
Somewhere Outside London - Evening


The people in the street were walking about hurrying in from the storm that was quickly approaching. As the thunder and lightning shook the sky, many people stopped and look at the lightning trembled and blasting about in the sky as if a raging monster was being summoned. But little did they know that they weren't that far from the truth. As the lightning and thunder continued a portal opened high in the dark clouds as bolts of lightning trailed around the person that was blasted out of the opening. As it was raining the Muggles couldn't really see anything but a few people could sense that something was not right in the storm and quickly took action.

As Nova started to fall, he sent out his divine sense and tried to feel the aura of his wife's soul, but as he was severely injured the backlash directly knocked him out as he started to free fall at an angle. As he tried to stay conscious he saw that he was heading for a small neighborhood, the last thing that he remember was hoping that he didn't injure anyone when he impacted on the ground.


Ministry of Magic


As Nova made his entrance in the storm, the Wizarding Community was kicking up a storm trying to figure out what was going on with this freak occurrence. Since many thought it might have been something to do with magic. The Magic Law Division was scrabbling around trying to figure out what was happening and the Office of Magical Creatures was in shambles as all the animal started to go in a frenzy as they felt like they were in danger.

"Somebody find out what is going on to make these creature act like this. Diggory find the sedative for those species. Hurry up before I start getting questioned." The head of the division started barking out orders. As people started trying to calm down the animals.




"Blimey Charlie have you ever seen the dragons act like this."

"No this is the calmest they have ever been something must be happening. I only wish that we knew what was causing this."


London Neighborhood


It was late in the evening and the entire neighborhood was peaceful as many people were settling down for supper or getting ready for bed.


All of a sudden an explosion took place and the ground shook with such force that many thought it was bomb going off.

"Ian something crashed into our house!!" A lady said as her and her husband were blasted out of their kitchen from the force of the gas main exploding. She looked over at her husband to see if he was alright. The man, Ian, gestured that he was ok and turned to his wife and said, "Rose. Go check to see if our daughter is alright. I will look to see what happened."

The mother, Rose, heard what her husband said and got up out of the debri that was around her and went to make her way up the stairs to her daughters room. As Ian stood up he looked around and saw that the damage to the kitchen and dining room was extensive but thought that his wife would get to the remodeling that she had been talking about. As Ian grabbed a flashlight out of the drawers he saw that the busted water pipes had put out most of the little fires that had started in the room. The next thing he saw was a crater about three feet wide and who knows how deep.

"Dear it looks like a meteorite hit our house!" He hollered to his wife.

As he called his wife he heard her and his daughter coming from down the stairs, he then heard her ask, "Does the insurance cover space debri hitting the house? Wait what are you doing?"

Rose came down and saw her husband getting into the hole and asked him, Ian responded, "I want to see if any of the rock is left, you know, souvenir." He then turned on the flashlight and walked down the hole a little ways. As he looked inside he saw a lot of dust and dirt, when he put his hand on the wall to help support himself, Ian felt a soft textured feel almost like leather and also a warm liquid on his hand. When he felt the liquid run down his hand, Ian shine his hand and saw that it was blood. Startled he quickly shined the light on to the walls and saw a black material caught on a jagged piece of wood as he picked it up, Ian saw that it was connect to a larger object and as he trace the light on it he heard a muffled sound as if something was breathing. Shocked hesqueezed hard on the material and then heard a moan of pain and quickly let go. As Ian went in a little bit more he saw an leg and then arm both of which were covered in blood.

"Dear is everything alright?" He heard Rose shouted down at him.

"Call an ambulance!" He called back to her.

"Why? Are you hurt?" Rose asked back panicked. Worried that something had happened to her husband. As she went back to the phone, she picked it up and found that it didn't have a dial tone. She rushed back to her husband, and said, "The telephone is out. Do you need help, I will go get a neighbor."

"No don't. I am not injured but something else is." Hearing her husband, Rose was confused, and didn't understand what he was saying. She turned to her daughter and said, "Dear go up to your room and wait for us to come get you."

"Yes Mother." She heard her daughter reply. Rose then got in the hole and saw that it was a little deep, as she went in she found her husband with blood on him. As she started to panic she found that it was not his blood and then saw the problem. Her husband was kneeling over the body of a young child about the same age as her daughter. He didn't have any clothes on and was bleeding heavily from his back.

"Dear is he alive?" Rose asked Ian.

Ian nodded in response, "Yes go clean up the quest bedroom and get the morphine I don't think he can go to a doctor. I will start to dig him out."

Rose was about to ask her husband what he meant then she saw the wings sticking out of the rubble and part of it was running alongside the wall. Quickly understanding she got out of the hole and did what her husband asked of her.

"What on earth are you?" Ian thought as he started to shift the dirt around.

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