In order to make the magic  battery , we bought 20 magic stones and 2kg of aluminum. because magic stones have the property of storing magic power, just like dry cell batteries are used to power magic tools.

But actually, not just any magic power will do. What's more, ordinary magic stones cannot be reused. Strictly speaking, reuse is not theoretically impossible, but it is difficult for almost all people who use magic stones.

Demon stones are the crystallized form of demon power. Just as the waveform of magical power differs from person to person, each individual demon has its own pattern of magical power, just like a fingerprint.

In other words, as long as the magic power is extracted from the magic stone and used, each magic power of the stone has a slightly different waveform. Therefore, if I want to recharge, or rather fill, a magic stone, I -have to send magic power according to the wave form of the magic stone. And since there are not many people who can do such a dexterous job, reusing magic stones is not very realistic.

However, I think. If it's difficult to fill the magic stone, why not make a device that makes it easy to do so?

Using my modern knowledge and Mei's genius engineering sense, I'm going to develop a device that converts the waveform of magic power.

A device that converts the waveform of magic power. It's easy to say in words, but probably very difficult to make. I myself am good at controlling magic power, so I can change the wavelength at will, but that's meaningless. I have to somehow artificially or mechanically convert the waveform of the magic power.

"Hmmm, what should I do? ......"

As I groan, May asks me, crossing her arms. -What do you mean?"

"In other words, I should increase or decrease the amount of magic flowing, so that the stones are in line with each other, right?

"That's right. I'm just trying to figure out how to do that."

"Let's use ...... mithril."


"We have a lot of mithril, but what are we going to do with it?"

"Mithril is a metal whose power is very easily transmitted. Aluminum, on the other hand, is not that easy to pass on. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.

".................. That's it!

To be honest, it took me quite a while to understand what Mei was saying, but I guess that's what it comes down to.

It's not that I'm not a fan of the idea, but the idea was to make a conductor out of these two alloys to create a magic circuit. The speed, volume, and pressure of the magical power flowing through the wire would change depending on whether more or less of one of the two metals was used when making the alloy. In the event that you've got a lot of time and energy, you'll be able to make use of it to your advantage.

--To be honest, I didn't expect Mei to come up with such a  idea so easily. Maybe I hadn't yet gauged May's true  talent .

".. This will work."

I can measure the magic power to adjust the wavelength, and Mei  can adjust the mixing ratio accordingly. It'll work. If May and I combine our powers, we can create a great invention that doesn't exist yet in this world.


"What do you think?

"Hmm, I need more mithril. Oh,  way  more " ,

"yeah, it will be enough "

" than  next. one  How about this one?

"Oh, I think there's too much ...... this time. Make it more aluminum. ......

"Right. Okay"

"that's good."

May and I continued to build the converter, making adjustments little by little. It was quick to come up with a theory, but the rest of the work was steady and repetitive.

"Yes. Okay, that's the last one."


The last step was to match the wavelength of Mei s magic power. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. Humans also have their own waveforms and wavelengths. It's not a problem for someone like me who can convert it on his own, but for someone who can't, if he takes the magic power of the magic stone directly into his body, he'll get addicted to it.

In other words, it's like the relationship between blood type and blood transfusion. Even if the blood is the same, if the type doesn't match, it will be rejected and the blood will coagulate. You can think of it like that.

"Now, shall we make it?

"Yes. ...... What's this?

"Yeah, a little more mithril. ...... Next, increase the aluminum. ...... Oh, and decrease it a bit. ....... Next.

The last step was to match the wavelength of Mei 's magic power. It doesn't matter what wavelength  i use a magic tool, but it's different when  i  take out magic power and use it. Humans also have their own waveforms and wavelengths. It's not a problem if you're a person who can convert it on your own like me, but if you're not, and you take the magic power of the magic stone directly into your body, you'll get addicted to magic power.

We worked for several hours. The sun had already set and it was getting dark when the magic battery was finally completed.

"So, it's done: ......!"

""It's done! Yay!"

Mei was so innocent. She was jumping up and down with joy.

"You did it, Hal!""


It's always nice to be hugged like this.

"It's a little late, but let's try it out."

"Of course!"

Mei  stands up, carrying a magic battery in the shape of a school bag. Although it looks like a school bag, the body is made of aluminum, not leather.

" Magic power supply is on!"

"It's the start!

When the switch is pressed, the device begins to supply magic power.

"Oh, it's coming, it's coming!

"Oh, yes, it's coming!""

May exclaimed with a strangely erotic expression on her face, but apparently we had succeeded.

When the magic power in the battery is reduced to a certain extent, I turn off the switch. Now it was time to replenish the magic power in the battery .

"Okay, let's get it flowing. ......"

This time, I, with my vast amount of magic power, will do the work. Of course, I don't convert the wavelength, but pour it in with the wavelength of my own magic power.

". ...... is great, it's being supplied properly ......!"

"Yes it did !"

"Mei, try a little bit of that.

"Yeah. ...... is  working !


When I created the magic circuit, I designed the spout to be 100% mithril, so it doesn't matter who pours the magic into it, and it's clear that it's working. Now anyone can pour magic into it in their spare time.

"This is great, it's going to sell!

"Are you going to sell it?

"It's a joint project between  you and me. We'll apply for a patent in our names to the commercial guild.

"Hmm, since it's our  production, we'  need to make cool name to it

"What would you like?"

"Gnome-general. ......""


"I'm a Dwarf, so I'm a gnome, and Hal is going to be a North Lord, so he's a general. The two of us together should be 'Gnome Generals'!"

"I see. ....... That's a good name. I see. . From now on, anything we develop together will be marketed under the name 'Gnome General'!

"Let's do that!"

In this way, the external magic battery that Mei could use freely was completed, and it was also decided to commercialize it. I'm sure that Mei 's father, the master of the Arendal workshop, will take care of the formalities at the commercial guild, and if the need arises, I'll be able to show my identity and things will go smoothly.

It seems that there is no need to worry about the fake products. Because of the nature of the machine that supplies magic power to the magic stone, it has to be tailor-made to match the magic waveform of the magic stone and the person to whom the magic power is supplied. Since there are only a few people who can do such a dexterous job, there should be no problem. A black box is a black box because it cannot be easily imitated by others.

After this, Mei's research and development progressed at an accelerated pace beyond my imagination, but I had no way of knowing that at that time.

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