
I know it is a bit short.

But I am in the process of writing the next chapter.


Nova then went back to work. He stored the egg back and then pulled the dragon hide in front of him. After a few minutes of measuring and cutting, Nova had a rough outline of the pieces he needed in order to make the hat. He then picked up a etching knife and carve a rune in the metal bars. When Nova finished the bar glowed a bit and then turned into bundles of mithril string. He then picked up a sewing needle and threaded the string into it and started to work. As he stitched the hide, Nova was slowly injecting magic into the threads and gradually working formations and spells into the material.

Though Nova was a skilled crafter it still took time to assemble the hat to look like a hat, and while doing the magic work at the same time made the process extremely slow. It took two weeks before Nova finished the last stitch. When he had finished the last stitch, Nova stood up and brought the hat to the anvil and placed it down on top temporarily. He then turned to find a package was leaning against the wall. Nova opened it up to find it was the sword that was connected to the Sorting Hat. So he brought it over to the Hat and stuffed it into the hat as far as it would go before taking his hammer and hammered the two together.

After few minutes of hammering, Nova stopped as the formations that were in the hat had been bound to the sword. Please with the result, Nova then threw the Sorting Hat into the hearth and then he spit out a golf ball size light. This light that he had coughed up was the soul of the original Sorting Hat that he had taken away from the destroyed version. Checking to make sure nothing was wrong with the soul, Nova threw that in the fire too.

Now for the hard part. Nova then dumped the rest of the wood into the hearth and then started to breathe fire on everything inside. He had to make everything down to the last atom hot so that the soul could easily bond with the new hat. As the creation of the new hat was of a much higher scale than the last one, this was the most challenging step of the whole process due to how delicate the soul bonding process was. While Nova spewed fire over the materials, he was gathering as much magic in the air as possible directing it into the hat as well so that it could act as the bonding process to both soul, hide and metal. As thing went for this project Nova was directing his full attention to make sure that it was successful, he was unaware of the situation going on it the world outside.


Somewhere in the Void


"Lord Samuel, we are ready." Barrier Master stated.

Samuel then appeared behind them. He looked and saw a shining red portal glowing in front of him. He nodded.

"Are you sure it will work?" Samuel inquired.

"Yes there is an 80% chance of success." Barrier Master informed Samuel. When Samuel heard this his face frowned. Seeing this the Barrier Master said, "My Lord it is only this high because of the laws of the world only the Forger can successfully manipulate these laws. What I have done is already far what anyone else can do."

Hearing this Samuel thought for a moment before nodding in agreement. Samuel then turned to the side.

"Are you ready to do your job?" Samuel said.

"Yes Master." ???

"Good. Do you have an accurate understanding of the task?"

"Yes Master. I am to find and capture the soul fragments of Lady Phoenix and kill the Forger. My priority is the kill the Forger as you have command Lady Phoenix can be retrieved afterwards."

"Excellent. Now is there anything you would like to add Barrier Master?"

"Yes it will take you two weeks to acclimate to the new body you will inhabit causing it to undergo a mutation. We will be sending with you a divine weapon that will be imprinted into your soul."

When the Barrier Master finished talking, the red portal expanded and enveloped the being sending it to the other world.

"What weapon did you give it?" Samuel asked.

"It seems it was chosen to wield a morning star that looks like a club." The Caretaker spoke.

Samuel sighed, "It seems we have to make preparations to send another soul. How long will it take?"

"I do not know. But Master, why should we have to send another soul, should this one be good enough?"

"Do you honestly think that the Forger will be defeated by a giant stick? As much as I am hopeful for such a thing, the Forger would have to be caught off guard and in a weakened state for such a low level creature to have an effect on him."

"I understand Master. What if we send her next?"

"Hmm . . . How is the memory manipulation coming along?"

"She is fighting it but will be unable to hold out much longer."

Samuel thought for a moment, "If she is ready by then we will send her."


In a dark room somewhere


Seconds after the portal swallowed the soul, another portal opened up in the world causing a crack to form in the sky above its new host body. The soul that was sent forth felt the presence of the Forger and the souls of Lady Phoenix. As he floated around, he eventually was forced into the nearest body that would be able to host him.

As the new soul replace the weaker one, the being found itself in a dark room. Then after a few moments of silence, the being felt its body was in pain and knew it must be the acclimation process the Barrier Master mentioned. The pain kept him quiet, he slowly bid his time as he waited for the process to be over carefully thinking of the plan that Master Samuel had set for him.

After two weeks of pain, the soul felt nothing. The changes had stopped. When it looked up it saw a path opening up for it. It then stood up and walked into the new hallway and gave a loud cry.



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PS. I know I am a bit behind on chapters. But once one year anniversary week with the girls is over things should be back to normal.

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