Age: 2 years old

Life force : 12/12

Magic power : 6354/6354

Physical ability :3

Intelligence :120

Magic Attribute : -

Specific Magic : [Shock

Specific Skill : Continuity is Power


This is my current status.

First of all, my name is fucking long. Compared to the three kanji characters I had when I was in Japan, it's more than ten times longer.

I'll skip the gender and age, since they're obvious. In short, it's HP, or physical strength. About a year ago, I almost died of a cold (I was in a great hurry...). In this world, medical technology is not as advanced as in modern Japan, so the infant mortality rate is very high), my HP was down to 1, so I guess I die when my HP reaches 0. Thank God my mom is a  healer magician. ......

Next magic power. Yes, this is the main reason why ] i know this world is not Earth. Also, the status screen. This world, it seems, has magic.

It's hard to explain, because I didn't feel it on Earth. It's like chi in a fighting manga. I've been aware of the existence of magic since I was born, and I've spent a lot of time manipulating it, except for when I  pooping and go to bed. I started by sensing the magic power inside and outside of me, and as I moved it around inside my body, changing its shape, stretching it, compressing it, etc., I learned how to handle it, and as I repeated the process of circulating it inside my body and compressing it, I noticed that my magic power gradually increased,  over the next year and a half For the next year and a half, I worked hard to strengthen my magic power, and before I knew it, I had reached this terrible  numbers  .

By the way, when   you master the ability to sense magic power, you will also be able to sense the magic power that fills the bodies of others. As a result, I found out that my dad is around 4,000, my mom is 3,500, my sister is 100, and my maid   is 85. My father never misses a day of training and repeatedly engages in mock battles with  whom seems to be his subordinates, and judging from the fact that our family seems to be a martial arts family, I'd say that the maid's 85 is the average amount of magical power. It would be unbearable if my number was so monstrous that I was disowned for it. So the other day, I even developed a technique to hide the amount of magic power on the surface by compressing and sealing it deep inside my body. It's a skill that will come in handy in the future, so I'm glad I learned it while I still  baby .

Next, physical ability. 3 is a fair number for a 2-year-old. I can stand, walk, and sometimes run and make a mockery of myself, and even my four-year-old sister can easily carry me.

By the way, my father was more monstrous than me, and although I don't know the exact number because I can't use appraisal, he dragged a huge boar that looked like it weighed two tons lightly (I feel another world in this part of the world) back to our yard. If I'm the son of that father, I'm sure I'm going to be as muscular as he is. ...... When I think about it, the fact that my previous life was so short makes me feel all the more excited.

I'm not sure what to say. I'm thinking that it probably means IQ. There is probably no such thing as an intelligence quotient test in this world, but perhaps this status screen was not created by mankind. If it is being displayed by some kind of existence or phenomenon beyond human knowledge, it would not be surprising if an IQ index from the earth is being used.

By the way, 120 was my IQ when I was measured a few years ago. It's not a high IQ by any means, but I was ranked second in my grade at a preparatory school, so I can achieve a certain level of results if I work hard. I'm only two years old, so I'm sure I can improve my IQ even more with more effort. Aim for genius! IQ 200!

The next magical attribute. I'm not quite sure about this one. I think it's something like the basic four or five attributes that you see in fantasy manga. No matter how much you think about it, it's just a guess, so read a book or ask someone to find out the details.

Next, there is inherent magic. I'm not sure about this either. It's probably a magic that only I can use, and it's unique to me. But I don't know how to use it. I tried shouting "(shock!)" in my brain. In my brain, I tried shouting "(shock!)", but when I actually shouted "shock!" nothing happens. I was shocked, though, when I thought there was no one there, and when I shouted, there was a maid sister behind me, cleaning up. I was a little embarrassed by her smile as if she was looking at something cute.

Finally, there is the unique skill of 【Continuation is Power】. I believe this is the only and strongest cheat. This is because when you tap on the "Continuity is Power" part, a description appears as if it were a link.


Unique skill: [Continuity is power

If the dust piles up, it will become a mountain, and thousands of thousands of raindrops will pierce even the rocks. Hard work always pays off, and as long as you continue to work hard, your abilities will continue to grow as well.

Growth Limit: None


The existence of this unique skill explains why my magic power is so abnormal. It seems that there is no lie in the explanation that the harder you work, the more you grow.

Cheats are always a part of reincarnation in another world story . You could say that it's a template. There are some hard mode players like no cheat and peasant starters, but as I was already in hard mode in my previous life, I want to have fun and be a cheerleader in this life. At the very least, I want the world to be a place where I am rewarded for my efforts.

After my accidental death, as I ascended to the heavens (or rather, the universe), I wished that I could live a life where my efforts would be rewarded properly this time. I don't know if there really is a God, but if there is, I would like to give him or her my deepest gratitude. This is how I feel after being reincarnated in another world. This time, I want to be rewarded. I want to work hard, make an effort, be rewarded, and live happily.

I'm only two years old. If the lifespan of people in this world is the same as that of people on Earth, I have 80 years and a bit left. I'm going to live a satisfying life. I'm going to make a life that I'm happy with, and I'm going to look back at those people who are just living their lives without even trying. That would be the least I could do for the people who died without reward. Hard work will never betr me again 

Now i , know my  status.

Well, that's about all I know about my status. If possible, I'd like to read a book soon to learn more about magic. I'm a nobleman, and a relatively high-ranking count of the frontier, so I'm sure they have books on magic. I heard that  my mother is also a magician.

Once that was decided, I set out to read the book. I waddled out of my room (I'm only two years old and I've already been given my own room). I waddled out of my room  and started exploring, aiming for a study I hadn't seen yet. There's a saying, "You know your way around someone else's house," but I've never even been to my own house, where there's a dining room and a salon (a kind of aristocratic version of a living room. ), and bathroom. I was not allowed to leave my room unless accompanied by a guardian, because the stairs and other places were dangerous. Even outside of the house,  we  have a garden (which is also very big, like an English garden plus a French garden). I don't get a chance to go out except when I take a walk with my mom in the garden 

I can't wait to grow up and have more freedom of action. In childhood, if there is nothing to do, i will  be bored to death.

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