Somewhere in the Void


In the vastness of the void was an island paradise where the ringing of a hammer could be heard striking across the steel.




With each blow of the hammer, any observer could see the trembling of the trees and air, showing the power of each strike.

The hammer itself was a treasure of power. It's handle was dark as midnight with dragon claws holding onto the hammer's head. The head was a sparkling silver and engraved with lines of crimson that pulsed like flames with each blow.

"Soon my dear. . . I will soon be able to go out and look for you." The wielder of the hammer spoke. The wielder was a man who stood tall and proud like the world should kneel before him. He was muscular and refined.Upon his head was hair as dark as obsidian, and his eyes were a pair of dragon eyes that were the color of a amethyst with bits of an azure mixed in. If one looked into the eyes they could clearly see a man who was deep in sorrow and rage looking for vengeance.

As the man continue to heat the object he spat out a blanket of fire into the dying fire of the forge to reheat the metal. When he finished, the man took the sword out and put down the hammer, he picked up an engraver and then with his hammer swung to make the impression. With skilled movements, the man then took the blade and quenched it into water.

When the blade made contact with the water an explosion of steam went off and caused a layer of fog to cover the area. After the steam cleared, the man brought the blade out of the water and stared at the mark now etched into the blade.

The mark showed a dragon and phoenix entwined around one another, and upon seeing that mark the man gently stroked it.

"My love I am going to insure they pay for forcing us apart, I will make them pay with their souls. I swear it."

The man then took the blade and put it a sheathe and put it upon his back. He then turned and started to look around with sadness.

"How I am going to miss this place. Celes are you there?" The man called out into the void.

Then with a small shake the void trembled and a woman with the beauty of a goddess appeared. "My Lord, I live to serve."

"Is everything ready according to plan?"

"Without a doubt."

"Good call those bastards and tell them to meet me in the World Sanctuary. I have one last thing to prepare."

With one last bow, Celes ripped into the void and walked into the gap. The man then proceeded to walk to the building at the edge of the Island. The building was large and grand in stature it had the feel of a king's residence. The hall was built with an imperial majesty that was able to dwarf any like it. The man then continued to walk into the building.

Then a mechanized voice could be heard, "My Lord the World Sanctuary greets you. Do you have anything that you wish of me."

"My old friend have you helped my locate the fragments of my wife's soul." The Lord inquired, while continuing to move forward.

After a moment's pause, the Sanctuary replied, "Yes my Lord. But after centuries of searching I was only able to locate four pure strands of the Empresses Soul, and I am afraid to be the bearer of bad news but they have already bonded with the life forms in that realm. And any attempt to remove them or bond them would not only destroy the vessel but cause the soul to fade away from existence."

The Lord then nodded in understanding, then asked, "What do you mean by only four pure strands? Is there another type that you have detected?"

"Yes, My Lord. In my last scan the fifth fragment showed signs of corruption by a dark energy in that realm."

"I see. Is there any chance that any of the host would have my wife's memories of me?"

"No. But there is a chance that the souls would have left an imprint of your presence into the new host making the being aware of your importance to them. And luckily for you all the host seem to be female making it easier for you to court them."

"Thank you Sanctuary. What about my vessel?"

"The vessel has finished growing to the age limit that would be similar to that of the hostess of Our Lady. All that is left is to make a soul link to the vessel so both of you can be connected."

"Very well begin the procedures to start soul up-link. And what hall is the world located in?

"My Lord the World is in Chamber 0293857209. Room 666."

"Thank you."

The Lord continued to walk to the Chamber Lobby and then a key pad appeared in front of him. After typing in a few commands shelves started to appear. Now on the shelves, one could see many different glass orbs resting on purple pillows. Inside the orbs were miny worlds rotating around in their unique solar system. As the Lord watched as they cycled through to Room 666, he was reminded of the creation of each world that he forged. On some tags one could see Marvel, DC, Bleach, Astroth, and a few others with a number indicating which version of the world it was. On some of the pillows you could see nothing just a shattered glass orb indicating that the world had expired and was no more. Other you could see cracks starting to form indicating the world was reaching its end. Finally all the shelves stopped appearing a door appeared.

The Lord opened the door and walk in. In the room was a lone pedestal neatly arranged in the center of the room. The World Orb that was on it was cracking and showing signs of it ready to break.

"Caretaker what is the meaning of this!! This was the last world we had created together, it should have been able to last a few more eons. Explain!!" The Lord roared out in anger.

The void trembled as a small being appeared and with a trembling voice, it responded, "My Lord, the damage has only showed itself recently. As it was one of the worlds that was exposed to your, the Lady's, and His battle. It wasn't able to withstand it completely and not to mention it has absorbed the Lady's Soul Fragments that much energy at once would normally have caused it to explode normally."

"Then why was I not notified it had reached such a level of damage, if you knew? I could have fixed it before it reached this point. But now it only has a little longer before it is unable to function anymore."

"My Lord I didn't seem to think it was of any. . ." The Caretaker was unable to continue as it felt the unending fury of its Lord's Killing Intent.

"You gutter trash, if you weren't necessary to the upkeep of this facility I would have long turned your lazy carcass into fuel for my forge."

The Caretaker started coughing of pools of blood unable to withstand the pressure any more. "Thank you for your benevolence my grace." It said as it quickly retreated back into the rift.

"Sanctuary how much longer can this world last?" The Lord asked.

The Sanctuary then sent a scan of the world and after a few minutes of multiple checks, it responded, "My Lord, this world can only last another 20- 30 years at most, but since you are going to enter it yourself as well that time has been cut nearly in half. For it to be fixed, it would require the aid of Lady Phoenix."

"Would the hosts my wife's soul be able to withstand coming into this realm?"

"It is uncertain, you would have to nurture the vessels to your presence and you would need all five souls to possibly summon Phoenix fire in order to complete the repairs."

"I thank you Sanctuary, if I didn't have you I don't know how long I would have been able to continue like this. Are we ready?"

"Yes my Lord. But there is one other thing. This Sanctuary is unable to calculate if the world is able to handle your gaze of you eyes. They are after all lowly being. So this one suggest that you cover your eyes."

"I will worry about that when I get to it. Bring in the my clone to begin soul up-link."

With a slight tremble the floor opened up revealing a birthing chamber with a child resting in the solution. The child was a mirror image of the man just younger. The man upon seeing the vessel frowned.

"Why is it so small?"

"My lord this vessel has reached the age of 10.5 years in the world you are going to which matches the energy levels the hostesses of you wife's soul is giving off."

The Lord sighed, "Very well. Are you sure it is able to withstand my soul and power?"

The Sanctuary then replied, "Yes my Lord, you will be able to use your full power if you are required to do so, but it is advised that you don't and only keep it within reason. I have also gone ahead and transferred knowledge about the special energy in this world to its consciousness."

The Lord nodded in understanding and then sat down in the side chair and leaned his head backwards to initiate the up-link. After a few minute, the up-link was finished.

"My Lord it is finished it will take a few moments for the soul to adjust to the body. . . ."

Before the World Sanctuary could finish the Void trembled and shook.

"FORGER!! Come out and swear your allegiance to me!!" A voice roared.

"So he is finally here. Sanctuary set the soul to only send me the new memories, and cut the vessel off from this place. That way should something go wrong that bastard won't be able to trace my location immediately."

"As you wish."

The Lord then walked out of the room into the main hall.

"So Forger you have arrived. Or should I call you Dragon God." The man said with a mocking sneer. The stranger was tall, blonde and had a pair of long white angel wings on its back it had this aura of holiness. But the Dragon God knew it was just a bird with a mouth.

"That is not my name Samuel."

"OH! I am so sorry, how could I have ever forgotten. Your bitch of a wife gave you another name, what was it again, oh that's right. . .Nova."

"You will pay for insulting my wife, Samuel." Nova then drew out the blade that he had just finished forging. And from his back came a pair a large draconic wings black as night with white specks glowing like stars.

"Are you still missing that tramp. She should have just submitted under me like the slut she was, but no she had to go and self immolate to save your sorry ass and seal me away. If she hadn't though I would have already have raped and humiliated her in front of you."

Samuel continued to gloat in front of Nova as they started to circle as each waited for the other to make the first move.

"You know I am going to enjoy chaining you Samuel to this place with this blade. So I can slowly destroy you as eons pass."

"Oh is that what that sword does. Then that is what I will do to you only I think I am just going to let you wait in darkness in this so called Sanctuary, sealing off this space from everything else."

"Never!" Then they both leaped towards each other with the intent to finish the other.

"You didn't learn from the last time you can't beat me with a sword, the only thing you are fit to handle is a hammer. All that power the Void gave you and you chose to waste it."

"Power is not meant to be abused. We had our jobs only you chose to go against the Creator. But I should thank you if you hadn't, I would never have met my wife."

"You fool you have no idea what we are capable of we should be ruling the worlds you create not just let them sit on a shelf. But I have finally got you pinned and backed into a corner. And the best part is you haven't realized it yet."

Samuel started to laugh like a mad man as he started to speak.

Nova started to get confused as he tried to understand what Samuel was talking about.

"What are you say . . ." suddenly Nova felt something stab him in the side. When he turned to look, he saw the Caretaker with a creepy grin on its face.

"Well done Caretaker. You will be rewarded for your loyalty." Samuel then stopped with his fighting and watch. Nova then started to understand what Samuel was saying, as he tried to say something he coughed up a mouthful of green blood.

"You dare betray me Caretaker," Nova managed to say as he coughed up more blood.

"You are not my Master, Lord Samuel is for he has promised me a life of endless pleasure. But only if I stabbed you with a knife coated in his poison." The Caretaker then showed a triumphant smile as Nova dropped the sword to weak to continue holding it.

"So I see that my poison created to kill dragons works so well on you Dragon God, albeit a little weaker than I had hoped. But no matter," Samuel said as he picked up the fallen sword. "What was it again you would seal me in this place for the rest of eternity. So now I will do the same to you."

As he said that, Samuel ran the blade through Nova. As let it go the blade exploded into pieces and the fragments glowed and formed into chains that wrapped themselves around the pillars of the Sanctuary and then slowly started to entangle around Nova's arms, legs and wings suspending him a few inches from the ground. Once the process was done all that was left of the blade was the emblem of a dragon and phoenix that, Nova had engraved on the sword.

"A master smith as always Forger. Now you can rot here for eternity. The only thing that could save you now would be your precious wife. But alas, she is no longer her to cleanse the poison out of your system or to undo your seal."

"Umm . . . Master the Mistress is still alive." the Caretaker told Samuel, as he was walking away.

Samuel immediately turned around shocked, "Speak what do you mean?!"

"The Mistress's soul is broken and weak and was absorbed into one of the Forger's worlds."

"Take me." Samuel commanded.

Nova heard the conversation and roared, "Samuel you stay out of there. You leave he alone!!!" As he tried to move to grab Samuel, Nova tried to shift into a dragon but the chains only bound him tighter and forced him to stop and cough up more blood. Samuel just laughed and continued to follow the Caretaker.

"Sanctuary has the assimilation finished is it complete?!!" Nova roared to the system.

"It is finished."

"Quick release my vessel and then seal the world from them. Hurry."


In Chamber 0293857209. Room 666.


The birthing chamber slowly drained and out came a young Nova. As memories and knowledge flowed into his mind a small noise started. The signs of the Chamber being called.

Nova then called to the Sanctuary, "Send me to the location nearest one of the strongest soul fragment. Also prepare me a storage container for that world's currencies, add as much as you can generate in the next 15 second. I need to . . .go.

Suddenly a ring, started to generate in response. The next thing that happened was the door to Room 666 opened up and Samuel strode in with a look of shock on his face.

Nova quickly acted. He charged to Samuel with wings extended drop kicked him while he was stunned, sending him flying. As Samuel recovered he drew a sword of light from the void and quickly charged at Nova slashing at him, while Nova put on the ring, running to the world in the middle of the room. As Nova was being pulled into the world Samuel's attack hit deeply cutting into Nova's back and injuring his wings.

"Sanctuary seal it. And thank you." Nova said as he gave Samuel the finger as he vanished. As Samuel tried to grab the World Orb to go in as well a barrier appeared and caused heavy burning to Samuel hands.


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