Genji rode on Biller and asked him to lead the way to Pakura and Mei's place. All the males are dead. Only Pakura, Mei, and Ringo are alive unconscious. Not to mention, two survived ones could be considered as the fairies of Suna and Kiri.

Genji couldn't help himself but smile all the way. He couldn't believe even he had this kind of luck. It was as heaven was telling him to do the deed now.

'Hehehe, I will definitely brag this to Kitsuchi. Both Mei and Pakura is 10 times beautiful than that fiery Kimiko.'

Just a few minutes ago, Genji was pretty dead tired from fighting with Tsunade. But with several words from Biller, his tension went from 0 to off the chart. Genji hurried Biller to fly faster as he couldn't contain his excitement.

"Genji, Aren't you going to see your students first? They went through life death situation after all." Biller suggested something ridiculous.

"Don't worry, Kata (eagle) is with them. Also, it was their fault for not obeying my order and led to their current situation. I will just reprimand those brats after this trip."

"But Genji, I think we should visit them fir..."

"Hey, Biller! If you say any more useless damn shit, I will seal your damn egg and make you eternal impotent."


Few sweats started to drop on Biller's face. Hearing Genji, Biller knew Genji was being dead serious here. Biller immediately shut his mouth and focused on flight.


I finally arrived!!! Even though there was the smell of deaths and blood lingering around, it didn't matter. Because I saw the two beauties lying down with tattered clothes that I could see some of their bȧrė skins.

'Oh god, praise the Lord!!'

Pakura and Mei were lied down very sėxily. If people were passing by, I was sure they couldn't hold themselves.

Then I noticed something about them. I guess I was really in the anime world. Although Pakura and Mei's clothes were tattered and holed fiercely, it still covered their private part.

"Whenever girls suffered some sort of slash or blast, for some shit reason, their clothes are protecting the private areas. Even if they receive much more heavy attacks, privates are thoroughly covered.

Are their clothes made of adamantine or what?"

As I was wondering if these clothes could be torn off by a man's hand, I heard someone grumbling, disrupting my thoughts. I looked behind to see who it was.

Turns out, it was Ringo who bȧrėly survived the explosion. She seemed to regaining her consciousness and opening her eyes.

'Oh, Did I spoke out loud? I didn't expect Ringo would awake from it. Now, this is a problem. What should I do with her? Just knock her out and continue to my newfound experiment on girls or kill her to remove any danger?'

Ringo opened her eyes and looked around the surroundings. When she saw both Mei and Pakura lying down, she was relaxed a bit. But it came to an abrupt end as she saw me right next. Her face turned full of surprise and shock.

"What? How come you are here? God damn it! What have you done to Mei-nee and me? I knew it! All men are scum."

'For someone who waked up just now, she sure speaks loud. And did this girl shamelessly said her body was enough to attract boys? Her washboard was flatter than asphalt road.'

I quickly ran up to her and stomped my feet on her face to shut her up.

"Be quiet. What are you going to do if you wake up sleeping beauties??"

I asked the system for its opinion to deal with this brat.

System: "Host. System suggests Host kill Ringo to remove future troubles. As Host got hold of her weapons, she certainly would hold grudges and pester Host until the end, just as current Tsunade.

Besides, she will die within a few years due to her unknown illness. She has no use for the Host even for the future. There are also chances she stays her rest of life in prison for losing her weapon as well."

'Oh, once in a while, the system actually made sense. Since Ringo no longer has her weapons, she is just useless to me. I better kill her.'

Ringo was still trying to remove my feet from her face, but to no avail, as she has no strength left.

I decided to kill her quickly while Mei and Pakura are still knocked out.

I didn't use my Kunai to kill her. Instead, I twisted her neck and killed her. With this, Mei will just suspect she died during the explosion. However, I made some slip and caused Ringo to scream for a second.

I immediately looked back to check Pakura and Mei. They showed signs of waking up. Seeing this, I cursed Ringo a thousand times.

'NO!! How could I make such a mistake!! This is the biggest I ever made in my entire life! I should have just crushed her head with a rock or something.'

Option 1: They might see me, but still knock them out and do the deed.

Option 2: Do nothing and give the image of true gentlemen. Strike when you see the openings.

Any greedy people without any thought about the future would choose option 1. But still better than anime harem mc who won't do shit.

Any patient and delusional greedy people with a slight bit of thinking would choose option 2. It might sound like a good plan, but it was simply impossible to handle these 2 girls at the same time.

That's why a big brain like me will choose secret option 3, to abandon one girl to get the other girl.

This was a tactic: discard one to earn the trust of others. If I pull it out nicely, I might even build the ground base for a long relationship.

For option 4, I do the things with them and kill those two immediately. But I am not fond of killing beauties. Also, if these two dead, Kiri and Suna will obviously suspect me.

I immediately disappeared and re-showed up again when Pakura and Mei waked up, pretending I just got here. Luckily, Pakura and Mei waked up at the same time and soon realized their pathetic situation.

They couldn't move much and still in exhausted states. As much as Pakura wanted to stand and capture Mei, her body didn't listen at all. Mei looked sad when she saw Ringo's dead corpse.

"Oh my, what a fascinating scene I am witnessing! Two beauties almost nȧkėd, and staring me for help, hehe."

Pakura looked at like I was an animal while trying her best to cover her body.

"What are you doing here, Genji?"

"Well, while I was spending the night with my students on the mountain, I saw the battle sound nearby. I went to check up on it and saw both Ms. Tsuko's bodyguards and Suna shinobi are fighting. Honestly, I thought they were dead, but I guess Ms.Tsuko lied to me. This saddens my heart."

I grabbed my ċhėst and looked sad.

"And who won?" It was Mei who asked. Pakura was sure Suna won but still wanted to confirm.

"Well, unfortunately for you two, neither side came out the victory as they all massacred by crazy bitch, Tsunade. Apparently, she followed me all the way to here to avenge her loved ones.

She thought your men knew where I was, so she started to beat the crap out of both sides and killed them all. Unluckily since I was near, I was found by her and battled with her until now. But at the last moment, she ended the fight and went on a search for her students.

I was chasing her but got lost and ended up here. That's it for my story, haha."

"Now, how can I help you, 2 ladies? If you pay me right now, I might help one of you out here, hehe."

Hearing my words, Pakura and Mei both understood my intention. I was telling them I can help one of them if they can do the naughty thing.

"Hey, darling. As long as you can help me kill that girl and escape, I don't mind playing with you." Mei started initiation and even winked at her. With her half-naked body and seducing voice, it really tempted me.

I looked at Pakura next, but she just sat there and did nothing. She would rather die than beg for mercy to Genji. Her pride won't let her do such shameless things.

I nodded and declared.

"It seems it is decided to who I should help."

Mei thought I was going to help her as Pakura didn't say anything. But instead, she received a slap from me.

"You sŀut! You lied to me 5 times already. You are shinobi, aren't you! You even dared to reject my advance at the bar! How can I trust you if you lie to me all the time?? I am honorable gentlemen, and I despise bitch like you!"

After slandering Mei, I walked up to the surprised Pakura. I took out the jacket from the scroll and clothed her. Before Pakura could say anything, I didn't spare any effort, and the princess carried her.

Pakura's face became a bit red as this was the first time someone princess carried her. Mei looked as her spirit was leaving out her body.

I spat some saliva near Mei and spoke to her.

"Listen, you sŀut. I warn you, don't ever come here again, or I will mince you and feed you to the pig I raise."

This further shocked and angered Mei as she was never treated like this by the opposite gender. I didn't consider looking back at Mei and left while still princess carrying Pakura.


"Let me go, you! What are you doing this? What are your motives?" Pakura tried to make the distance, but my hands firmly hold onto her.

I pondered how I should answer Pakura. Pick-up line or direct confession or slow melting...

"Well, it's because I like you more than that girl. Also, to be honest, I fell in love with you when we first met in the war. Since the lady I like is in an unfortunate predicament, how could I just stand there and not help?"

"Bullshit!" Pakura only spoke one word.

I decided with a direct approach. Pakura's face was a bit pink but soon maintained her cold face. At least she stopped asking me after that.

"Where are you taking me? Don't tell me you are..." Before Pakura gets misunderstand, I cleared her.

"To the place where your dead comrades are. You didn't seem to believe me just now, so I will take you to verify yourself."

Pakura went quiet again after hearing me. After 20 minutes, we reached the place our destination.

There was a giant crater and massive corpse around the crater. Anyone could deduce pit was created from a powerful physical blow.

Pakura soon found the rest of her Suna shinobi, who showed signs of receiving heavy punches and kicks.

As expected, Pakura deduced as they were killed by Tsunade as she was the only one who could pull this. She wanted to bring all of his dead comrades to Sunagakure.

Since I was quick-witted, I immediately pulled out several storage scrolls and started to seal all Suna corpses. After that, I just passed to Pakura. Although Pakura was still suspicious, she thanked me.

"Don't worry. I told you I love you. I won't ever harm the people I like even if they are from a different village. That's why I chose to save you instead of that sŀut." I reassured her.

But she just didn't trust me. I mean, I would do the same if I was in her shoes.

"Hmph, I still don't trust you. Besides, I didn't need your help! Who knows you just killed all my men and blamed on Tsunade!"

The woman sure had frightening intuition.

"Come to think of it, I really might have killed one of your men accidentally. I mean, he was attacking my students, so I had no choice. I even warned him several times, but he didn't back down."

Pakura then glared at me as she was going to eat me alive.

"I am really sorry. It was so for my student's safety. He had a lot of swords on him but had 0 skill on them. I don't know why he even had them. Come, I will take you to his corpse. You can identify if he is your side or not."

I took her to Jukan's corpse. I ordered eagles to put all the swords they stole from Suna base to Jukan's corpse beforehand. Of course, Kiba wasn't included.

When Pakura saw Jukan, she was surprised. She couldn't believe the man she was searching for a month would be here, dead.

Then Pakura started to pull some impressive acting. She acted as Jukan was one of her precious Suna shinobi. She started to show tears and got close to his corpse. She was mourning for his death while her hands were going through on his body to find his diary.

'Heh, Pakura. Your acting sure is up to Hollywood. But you can't fool me. You may be smart, but I am 100 steps ahead of you. Hehehe, I will play along with your little game this time.'

After seeing that diary was still in Jukan's corpse, Pakura started to trust me a bit.

"Pakura, I didn't know he was close to you. I am very sorry. Would you like me to seal his corpse to scroll too? I hope this won't make you anger me, haha."

While saying, I sealed the Jukan to the storage seal and handed it to Pakura. Pakura still acted as she was angry at me, but I knew she was breathing a sigh of relief for completing her mission.

I was sure Pakura's impression of me changed quite a lot by now.

"What are you going to do now?"

"That's none of your business. Why do you care!"

"I told you I like you. Also if you are planning to go rest at the village, then you better stop."


"Tsunade is there. She is probably pissed off as hell right now as I gave her few punches on the face. Also, I advise you to go back and try to kill Ms.Tsuko. I am sure she already ran away by now."

After hearing me, Pakura just frowned her face. She didn't know what to do currently. She was too weak to go back to Sunagakure.

"How about you spend the night with me and my students. Like I told you, you have nowhere to go. I think I already proved to you that I like you and won't hurt you."

Pakura refused me first, but after I didn't take no as an answer. I fȯrċɨbŀƴ grabbed her hand, and the princess carried her again to the cave.


Mei was in a daze for 10 minutes straight. She failed spectacularly in this mission. She lost all her men, one of seven swords, even lost in the beauty contest. Never in her life saw a man like Genji, calling her sŀut and reject her.

After thinking hard, Mei realized something and started to laugh crazily.

"Hehehehe, this was the first time man rejected my charm and even called me sŀut. How interesting, Genji, hahaha!! However, no one in this world can not reject me!

I shall follow you around until I make you fall in love with me and crush your heart ruthlessly."

At that night, Genji gained another stalker.


[A/N: There you have it, guys. Pakura is the winner!!!]

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