non attribute: - That's what show  my status. In short, I have absolutely no aptitude for attribute magic. The only possibilities left for  me  to use non-attribute magic and the unique magic of [shock].

All people have certain attributes that they are suited for, so why  i have  nothing ? The clue to the answer is the difference between me and the rest  in this  world. I have memories of a previous life that are different from this world. Perhaps that has something to do with it. There must be a certain amount of information that can be stored in the soul, and in my case, because of the memories of my previous life, the memory that would normally be used to store information about magical attributes is being destroyed.

If that's the case, there's no point in worrying about it. So let's put that aside for the moment and think about the magic I can use.

I'm sure  i can use [Shock]. If  i can't use it in the first place, it won't show up in   my status. The fact that it is displayed means that it is paradoxically usable.

I'm sure  i can use non-attribute magic as well. This is because there is a precedent that I have already been training in magic manipulation for a year and a half. If i  am not suited to magic manipulation at all, or if i don't have any magic power to begin with, then i may indeed not be able to use magic. But  i can manipulate magic with such precision, and  my magic power is 1.5 times that of my father. It would be strange if he couldn't use magic.

That's why I decided to train non-attribute magic and unique magic. I don't know how to use magic or how to use [shock], but I guess I'll have to control the magic power somehow. My parents probably won't teach me magic yet, and I'm sure Alisa, who works for them, won't either.

So there was only one thing for me to do. First, I have to learn how to write, then I have to work on "The Complete Book of Magic, Basic Edition" and study magic on my own!


What is it?'

"Teach me "

"You want to learn how to write already?"


"Hmm, yes. I'm sure I can teach you the letters, even if it's something technical. ...... Yes, I understand. Then I'll teach you!"

"Thank you!"

From that day on, I began to study with Alisa for about an hour every day at lunchtime. We started with the basic alphabet (or something like that), followed by more complicated characters (probably kanji in Japan), symbols, and then more complicated characters of a completely different system.

"Aisa, what's this complicated thing?"

. A few days after I started studying, I asked Alisa. I had no idea what this completely different system of letters was. It was like studying English and suddenly Sanskrit came out of nowhere.

"This is called runes, and it's necessary for magic. Tc, but they are the most rudimentary characters that we use in our daily lives.'


"It's said to be a powerful script that was used during the time of ancient magical civilizations.'


We had runes on Earth, too. It seems to be an ancient Germanic script, and was used in Northern Europe until relatively recently, or something. Of course, the runes of this world are completely different from those of Earth. But the fact that they were used in ancient times is very interesting and similar.

"I don't know much about it either. There are several ways to use magic. There's the way of manipulating magic power, the way of using magic circles, and the way of using these runes. I've heard that casting spells is also a derivative of these runes. Well, I'm an amateur magician, so I only know general knowledge. I think it would be better to ask the head of the family or his wife for a detailed explanation."

"Yes, I'll ask them next time."

"Well, let's continue."

With my questions cleared up, I started studying again, feeling refreshed. I've already learned most of the simple alphabet, so I've been reading books for children. I'm going to learn the details of grammar and phrases from reading books like this. It's not that difficult since I already have the basic grammar in my head from daily conversation. Learning a language is all about accumulating every day.


Four years have passed since then. I'm six years old now, and my language skills are flawless. My speech has improved to some extent, and I can speak clearly, and my writing is perfect.

My magic has also grown a lot. In addition to  my daily training in manipulating magic power,   i  have also mastered the theory and usage of magic. In "The Complete Book of Magic,"  "Basic edition ," "Standard" and "Applied" sections, and  i  hav already reached the "Applied" section. 

Also, it was still difficult to learn on my own. Alisa was unreliable when it came to magic, so I tried to learn on my own at first, but it was difficult to convert magic power into magic.

So  i asked  my mother for help, and she was surprised to find that  i was already interested in magic. She was even more surprised when I tried to write letters.

a private tutor was hired  because of this, but as expected,  he was hired by a prestigious nobleman, and unlike some maids, they were all very good at teaching. The maid, Alisa, was praised by my parents for discovering my talent. Thanks to her, Alisa was officially assigned as my personal maid, and since I didn't have to move around anymore, I was lucky to have someone who was used to being around me.

Well, I've grown a lot in the past four years. Here's the status.


Eberhard Karlheinz

Von Flensburg Fahrenheit

Life force: 126/126

Magic power: 23298/23298

Physical ability: 42

Intelligence : 131

Resistance: 96

Magic Attribute : -

Specific Magic : [Shock

Specific Skill : Continuity is Power


Overall,  my status has increased a lot. From a two year old to a six year old. The progress from infant to toddler is huge. At the very least,  my resistance to colds and injuries has definitely improved. It looks like  i won't have to worry about the high infant mortality rate, which is a major factor in lowering the average age in the Middle Ages. My family is a noble family, so I have a big advantage over the peasants in terms of hygiene.

My magic power has also grown considerably. I've been practicing every day for four years, so it would be strange if I didn't grow. The amount of magic power is already almost six times that of my father. . I'm sure my parents know about it. It's not just that they have great magic power. I'm not just a great magician (that's what they call wizards in this world. He seems to be a great mage and  i seems to be able to detect my hidden talent.

That's not the only thing that has changed in the past four years. I had a younger brother and sister!

My father and mother are young, and I thought they must be having a lot of them e but sure enough, they were born. My brother was born when I was three, and my sister when I was five. My brother was three years old and my sister was one year old. My sister is two years older than me, so I now have four siblings. This may not seem like a lot for this time period, but I think it would not be surprising if two or three more were born. Or rather, they will be born. Why go to the trouble of giving a child a single room, while the parents have a separate bedroom? It goes without saying!

Just as I was thinking about my bright family plan, there was a knock on the door of my room. I was currently in between self-study and thinking. I wonder if my tutor has arrived. I didn't have any plans for today.

" master Hal-, are you here?"

it was Alisa's voice 

"Yes, I'm here. Come in."

Excuse me.

The door opened with a bang, and Alisa walked in. Four years have passed since then. At the time, Alisa was still a little young, but now she's a grown woman. She's probably about 20 years old. I don't know her exact age because I tried to ask her about her age before, but she gave me the slip.

"   your father and mother are here to see you. I think they would like to talk to you after lunch."

"A talk? What is it? Did they find out about the prank in the backyard?"

No,  they didn't seem angry, so I don't think  they going to scold me. ...... I mean, what is a backyard prank?   they are the servants who clean up after them!

"It's not really a prank, but it's not vicious.  it's just a little magic practice that made a big hole.'

"That's enough trouble! It's dangerous, so please don't be too reckless."

"Hmm, I'll do my best "

I see no sign of remorse. ......

"Come on, let's eat. I'm starving."

Yes, let's go.

The standard of the food is very high, and even I, who know about modern Japanese food, am satisfied with the quality. Thanks to this, I look forward to my meals every day and praise the cook every time I finish eating.

I walked down the stairs and down the corridor (the location of my room has changed over the past four years, and now my room is on the second floor) to the cafeteria. My parents, older sister, younger brother and younger sister were all in the dining room, except for me, and I seemed to be the last one there.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

No, it's okay.

Karlheinz Klaus von Fahrenheit, the head of the Fahrenheit frontier family, told me so. It certainly doesn't seem like a stuffy place. He's just his usual dignified, yet somewhat gentle self."

""Then, thank nature."

"'Give thanks to nature.

This is like "Itadakimasu" in Japan. , or "Amen" in the West.

Today's lunch consisted of stewed wild fowl caught in our territory and fluffy bread baked with high quality wheat harvested in our territory. On the side menu was a salad that looked like something you'd find at a fancy restaurant, and something that looked like roast beef (not strictly beef, because it wasn't). (But it was a cow-like creature. Even if it has iron horns! ). A few slices of roast beef (even if it has iron horns!).

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