Harry Potter and the Forger of Worlds

4 Questions, Answers, and Repairs

When Nova responded the door opened up and in his mind's eye he saw a young man, he was tall which Nova took as maybe average height for human, and without really being able to look at guessed that he was roughly mid to late 20s judging from the air of vitality that the man gave off.

"I humbly thank you for helping me out. Might I inquire if you have something that I could use to cover my eyes maybe a strip of cloth or something the color doesn't really matter."

Nova heard the man ask with confusion in his voice, "Why are you blind?"

"No I am not 'blind' as you call it, but it would be harmful to you if you saw my eyes and I would like to still be able to see my surroundings." Nova responded. He felt is was an honest response since this would be strange to any race.

After a moment or so the man came back and helped Nova tie a strip of cloth to his head. When Nova opened his eyes and stare at the man he saw that the man was roughly like he guessed and saw that the man had a hesitant look in his face but with a look of concern and worry.

"I would like to thank you for the hospitality that you have shown to me. And would like to ask that you help me in setting the bone on the wing on the side, so that I can retract them and heal."

Stunned by the request, the man just stood there dumbstruck. Nova could tell that the man was trying to process what was being asked of him.

"Excuse me?"

Then the man said, "I am sorry, I blanked out there. My name is Ian. Are you sure that it would be safe to set it do you not need to a specialist?" The man, Ian, asked as he move to the side.

"Haha. It will be alright, I don't really think anyone in this realm could really treat me. You can just think of it as what you would call a dislocation." Nova chuckled in response. "Just take both hands and force the two together."

After a few moments of directing and placing there was a loud pop and Nova groaned a little from the soreness of the correcting. After looking at the mended area, and gently moving the wing, he nodded in agreement with what had been done. Nova then stood up and closed his eyes and gently retracted the wings to allow the tears and cuts to fully heal. From the damage he judged he would need a week or so to fully heal.

As Ian watched this spectacle he as shocked that such large wings could fit into a small frame.

When Nova finished he turned and looked at a wide eyed, Ian, and then asked, "One last thing do you have any clothes?"

After a few moments, Ian came back and gave Nova a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Nova gave his thanks and could help but think that he couldn't believe he forgot to ask the Sanctuary to fabricate some clothes for him in the storage ring.

While he was thinking of the ring, he sent his mind into the ring and saw mountains of different types of currency. He also so paper strips with different values and different face with he assumed were people of power. Nova also found little coins and big coins, made of all types of material ranging all the way from copper to gold.For such a small world Nova couldn't understand why they had so many different types of money. But what puzzled him the most what the precious gemstones that made a small mountain in the corner.

"What race could possibly deal in these, are there perhaps ancient dragons on this world?" Nova wondered to himself. As he finishing up he sense that Ian had questions for him.

"You have questions for me I assume. Correct? I will answer whatever you might be wondering to the best of my ability."

Ian was slightly puzzled by this string of events and was hoping for the answers. Ian gestured for Nova to follow him out of the room and they went down the stairs. When they got down Nova immediately saw the damage that was caused from his impact.

He turned to Ian and immediately asked, "I hope no one was injured, and am willing to pay for the damages or to fix it back to the way you want."

While waiting for a response, Nova turned and saw a woman about the same age as Ian and assumed that they might be married to each other. He saw that the woman was a little shorter than Ian with brown hair and brown eyes. Nova could tell that she was concerned for the state of their home.

When Nova said he could fix it, the woman, "You can fix the damage to our house? How you don't have any tools or equipment?"

As Nova looked around he could tell that the damage was not too bad but it was within his means. He then asked, "Do you have a picture of the kitchen?"


"If you imagine what you want, I will build it to the required specifications."

"What do you mean imagine?"

"Well Mrs. . ."


"Well Ms. Rose. . . I will, with your permission, read your thoughts and reconstruct the room to how you want it."

With a little hesitation, Rose nodded her head in agreement with a little curiosity written on her face.

Nova then direct Rose to sit down and then asked her not to move and imagine what she wanted. As Nova slowly sent out a mental probe, he slowly started to analyze the image and slowly but surely captured the image that she wanted. As he backed out of her mind, he saw the memory of a little girl that had a inquisitive look on her face. He could tell that the girl must have been Roses daughter. But he could help but feel that the look was oddly familiar.

"Ok got it." Nova then told the couple to stand back a ways and closed his eyes to focus. Nova then stretched out his hands and then started to shape the room to how the image was, and since he didn't have any materials he decided to shape it out of the energy that exist in this world. As Nova shaped and manipulated the energy into the materials that were needed and he also added a few extra details to help with the aesthetics of the room. While he was doing this, Ian and Rose just stood there dumbstruck while the kitchen magically put itself back together.

After it was all completed Nova looked around the room and was pleased with what he had built/created. He then turned around and looked at the two.

"So what do you think?" Nova asked as he could see that they were completely blown away.

"How did you do that? And who are you?" Ian asked to Nova.

"My name is Nova and all I did was redirect the energy particles to form into what I needed. It wasn't that difficult not that I am bragging."

"Not difficult? What energy particles are you talking about?" This time Rose responded as she looked around her new kitchen and was happy to see that it was remodeled like she had been wanting to do for a few years now.

Now it was Nova's turn to be confused. As he thought about it, he realized that maybe it was only a select few that knew about the ability to manipulate this void energy. And that perhaps it is something you have to be born with.

As he thought about it, he heard a door open upstairs and a pair of feet coming down the stairs. When he looked up he saw a little girl with bushy brown hair and brown eyes, and front teeth that were slightly too large. She had this look in her eyes that she want to know everything and excel, at the same time a inquisitiveness that she wanted to know what what going on.

"Mom is it time for dinner yet?" The little girl asked. Then she turned to Nova and said, "Hello I am Hermione Granger and you are?"

"Hello. My name is Nova."

"Really that is a unique name. Where are you from?" Hermione asked.

"A really far away place from here."

"Are you really? Why are you here?" she asked again.

Nova paused for a moment and figured out an explanation for her.

"My family is here visiting some of work clients, and they happen to know your family and asked them if I could stay here for a few days. Isn't that right Mr. and Mrs. Granger."

At the same time that he said this Nova erased from their memory the damage to the house and what they had scene of his abilities and put in a false one to go along with the story.

With a glossy look in their eyes, the Grangers agreed with what Nova had said and thus securing a place for Nova to stay for a few days. In order to start getting acclimated with this world Nova thought this was the best world. If all else fails he would just erase their memories of him completely.

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