The next few days went by smoothly. Nothing to exciting had happened. The most interesting thing that happened was Harry getting a broom in the mail, but other than that nothing of interest. Classes were the same, but one thing that Nova did notice was the relationship between Harry, Ron, and Hermione seemed to be getting more and more strained. But Nova knew that it was only temporary. Since the two guys were not able to handle Hermione's know it all attitude and Hermione didn't know how to properly act around the two idiots. But still the Nova had a feeling the bottle was about to break and things would turn out normal in the end.

It was until the end of the week that Nova got a letter. The letter was from Professor McGonagall to meet her in the Great Hall later that evening. When the time came Nova went into the Great Hall to find that not only was Professor McGonagall there, but so was Professor Dumbledore.

"Ah Nova it is good to see you. I trust that your week has been going well." Professor Dumbledore started.

Nova nodded his head, "Yes the week went by just fine. I trust that since you have called me here, it means you have gathered all the materials that I have asked for."

"Indeed though we have yet to acquire the materials required for Ms. Ravenclaw, we have purchased all the materials for the Sorting Hat's repair."

"That is fine. As for the current material can you take them out so that I can inspect the quality of them?" Nova asked.

Nodding Dumbledore, waved his wand and in front of him, appeared some house elves wearing little uniforms as part of a delivery service. They each held the materials that Nova would be needing. The first item that Nova inspected was the dragon hide. As he looked at it he nodded. It was a little on the thin side, but it would do for what he needed it for, as he would be stitching and forging multiple layers together. Pleased with the material, Nova turned to the most important item the mithril. Upon looking at it, Nova gave a small look of disappointment. He knew that the world's resources were of poor quality but he didn't think it would be that bad. As Nova looked at the material, he was think how he was glad he asked them to get as much as they could since he was going to have to smelt this mithril down to get a better quality and remove the impurities which would reduce the 100 lbs of raw mithril down to the 10lbs that he would be needing.

After inspecting everything, Nova made a small sigh. As he backed away from the materials, Nova started to think. He had to add an extra week to his schedule, but in doing so that means Nova was going to have to start tonight in order to get it done by the end of next month.

"Is something wrong?" Professor McGonagall inquired.

"Hmm. . . What . .Oh, no, nothing is wrong. But because of the mithril's low quality I am going to have to start tonight in order to be finished on time." Nova let out a sigh.

"Low quality this is the best mithril that is available on the market. How is this low quality?" Professor McGonagall stated.

"Professor for your world it may be high top quality, but for me and where I am from this is but dregs used to feed pigs. But don't worry. I can make do with this and turn it into the finest mithril this world will ever see."

When McGonagall heard this she was startled, and turned to Dumbledore looking for him to say something. Dumbledore just stood there though and listened to what Nova was saying.

"So Professors I take it that you have made the arrangements for me to not have to worry about classes?"

Dumbledore nodded his head saying, "Yes I have informed the other staff that you will be excused from classes for the next month, but I guess we will have to make some changes if you are going to start tonight."

Nova nodded his head. He then remember, " Oh and I am going to need that sword that was tied to the hat as well, since the hat is its storage device. But I don't need it now. Just have a house elf bring it to me in three weeks. I should be ready for it then." And with that Nova, took all the materials into his ring and headed up to his forge.

When Nova reached the room he immediately started to work. He through some logs into the hearth and breathed out a long stream of white fire. As he worked the coals, Nova carefully started to add in some of the wood in a certain order to create pockets in the wood to regulate and control the heat and burning process.

After making sure everything was inorder, Nova then brought out all the material and set the dragon hide off to the side. Nova then picked up a chunk of mithril and looked at it closely. It was a dull gray color, for this material it was very receptive to changes in heat and absorbing various types of energy. Nova needed it to be a bright silver, so he threw the first ten pounds in to the hearth and started to work the bellows. As the air hit the fire, it caused the flames to grow hotter and slowly melted down the mithril. After the mithril was melted down, Nova then pulled out a obsidian plug and drained the metal down onto a rectangular mold. He then put the plug back and repeated the process ten more times. It was worth noting that each refining process took about ten hours to do. As turning raw ore into workable ingots was a delicate process.

When all the mithril was made into ingots, Nova then loaded the forge backup with logs and breathed more flames onto the wood. Nova then took up a pair of tongs and placed a ten pound ingot into the flames to get it heated, then after about thirty minutes, he took it out and placed it onto the anvil. He then summoned his hammer and struck it with enough force to break a mountain.




Nova continued to strike its surface as the impurities started to be knocked out of the metal. Slowly but surely the metal started to change shape and grow smaller. After a few rounds of heating and hammering the metal. Nova stopped. Using the tongs, he picked it up and looked at it closely, the once gray lump of metal was now shining brighter than any metal this world had ever seen. Nova nodded his head.

"Not to shabbey. It took only 16hrs and 50 mins to craft this one ingot to 100% pure mithril. At this rate I should be able to able to finish crafting the other nine by then end of the week in seven days. That then leaves me another month to turn it all into thread and cut the hide into rough outlines."

And like Nova had said, it did indeed go according to plan. For the next week, Nova continued to hammer out the metal to the desired degree of purity. But as the week went on, the continuous work slowly started to take its toll on Nova. If one was observing carefully, would be able to see the the once white dragon fire was slowly starting to get weaker. It went from a bright bluish white, to a dull grayish white with wisps of orange, reds, and yellows mixed in. But Nova still worked, he knew this would be side effect and had already taken measures to make sure it didn't affect his work. At the end of the week, Nova had piled up ten 1 pound ingots in a neat stack all of them looking identical and not a single blemish in their appearance.

After this week, Nova sat down at the workbench with some one of the quills he made and wrote two letters, the reason being to informed Dumbledore of his progress and to remind him to send the sword over in two weeks from today. He thenpulled out a round ostrich sized metal egg from his ring, and after pressing a button on the metal egg and slowly it started to reshape itself. A few seconds later, in place of a metal egg was a mechanical owl, to which Nova told what to do as he tied the two letters and a small box to its feet. When he was done, the owl nodded to Nova and flew through the walls of the castle. Half an hour later, the owl returned and landed on the desk once more.

"Did they get what I sent?" Nova inquired.

The mechanical owl gave a hoot.

"Good. Thank you for your services." The owl then nodded and turned itself back into a large egg and went silent.


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