Oh, Bernstadt is in sight. ....... ."

It had been less than two hours since I left Heidburg. , I was approaching e Bernstadt, where Lily's parents live.

By the way, Bernstadt is located south-southwest from Heidburg, and the imperial capital is located in the southwest direction. Originally, it would have been faster to  came straight  to the distance, but I had never been to the imperial capital. So I decided to take a roundabout route through Bernstadt, which I had been to before, since it was only a few hours away anyway.

If the map of the empire that I  took from home was accurate, the imperial capital and Bernstadt should be at about the same latitude. Once I got to Bernstadt, I just had to  fly  on west and so I will reach the capital.

"It's quite  night sigh  when you see it from above!"

Bernstadt is a large city about the same size as Heidburg. The population is about 100,000, and the city center is lined with tall buildings in an orderly fashion. The reddish-brown roofs spread out like  from  beautiful  picture , just like Nördlingen in Germany. I didn't have anything special to do, so I didn't stop by, but I was thinking of having a date with Lily in Bernstadt sometime in the future.

While I was thinking about this,  Ipassed through Bernstadt. It would be about two more hours until  I reach the imperial capital. As I passed a flock of birds flying nearby, I switched my course to the imperial capital.


"It's huge."

I said to myself as I looked up at the  capital city walls, crossed my arms, and groaned. This is the imperial capital. Heitburg and Bernstadt are also quite splendid cities, but the imperial capital is a different . If I were to put it this way, it would be like the difference between Sapporo or Sendai and Tokyo. The size of the city is different, and the number of people is different. As the capital of the Imperial Kingdom of Hylands, the city was very lively even though  I  was still outside the city walls.

"Hey there, brother! How about an assortment of dried fruits?

"How about some freshly picked lingos? "

"You must be tired after your journey, drink some fruit water!

"Can I have a glass of fruit water, please?

"Thank you! It's 100 ells."

A little over a hundred yen a glass.  It seems to be  mixed with ice, and to be honest, I'm grateful that I can drink it like  from  vending machine.

"Hey, old man, can I have some fruit water, too?"

"Yes, thank you!

"We'll have some, too."


The other travelers in line near me were also calling out to the fruit water  seller . The sun was shining and it was rather hot today. The y, so I guess they want to have a cold drink  by the end of their trip.

"Thanks for the drink."

"Yes, thank you!""

When  they done, they  return the wooden cup and that's it. In this world, there is no such thing as a paper cup, so you have to return the cup when you are done drinking. Well, I think that's better because it's more eco-correctly and there's no extra garbage.

As I was quenching my thirst with the fruit water, the line was getting a little longer. At this rate, I should be able to enter the Imperial City in about 10 minutes. I'm looking forward to entering the Imperial City for the first time in my life.


"Okay, next person...""

It was finally my turn, so I  came to the gatekeeper.

"ID, please."

"Yes  , please . 

"......? I'm sorry, sir! Please , go ahead ! 

As soon as I showed him the  my family crest, which is my ID, the gatekeeper's attitude suddenly changed. But it can't be helped. This is not a  entar for the nobility.

Or rather, the only  entar for nobles is the main  ome . There, you can enter without having to wait, but it's too much trouble to go there every time. I didn't want to take the long way around, because I had business at the military garrison near the east gate.

"I didn't care about that. I also want to go to the military garrison .

"Very well. I'll  show you the way . Go ahead.

" Thank you for your hard work in the heat."

I thanked the gatekeeper and walked into the gate.A guard stood there and saluted me when he saw me.

"I am Second Lieutenant Arnold Tailman, your guide."

"Thank you for your courtesy. Eberhard Karlheinz von Flensburg Fahrenheit.

"I've heard a lot about you. Please come with me."

I don't think there are any rumors, but I guess that's just social etiquette. It'll be a while before they  learn about "Silver Comet" .

Anyway, Ensign. He's very young, so he must have graduated from a military academy. He is quite calm and exudes .

"I heard that .  you was introduced to by Lieutenant General Braveheart.

As I was being led down the street, Ensign Tailman spoke to me. I'm sure he's trying to make me feel comfortable by showing me around in silence. His stock in me was rising.

"Yes, Jet had asked me to join , so I did.

The real reason why I decided to join the Special Division was because I wanted information, but I don't think I need to tell  him that.

"You are on a first-name basis with the general, aren't you? That's great."

"Are you acquainted with Jet?"

He seemed to know something about Jet, so I asked him question.

"Yes, I do. Actually, when I was a student at the academy, I was instructed by Lieutenant General ......, who was back  then a Major General. It was a one-time opportunity, though. It was an honor.

"Oh, yeah. He was quite a hothead, wasn't he?

"It would be rude of me to say that."


Ensign Tailman smiled and agreed with me. He's a good guy.

"This way ."

"You've arrived already? You're early"

I guess this is also the skill of Ensign Tailman. While we were chatting happily, we arrived at the garrison.

. The Second Lieutenant took care of all the formalities and let us in easily. I followed the Second Lieutenant into the garrison, and after a short walk, I was led to  room that looked like the office.

"Excuse me, sir. I'm here to show . Eberhard around."

"Oh, come in!"

I chuckled when I heard a thick voice from inside.

"Thanks for the tour."

As I walked in, Jet, who just left a few days ago, was sitting at his desk working on something.

"Eberhard. You've come a long way.

"You must be exhausted. You're  done a great job. ......"

. I arrived last evening. I  feel better after a good night's sleep."

"You're as strong as ever.:

"You also has an extraordinary amount of magical energy."

"Well, I suppose it's mutual.

"I guess it's mutual.""

After a little chatting, Jet began to explain.

"Let's talk about the test.

Jet told me while I was at the mansion that in order to join the Special division , you have to take an exam, even if you are introduced. . Or perhaps it would be more correct to say that you can't even take the exam without an introduction.

The three major divisions are the elite of the elite. Naturally, there are as many people who want to join as there are stars. Since there was no way to deal with all of them, the reality was that they introduced people whose abilities were known to some extent from the beginning and selected them from among them.

However, it was not a matter of getting in through  with connections. Even if  you  was an introduction from the leader, it seems that when  you failed , you fail.

Do they have the common sense   as an elite? Do they have the combat power to endure harsh missions? And whether or not they have the right personality to protect the empire.

These are the three aspects that are examined in the written test, the practical test, and the interview in order to select the applicants. Even so, the ratio of applicants is said to be more than 10 times.

"As I told you before, there are three tests: written, practical, and interview. , all in one day, so it shouldn't be too much of a burden. We'd like to start the test tomorrow.


"You  tired from my trip today, so You will take the test tomorrow. you will  have very tight schedule."

"You need to find a place to stay for today anyway"

"That's all right. The Fahrenheit family has a villa in the imperial capital."

Although it was not a change of attendance, noblemen who owned estates were obliged to go to the imperial capital to have an audience with His Majesty the Emperor or attend the Imperial Assembly. For this reason, it was common for nobles who had their headquarters outside the imperial capital to have a separate residence in the imperial capital.

"I see. So, tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, we will have an  test , so please come back to the garrison  by  the morning.


Jet handed me the exam voucher, which I took and stood up.

"I'm sorry to bother you."

"I'm the one who introduced you. I'd rather be the one to thank.

"See you tomorrow."

" I'll look forward to the results of your exam."

With that, Jet and I parted ways and I left the garrison. Now, I think I'll take it easy today in preparation for tomorrow.

I began to walk along the streets of the imperial capital,  everything I saw was fresh and new,  i headed towards the imperial residence of the Fahrenheit family

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