Mei's magic supply problem was the biggest obstacle to developing her talent.

She is a genius at forging and earth-based alchemical magic. However, she doesn't have the amount of magic power necessary to develop her talent.

As I wanted to live a comfortable life  with Mei's technical skills and modern knowledge as soon as possible, it was an urgent task for me to find a way to compensate for her lack of magical power.

"Hmm, the obvious and cheap way  is mana potions..."

A mana potion, or a potion that restores magic power, is an essential item for adventurers to recover their magic power.

The only drawback is that if you use it too much, it becomes less effective, and more importantly, it is not good for health. The other disadvantage is that it costs a lot of money for ordinary people, but that's not a problem for me since I have almost unlimited funds. However, I am still concerned about Mei's health.

A mana potion is like an energy drink. They use chemicals to forcibly bring the body into a state suitable for recovering magic power, and promote early recovery of magic power. This is the basic idea behind magic recovery potions.

There were two types of mana potions, and most of the mana potions sold to the public were of that pattern.

There is another type of potion that dissolves magic power into water and takes the magic power itself into the body, but it is rarely sold. This is because it is very dangerous. Magic power is like a powerful drug. If you take too much magic into your body, you will get addicted to it before your body gets used to it. This is the reason why I matched my wavelength when I transferred my magic power to Mei.

"It's annoying. ......""

"What's the matter ?"

Mei, who was very happy after finishing the construction of the workshop, innocently asked me. It's good to be a child, isn't it? You don't have to think about anything difficult. Well, I'm a kid now, too. ......

"No, Mei's magic power is not good enough to use magic like this. I'm trying to figure out how to fix that, you know?

"It takes time to increase your magic power."

Mei  said as if it was someone else's problem. I'm thinking about it for you (and me)!

"I'm sure it's a different story if you have a magic power outlet. ......"

I think I've got an idea.

"If Mei herself lacks magical power, it would be nice if there was someone who could make up for it like I did earlier ... It doesn't have to be a human being ..? ... This is probably  should be external battery. Wouldn't it be a solution if we could make it? "

You should be thankful for modern knowledge. If I hadn't been living in Japan, I wouldn't have come up with this idea.

"External magical power battery. Let's do this."

"Mei, let's go into town for a bit."

"We going out?

"A little shopping. I've got an idea."

" I am coming !"

I took Mei  into the city with me. We'll go past the public areas, the upscale residential areas and the market street.

"Mei, which is the commercial district?"

We're going to the commercial district, which sells magical tools, alchemy materials, and industrial products. The market street is mainly for selling food and handicrafts, so if you want to buy daily necessities, furniture, and home appliances , go to the commercial district. If you want to buy daily necessities, furniture, home appliances, etc., you need to go to the commercial district. Mey's family was a forging workshop, not a weapon shop, so  I thought  she might know a store that sold wholesale goods.

"That's over there!"

Mei  walked toward the central square. Well, the central square is literally in the center of the you can basically go anywhere in the city once you get there.

"Hmm, I think it's that way.", 

When we arrived at the central square, we walked to the south side of the square with a little anxiety in Mei 's words. It's true that the main street runs through it and it seems to be the most lively, so I think it's this way.


At the beginning of the road stretching from the central square to each direction, there was an arrow-shaped sign with the name of the street, the direction, and the name of the district ahead.

"Arnold Street," "Commercial District, this way.

Apparently, this was the right way.


"we arrived "


After a few minutes of walking, we came to the commercial district. There are many clothing stores, pottery shops, general stores, and magic tools stores lined up all over the place. There seemed to be a few weapon shops here and there.

"Now, let's go to the store that sells magic stones. Is it okay to go to a store that sells materials for alchemy?"

"Probably, yes."

We walked in search of a material shop."

"Mare Clothing Store", "Stanley Magic Tool Store", "Ars Alchemy Workshop" ....... Hmm? I didn't know there was an alchemy shop here. It's not an industrial area.

"There's a lot of custom-made alchemy here.

"I see. ......  "

As we walked along talking about this, we finally found a store that  we need 

"Material shop Black". This is it.

We passed a signboard with pictures of materials such as steel and wood, and opened the wooden door. The door opened with a clanking sound.


Inside was an old man in his forties, sitting at the back of the store.

"What, it's just the two of you?"


"Do you have any money? What we have here is pretty expensive."

"We'll be fine.

"Okay. Then take your time."

Well, two kids alone usually make you nervous. I can't wait for to grow up.

"Old man, do you have any magic stones?"

"Magical stone? The magic stone is on the right shelf."


The right ...... shelf on the left, from the old man's point of view, has a basket of magic stones, divided into different sizes.

"Oh, nice. Let's see, ......?"

"It's beautiful."

We started with the lowest rank magic stones. They cost about 1,500 El. The price of a goblin's magic stone is about 1,000 ells, so it's a fair price.

I concentrated on examining the amount of magic power inside the demon stones.

"It's about a quarter of ...... Mei."

It seems to have a good capacity. However, it's probably enough to activate the daily grimoire, but not enough to compensate for Mei's magical power.

Next,  we take a look at the one next shelf  to it, which is a higher rank. This one seems to have more D rank demon stones. The amount of magic power is about half that of Mei's, and the price is 4000 ells. The price is 4,000 ells, and it starts to get a little expensive around here.

Next to them, there was a line of demon stones that seemed to belong to C-rank demons. They don't seem to have any higher-ranked ones.

"The higher-ranked demon stones are in the back of the store. I don't like it when people steal them."

"I see.

The magic stones are small. Some people might steaing l them 

"The C-ranked magic stones are available at ....... Oh, this is good."

This time, it seemed to have enough magic power for one person, Mei. The price was 10,000 ells a piece. It's a bit expensive, but it's a reasonable price . 

"I'll take about 20 of these C-rank magic stones.

"Hey, hey, it's going to cost a lot. Are you okay with that?"

"yes , here the whole price 

...... You're good, kid. Thanks a lot!"

The old man finds 20 C-ranked magic stones and puts them in a box.

"I'll have to make a case for the outside of the magic tank."

Even if I only buy the magic stones inside, it will be sad if they are bare.

"Oh, I like this. Mei , do you know what this is?

"I think it's aluminum."

"You're  clever , girl. That's right."

I think I'll go for aluminum because it's light and easy to carry around.

"Oh, you bought a lot. Yso I'll give you some more . Come back again."

"That's very generous!:

This is how we got the magic stone that holds the magic power of twenty Mei, and the aluminum that will be the battery's outer case. When we got back home, we'll start making the magic battery

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