It took me half an hour to reach the center of the city. The surrounding buildings gradually change into more elegant ones. As the buildings change from "houses" to "mansions", the demographic of the people walking around also changes slightly. This is the upper class district, the so-called aristocratic district.

"There's no clear boundary between the two."

I looked around, but I couldn't find any outer wall that enclosed the entire noble district. Instead, each house seemed to be surrounded by its own fence. There were some buildings that were not surrounded by walls, but even so, each one seemed to have taken security measures, such as iron bars on the windows and  proceed main entrance.

What I also noticed was the presence of private security guards patrolling the area. They were not wearing military uniforms like the guards and military officers , but they were dressed in a neat uniform .  They had a sword at waist, so I guessed  they were  a bouncer privately hired to maintain security in the area.

Fortunately, I was not spotted by them. If I had been dressed as an adventurer, they would have thought that I was a person of a certain family status, since I was now dressed as a member of a aristocratic family. .

Now, even if  that noble  area , there are some differences that cannot be described in general. For example, the mansions of the small rich people who live on the border between the aristocrats'  area and the  commoner area are often "slightly splendid" like those in Setagaya. However, in the central part of the city where I am walking now, there are many mansions ...... or  rather castles. And as I said, the residence of the Fahrenheit family is also  have very magnificent mansion.

"Oh, ......, I've heard about it from my father, but it's still amazing."

The mansion that stood  before me was not as grand as the main mansion in Heitburg, but it was just as big . It was probably one or two times larger than the mansions. near by  In fact,  that it wasn't surrounded by forests and gardens made it look even bigger in comparison.

Well, the Frontier Count family is the same rank as the Marquis family in terms of status. It was a sight that made me realize once again that the Farenheit family is a the great noble family .


""Welcome,  master Eberhard.""

Servant at the front of the house led me inside, where I was greeted by a full  cast of the house's servants. There were probably close to twenty of them in total. Even though there is no one from the Fahrenheit family in this mansion, ....... I wonder if they need more people to care of that house ?

Anyway, I was able to enter the mansion without any particular  problem because I had already been informed by messenger pigeon.

"Nice to meet you all. As you may know, I'm Eberhard Karlheinz von Flensburg Fahrenheit. I'll be living here for the next few years, going back and forth between Heitburg and the imperial capital, so it's nice to meet you."

"I'm looking forward to working with you."

Oh, ......, the pressure is great when 20 people reply to you at once. ....... I've never talked to a large number of people before, so I'm  feeing l a little self-conscious.

Hmm ......, what?"

I twisted my head as I spotted a familiar face among the twenty servants. I wonder if I've seen  her before...

"How can I help you?"

The head steward, who is the oldest of the group, asks on my behalf, so I decide to ask him.

"No, it's that girl. I think I've seen her before. ......"

"Wow, you talk about me ?"

I'm curious about a young girl who seems to be low on the pecking order among the maids lined up on either side of me. I'm not sure if she' is at age of middle   schooler . Her short twin-tails parted to the side were quite cute.

"Is that  you ? Alice, come here."

"Ha, ha!"

She bit it. Cute. --And more importantly, "Alice" or .......

"...... Alisa?"

"I see, there was an Alisa in the main house in Heitburg."

Yes, the girl called Alice looked very much like my personal maid, Alisa, although she looked much younger  then her .

"She is my cousin."

"I see!"

No wonder they look alike. They are related by blood, so that's why we look alike.

"My family has been in the service of the Fahrenheit family for generations."

"I'm glad to hear that."

I don't know what my ancestors were thinking when they decided to serve  my family , but if they are still loyal to like this, I will be very happy to be their master.

" I don't mean to be rude, but you must be tired from your long journey, and I'm prepared for you a bath.

Just then, the head butler interrupted . He seemed to have cut the conversation short so that I could rest quickly. As expected of the leader of the servants who united them, he had a sharp eye . 

"Well, I'll take a bath right away Then  will have dinner ."

"Very well, sir. This way, please."

The head butler led me through the corridors of the second house I would be living in for a while with a fresh feeling.


"I'm sorry, sir. I'll wash your back."


.I was in the bathtub for a little over five minutes when an intruder suddenly appeared in my peaceful bathing .

"Eh.. , are you ...... Alice?"

I believe she was called Alice, Arisa's cousin's maid. She was a few years older than me in terms of her physical age, but in terms of her mental age, she was still young and cute

Even with her as my  maid , I had no choice but to screen t when she barged in on me while I was completely naked.

", What can I do for you?

"Oh, your back, .......""

I heard that before, didn't I?

Hmmm, it sure is hard to wash my back! But I'm naked! You're behind me ! It's a good thing that Alice is fully clothed.

I  Just need to  be thankful that Alice is fully dressed.

She might hadf a thinly clad clothes so that she can get wet, but she's wearing a kind of maid's uniform that somehow doesn't make her look dirty. In fact, she looks like a young landlady at an inn, which makes me smile.

Thank goodness, my rationality has triumphed.

"Oh, excuse me! If it hurts, please let me know

"Oh, excuse me! If it hurts, please let me know!"


"No,  not there!"

Alice was so embarrassed that she pushed the lathered towel over her eyes, just hitting my magic sword, Raikiri, and causing a lot of trouble.

"I need escape !"

" What about bath ?"

Immediately deciding that this was not a good idea, I jumped into the bathtub to reset the situation and retreated to the changing room while Alice was startled by the splashing water.

It's not like I'm going to mess with a maid the first day I moved  in! And that's not even mentioning the relatives of her own personal maid.

I've moved here to join the Special division , but it looks like my life in the imperial capital is going to be full of vicissitudes. I sighed, clutching my head with anxiety .

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