"Yeah! You're going to join the Special division !  I'm glad to hear that. Let's head to the Imperial City."

I avoided Jet, who was trying to squeeze me with a big smile on his face, and gain distance with him 

"Right away !?. Isn't that too sudden?"

"What are you talking about? We can waste our time here ?"

"Well, yes, but..."

I need at least some time to prepare myself 

"I want to prepare  some things, so wait for three daysl, it's faster  for me to fly , so it's better if the jet head first ."

"Really? Well, it would take me three days to get to the Imperial City on my own. ....... If Eberhard can make it in a day, then can go first "

In fact, it will definitely be slower if we  came there together. I don't feel like I can run a thousand kilometers lile him .

In this  way , the "flying wing" is convenient. You can  no waste time for nearly 1,000 km long journey and connect it with a straight line distance, and it only consumes an excessive amount of magic power. The only thing I don't want to do is running .

"Then, when you get to the capital, visit the military garrison. It's located near the east gate in the northeast direction from the imperial capital. Give this to the gatekeeper. He'll show you the way."

Jet then handed me a piece of parchment.

"Is this a letter of introduction ......?"

"Well, I don't think you'll need it if  you   have your  family crest . It's a walking stick. But just in case   keep that 

"That's true."

"Well, I'll be on my way! Goodbye."

With that, Jet was gone. He's like a storm.

"...... Now, let's get ready."

I'm joining the Special Division, but that doesn't mean I'm abandoning the life I've been leading. I'll still be with Lily and Mei, and I'll continue to work as an adventurer as long as my skills won't be dull 

I need to prepare for what to came .So  I  started  preparing for  my  double life.


"So, Mei. Lily. I'd like to ask for your cooperation."

"Hey, whats up ?"

"Have you come up with something interesting?"

"Sort of.

The reason I called Lily and Mei  this time was because I wanted to develop a tool. It's called .......

"Transfer magic circle!"

"What is ......?"

I imagined it as a magic circle with a transition point that often appears in games. I'm not sure if I should call it a "door to  anywhere" or not.

In short, the idea was to combine Lily's transfer magic and Mei 's magic tool development technology to develop a device that would allow anyone to transfer to any location .

"Hah, I think it's pretty interesting."

"My good point is ......."

Lily is on the verge of an collapse, but that's can't be helped  We did the similar thing with the inventory.

"Mei . Can you do it?"

"Hmm, I think I can . But the destination can't be random. We'll need to set up a device on the exit side as well and link it to the destination.

"I see. So we need at least two device ."


So, even if you are  want to go to the imperial capital  whether you have been to the imperial capital or not, if the exit device is not in the imperial capital, you will not be able to transfer. In that sense, Lily's transference magic is amazing,  She can easily transfer to any place as long as  she  have been there before.

"Hmph, I'm awesome!"

Lily seems to have regained her sense of self-affirmation. It's pretty cute to see her with her cheeks dyed and her chest out.

"I want to leave in four days , so I need it  to be finished  it by the day after tomorrow. I'll help you, so please help me.

"You can count on me!"

"I'm good at transference magic!"

This is how the temporary operation to develop a new magic tool began.


"Well, it's done!"

"I can't believe it really took three days. ......"

"Technical power!

Should we say that the three of us together have extraordinary wisdom, or should we bow down to Mei's one-woman industrial revolutionehr ? In any case, with the powers of our  (with a large contribution of Mei), another great invention of the century was created in just three days.

Even so, writing out the magic formula for Lily's transfer magic and incorporating it into the magic circle was hard enough . ...... It took me more than two days just to do that.

We were  working on it for over two days now, and I'm happy to say that the quality is exactly what I wanted.

"I'll take this to the imperial capital.  , set up the other end in Heitburg, and then I can come back whenever I want.

"It will be easy to come back when I'm not on duty, right?"

"It's easy to say, but each transfer consumes a lot of magic power."

"That's not a problem for me."

"Speaking of which, Hal, you're a human magic tank. ......"

My current magic power is just over 50,000, more than ten times that of my father., and since it's ten times the amount of my father, an S-ranked warrior, you can see how monstrous it is.

"Well, I'll get the point across in the Imperial City.

After all, hard work never Betray  me.

"It would be great if you could come back at least once a week.:

"That's right. I'd like to know more about the capital. We'll  came there in three years.

"Well, in three years we'll be students at the academy."

When we aristocrats and wealthy commoners reach the age of fifteen, we go to various academies. In particular, the eldest son and daughter of aristocrats often go on to a school in the imperial capital, which also serves as a prelude to their social debut.

And among the many academies  inb the imperial capital, the ones that are said to be particularly excellent are the imperial magic academy, the imperial knight academy, the imperial sacred academy, and the imperial literary academy, commonly known as the "four graduate academies ."

Lily and I are good at magic, so we'll probably go to the Academy of Magic. Mi , too, she  is good at blacksmithing and engineering magic, so she'll probably go there.

By the way, my father  was in the Knight Academy and my mother  was in the Magic Academy. Lily's father,  the Duke of Bernstein, is said to have graduated from the academy of Letters and Science.

academy won't  simply let you enter just because you  the son of a nobleman or a large merchant. The entrance exam is extremely difficult regardless of your status, so even if you're an S rank adventurer, you can't be too careful. There are always unexpected things .

This  will happen  in  three years from now, though ....... This is the time to study hard at elementary schools around the country or under private tutors.

I've already acquired the necessary education to enter the academy, and I'll be using that time to work with the Special Division. Lily will further refine her education as befits a duchess, and she will continue to practice ice magic and space-time magic. Mei would probably make further technological advances and start the second industrial revolution by herself.

It doesn't mean that we won't see each other. , we'll still see each other every week, and we'll still play and travel together.

However, I think this is a milestone. It's the first step for us to become stronger .

"Well then, put the transference magic circle here: ......."

I put the transference magic circle in the corner of my room and walked out into the garden with the two of them.

"Be careful."

"Have a safe trip ."

They said goodbye to me.

"Good luck in the capital."

"Good luck!"

"Hal's come a long way, hasn't he?

"You're so cool, brother!"

"You're so cool!"


Then my dad, my mom, Noel, Albert, Rosetta, Sieghart and Charlotte each gave me words of encouragement. The twin siblings can't speak well yet, so they can't speak properly, but it's also cute.

"Have a safe trip ,  master Hal.

"See you later, master ."

Alisa and Anthony, the newlyweds, also came to see me off on behalf of the servants.

"Thank you, everyone. I'm off then! ...... I'm sure I  will be back soon!"

I  used  my "flying wings" and float up. I flew to an altitude that would not affect anyone else, then put up a wind barrier and accelerated at once.

The house gets smaller and smaller. The people who had come to see me off became like peas in a pod. The city of Heitburg was left behind 

I  head off  to the Imperial Capital.

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