
Read the authors notes for future character plot.

It is very important.


And like that, a few days passed by as Nova lived with the Grangers. Though he did feel slightly guilty about putting them through this situation without them fully realizing what what going on, it was still better than other scenarios that he had come up with. And to compensate them he gave them part of the stack of currency that was in his storage ring. Another thing that he found was an item called sun glasses, it was a neat little gadget that humans used to cover their eyes from the sun, much better than using a piece of cloth.

Within this time period, he also studied the effects of this void energy in the world. He found that he could manipulate it and use it to lift things and manipulate matter. Nova also found the girl Hermione to be quite intriguing. She was dedicated to everything that she did and constantly strove to excel wherever possible even in the little thing. Nova also observe the girl when she manipulated the void energy it seem that she only was emotional. The usage was miniscule and would only slightly interact with the object maybe a slight wobble. But one day, the answers to his question were answered.

One morning, after getting up and going down stairs and sitting at the table, to eat some of the food cook, an owl flew in from the open window and stood on the table after dropping two letters. When Nova glance at the owl he was surprised for the owl had some of the void energy running through it and it seemed to have given the owl a boost in intelligence. As Nova stared at the owl, it locked up frozen in fear when it felt his gaze upon it. The owl only shivered in fear for it know it had a job to do, its dedication to his work impressed Nova but he knew there was no way for it to get over its fear of him, since dragons were beings much higher than little birds.

When the Grangers saw the owl land on the table they were slightly confused, but still they picked up the letter and saw that one of them was addressed to Hermione and when Nova looked there was also one addressed to him. Although he found it puzzling as no one should know of his existence in this world, he still picked it up to see what it read.

On the envelope, he found his name and the address written with an seal with a large H and small animals in each of the four corners and the contents of the read:


Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Nova,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

On the second list he found a equipment list that this Hogwart required of students to have for the school year. As he read through it, Nova started to piece some of the information together. He knew witches and wizards existed but they were much weaker than the warlocks that he had dealings with in the past when creating divine relics. But what he hadn't realized was that some of them existed in the worlds that he had created. When he realized this bit of information, Nova directly concluded that the void energy that was flowing in the world was the substance that these wizards used to cast their spells and which also explained why not many people knew of the energies existence.

While Nova was analyzing his letter lost in thought, Hermione and her family was also looking at her letter. After reading it over a few times, her father finally spoke.

"Do you think this is true? It seems a bit odd." Ian said.

"What do you think it means response by owl?" Rose asked, then looking at the owl that was still frozen on the table, "Does that mean we can give it to you?"

Hearing her question the owl stiffly turned and gave her a soft hoot of acknowledgement.

Looking at each of the family members slightly trouble on what to think, Nova voiced his opinion.

"This seems like a unique opportunity many people probably do not get to recieve it might be beneficial to Hermione to go to this Hogwarts. But since we don't really have a lot of information, I think we could send a letter asking the school to send someone to explain. Isn't that right little owl."

Hearing Nova talk to it directly, the owl jumped up in surprise an started hooting and nodding its head in agreement to what he said.

After listening to the response that Nova gave the Granger family gave a nod in understanding wrote a letter asking to see if someone could come and give them more information. Upon giving their responses to the owl, it gave a small bow to Nova before quickly flying back out the window.

Later that evening they received another letter by owl saying that a person would be by the next day at 10 o'clock, to explain the situation.

The next day the Grangers and Nova were waiting for the guest to arrive. Ian kept pacing back and forth while constantly looking at the clock and Rose and Hermione were in the kitchen in the process of making tea for the guest. Only Nova sat down in a calm collected manner, patiently waiting for this mystery guest to arrive.

At 10 sharp the doorbell rang, and as if shocked Mr. Granger gave a small jump and went to open the door. The person the walked in was a elderly lady with a business suit on and a pair of spectacles on her face.

"Greetings. I am Minerva McGonagall. Is this the Granger residence?"

After getting her reply, she walked into the living room and sat down in the empty chair and waited for everyone else to sit down. As Nova stared at her he could tell she was much older that what her appearance gave off and the amount of void energy or magic that ran through her was many times stronger than that of Hermione.

McGonagall notice that Nova was staring at her and could not help but find it strange that the young man in front of her was wearing shades on inside the building. Just as she was about to inquire as to why Rose and Hermione walked into the room with tea and cookies.

As everyone got settled, McGonagall asked, "So your letter you sent said that you needed more information. What would you like to know?"

"How do you know that our daughter is able to go to your school? We aren't doubting our daughter is a gifted individual but how can you be certain?" Mrs. Granger asked.

"Magic is directly related to a person's emotional state. So if a child who is gifted in the use of magic gets happy or upset about something, that is generally the trigger to activate magic. At Hogwarts, we teach students how to control this ability, and if you and the child decide otherwise there is no need to worry. Because the ability to use magic will eventually fade out of them at a certain age."

"We understand. Although it makes us as parents a little nervous to send our child to learn something we don't really know. It is up to her if she want to go." Mr. Granger said in response.

"Can we see a little demonstration?" Nova asked. For he was curious as to what type of ability these wizards in this world could harness this magic as they called it.

"And you are?" McGonagall inquired.

"My name is Nova. I, too, received a letter and have every intention of going to your school."

"Mr. Nova, I can give a small demonstration, but I must ask why are you here you don't seem to have any family relations to this family."

Using his power once more, Nova stated, " I am an orphan that was helped by the Granger family a few days ago and to repay them for letting me stay here last few day I am helping them out in their small business. As for the glasses that is a conversation for another day."

McGonagall not noticing that Nova used power in his words, looked at the Grangers nodding in agreement to what he has said. Taking what he said into consideration, Nova saw her take out a small stick about 9.5 inches in length. She pointed the stick at a cookie and it stood up and started to do flips and acrobatics. When she uses this stick, Nova saw this magic energy flow through her and into the stick and concentrated out of its tip and then it connected to the cookies.

"Interesting." Was all that Nova had to say. For he did find that use of energy was well controlled and none of the magic was wasted in the use of the spell.

After seeing the demonstration, a fire seemed to be lit in Hermione's eyes and she then decided, "I wish to go to Hogwarts."

Her parents looked at each other and asked her if she was sure. With a firm yes, they asked a few more questions mostly involving supplies and tuition.

"If you have time today I can bring you to the location at which one can go and purchase the material that are on the supply list, but we will have to take your vehicle, as I can not take you there with magic."

So the Grangers grabbed the keys to their car and started following McGonagall's direction. She explained that the place was hidden from Muggle's view with concealment spells. As they got to the London area they stopped the car in a certain location and got out and headed for a rundown corner. Upon careful observation one could see that the place was called the Leaky Cauldron. When Nova looked at it he could see much of the magical energy woven around the area acting like a barrier to prevent spying.

As they went into the Leaky Cauldron, they were greeted by a man at the bar, and then walk into the back and stood in front of a brick wall.

"Watch closely as you will need to do this yourself in the future." McGonagall said. And then she took out the stick aka a wand as Nova later found, and watched as she started to tap on certain bricks. After she did so the bricks started to shake and shift and roll out of the way revealing a archway and when they had finished, McGonagall proudly said, "Welcome to Diagon Alley.

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