Katsuyu, can you give me one of your small Slug on me. I need it's healing. Also, deal that huge eagle for me."

"Yes, Tsunade-sama."

Katsuyu managed to give out her small Slug to Tsunade before Boss Eagle flapped his wing and clutched Katsuyu with its claws. However, Katsuyu handily freed herself by transforming into thousands of smaller clones.

"Oh, what an interesting bug! Can even split to hundreds?"

Boss Eagle seemed to surprise but calmed down quickly and shot out his lightning feathers at Katsuyu divisions.

While Boss Eagle was fighting, I decided to end our battle with my signature move.

"Earth Style: Earth Exploding Bloody Spikes!!!" spike

Within a matter of seconds, thousands of large earth spikes shot up, covering 50m area. Tsunade was the center of my spike fields. Her left arm was penetrated by my spikes, while she had large scratches all over her body.

She was healing along with the help of little Katsuyu. I didn't hesitate and used Earth Style: Earth Travel jutsu to travel through spikes at her.

My upper half emerged on the tip of the earth spike near Tsunade and slashed her with Kunai. Although Tsunade noticed my incoming, if she moved even a bit, she would be stabbed by other spikes around her.

But she still blocked my Kunai with her right arm. I retreated to the spike field and traveled to the other spike in order to strike her from behind.

Whether she blocked my attacks, I would just disappear to spikes and appear on other spike's tip and slash her. This kept for a bit until Tsunade unleashed all her 100% strength punch on the ground, destroying all the spikes nearby with impact.

I was also forced to come out from the ground and cough blood due to the impact.

"Hmm, your signature jutsu isn't that strong. *pant* *pant* Just one punch from me, and it's gone. Hehe." Tsunade laughed a bit after seeing me coughing blood.

I looked at Tsunade.

"Bitch, who said my jutsu is gone? Watch this!"

I snapped my fingers, and thousands of spikes rose again, piercing Tsunade's feet and her skin.

"I can create spike as much as I want enough with chakra. Even it is destroyed, I can recreate them. I will end this here now, bitch."

I touched the ground to channel my chakra on spikes. Soon, thousands of spikes started to move and pointed at Tsunade's direction. spike

"Taste this!"

With my signal, all thousands of spikes mounted at Tsunade, penetrating through all over her body. Next, I exploded all the spikes.


It was definitely one big explosion. Even Boss Eagle and Katsuyu stopped fighting after hearing the explosion. I could see freaking Tsunade's arm was flying over from the explosion.

Just then, I saw a green light shining. I knew what this was. The last time I saw this was 3 years ago. Tsunade has undone her Strength of a Hundred Seal. It was Déjà vu indeed.

'What a pain the ȧss. I knew she would do this.

Strength of a Hundred Seal, which can increase her already physical strength and heal almost from anything.

I once thought of using the Five Elements Unseal technique to deal with her seal. But System told me all the Sannins, including her, are able to use the Five Elements Unseal technique. Seriously if she had so many strength that she didn't show in cannon, for god sake.'

Tsunade's face was covered with straps of black lines, and her body was quickly healing from the explosion. She slowly walked over to find her missing arm and just attached it on her shoulder as simple as eating.

"Hehe, you are indeed strong, Genji. But you must know that today is the day you die!!"

'*Sigh* Since she used her trump card, I guess I have to use mine to beat her up then.'

I performed several long hand signs as quickly as I could.

"Earth Style: Earth Hardening Armor!!!"

Suddenly, the ground shook violently. Surrounding rocks and stones moved around me, encasing my whole body to create an ultimate defense armor. When I use this armor, I could change my physical appearance to any form using stone and rocks, such as turning hands into giant axes. Also, this was super tough to crack.

I spent the whole of my 2.5 years solely learn this S-rank jutsu without any break. It is still considered fast due to my high earth affinity and almost impeccable chakra control.

I didn't say anything and just gestured Tsuande to come at me. Tsunade didn't even need my gesture as she was already dashing at me.


She punched with all her strength. I crossed my arms and readied to block her.


Tsunade smiled as her punch landed successfully. But soon shocked to see me only retreated to a few steps behind. Also, she didn't even manage to break a hole in my armor, only a few cracks.

"Hehehe, is that all you got. Tsunade!!! Hahaha, here I go!"

I took advantage of Tsunade's shock and changed my hands to giant hammers and pounded from top and side hammered her.

Tsunade coughed blood and flew away. But she soon stood up angrily, while healing her injuries.

"Tsunade-sama, let's retreat for now. This man is clearly powerful." small Katsuyu suggested to Tsunade.

Of course, Tsunade just got angry at Katsuyu.

"I refuse to believe his armor is unbreakable. It already has a few cracks. Just several more punch, and it will break. Then he has nothing up his sleeves."

Tsunade again rushed at me. I changed my arm to a giant fly swatter and slapped her from the top. But she blocked it with her arms on top and kept advancing.

She used her lightning to speed up and reached me. She punched with all her strength again. But my armor didn't break. I just smiled and let her try all she wants.

After her 9th consecutive all her punches, my armor finally broke. Seeing this, Tsunade laughed. But for some reason, she heard another laughing voice next to her.

"Hahahaha, Tsunade. Thank you for participating in my experiment. So it took your total of 10 punches to break this armor. Haha, this armor sure is tough."

"Tough, my ȧss. Now it is gone, you have nothing to block my punch!!"

"Gone? What do you mean? I never said my armor is gone, did I?"

Just as Tsunade was about to retort, the Earth hardening armor regenerated, encasing my body again.

"This armor can regenerate by itself as long as there is earth and stones when it is broken. So no matter how many you break my armor, you can't hurt me, bitch!!"

I punched her face directly, and she flew further this time. Tsunade stood up again, speaking angrily.

"NO, I refuse to believe this. There must be a way to undo that armor. I will definitely undo your jutsu and rip you into pieces!!"

She dashed a third time at me. I didn't let her punch me and fought back seriously.

The cycles of Tsunade healing and my armor reforming repeated throughout 30 minutes. There was no definite winner as she kept backing up no matter how serious injury she had.

Although it was not decided, I felt as I was the one short end of the stick as my chakra reserves were getting small and small. Earth Hardening Armor was powerful and also consumed chakra matching its power level.

I decided to end the fight with Tsunade. Boss Eagle seemed to finish up his battle too.

"Wait, Tsunade. Could you hear me out?"

"What? Are you begging to spare your life? Too bad, no one can save you!"

"What are you talking about? You know if we keep this long, there won't be a winner between us. We both will just only suffer. So I suggest we end the fight here."

"Ha, I knew it. You are scared. It seems your chakra is running out, huh?"

"Please, I can keep this for another hour. But I am pretty worried about my students. Come to think of it, where is that little student girl of yours?"

Hearing me, Tsunade suddenly thought of Shizune.

"Oh, don't tell me you left her alone somewhere deep inside this mountain? My, my, what a terrible teacher you are. Maybe with my eagles, I might find her faster than you~!"

This was clearly warning to Tsunade that if she didn't back down, I would use my eagles to capture her.

"Tsunade-sama, let's retreat. We need to hurry and find Shizune-chan." Little Katsuyu voiced her opinion to Tsunade.

Tsunade seemed to hesitate for a minute and finally decided to retreat. There were many times she can face me in the future, but if she loses Shizune now, she will forever live in guilt.

"Alright, consider it lucky, Genji. Next time I will kill you. I promise!"

Then, she went back with Katsuyu to find Shizune. Boss Eagle came to me.

"Aren't you going to hinder them?"

"Nah, I am too tired fighting that monster, Boss. Thanks for the help, by the way."

"No problem. That Slug was an interesting creature to battle. Then I am going back, goodbye!"

Boss Eagle went back. I sat down and pulled out chakra pills from the pocket. I lost 80% chakra from that fight. I needed to replenish quickly.

Just then, Biller (eagle) came down to me for a report.

"Genji, we took out every sword from the Suna base, as you asked. Also, three brats are delivered to the cave safely."

"Ahh, good. What about Pakura and Mei?"

"Well, their fight ended already. One of Kiri shinobi self bombed to kill the Suna shinobi. While another Suna shinobi also did the same to damage Mei and others.

Mei and Pakura both are unconscious while the rest are all dead except one small Kiri girl (Ringo). But she is also in a coma state."

'Umm, two beauties Unconcious outside while there is no one around. Isn't this perfect chance to do this, do that and do everything?? Holy Molly, I am not a man if I waster this god opportunity.'

"Hehehe, Hurry up, take me to that place before they awake. Pakura and Mei, huh? Haiyaa! It's so hard to choose who to grope first, hehehe."

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