When Nova and the Grangers looked into the alley, they had a mixed responses. Nova was impressed, as he looked around the area he saw a lot of magic concentrated in the surrounding air. As he watched the people he was amazed at the different scopes of how the energy within people. Some had more of the magic than others, and what Nova did find interesting was that the magic amount contained in the people was relevant to their age. For example, Nova saw to elderly wizards talking and saw that one had more than the other, but the child that was next to them had more than both. Though he found it interesting, Nova wasn't to interested since he knew that some people had more potential than others and sometimes people could regulate and control what they had access to.

When Nova looked over at the Grangers, he had a sudden urge to laugh. They almost all had the same expression, but that might be due to being a family. As they looked around they were awestruck by what they saw. People dressed in different clothing and funny outfits they had never seen before. Bits and bobs hanging in windows and on the street corners with some purpose that they couldn't even think of. Nova took a glance over at Hermione and saw that her look was not only awestruck but a little bit of nervousness and excitement.

As McGonagall started walking forward, Nova took Hemione's hand and started bringing her along without having to be concerned if she got let behind. When Hermione noticed that she had her hand held by someone she barely knew much less a guy turned a faint shade of pink from the embarassment and just followed along. As for her parents, they just followed along walking slightly stiff.

"So where are we headed?" Nova asked.

"First stop to make is to the bank to get money for yourselves to purchase the materials needed for the term" McGonagall replied.

"And where would that be?" Nova questioned.


"Can we not use out own money?" Ian said.

"No, we in the wizarding community have our own money system than Muggles do but don't worry you will be able to get it converted, like any other money system. Last I heard the rates were fairly well priced at 5 pounds to the Galleon.

"Galleon?" Hermione asked, speaking for the first time since they had arrived.

"Yes Galleon. For us wizards, we have three types of coins, Galleons, Sickles, Knuts. 29 Knuts to a Sickle, 17 Sickles to a Galleon. Fairly ease to remember.

As the group walked down the street, Nova saw a lot of interesting shops. From what he could see, there was an Apothecary shop which was probably for potions or cooking, he didn't really know, since to him they were both the same. A little further down was a place called Eeylops Owl Emporium, where he could see all types of owls. When he looked over at the animal besides the owls he could see the magic runnig through them in a similar way as the owls, which clearly showed that they all had some boost in intelligence. When the animals noticed that he was staring at them, many froze in place and some just passed out on the spot as fear gripped them. When Nova noticed this, he couldnt help but shake his head and feel a little sorry for them as he continued down the street.

Soon they approached a tall white building that said Gringotts Bank. Nova saw a sign that had what looked like a poem written on it as a little way for the bank to caution people from stealing. But Nova didnt pay it too much attention, since he knew that if he wanted to he could level the building and take what he wanted as nobody could stop him. Plus even though Nova was a dragon it was only the lesser dragons that like to covet and hoard the wealth of gold and jewels. Which Nova found a little distasteful but knew that was their nature, as they were simply animals.

Inside the bank, Nova was greeted with a small headache as he saw that the entire building had formations and magic corsing through the buiding. Everything was glowing with power as they worked to defend the building. The next thing Nova noticed was the creatures that seem to be running the bank.

"What are they?" Hermione asked.

"Goblins." McGonagall replied as they walked up to the teller. While the Grangers did business with the goblins by having the money converted, Nova went to the teller a few slots over.

"What can I do for you?" The goblin said when it looked up and saw Nova standing in front of it.

"I would like to do a currency exchange and open an account with your bank. Can you handle that?" Nova inquired.

With disdain in its voice, "Yes."

"Good." Nova then waved his hand over the counter and stacks of bills from all types of currency started to pile up in front of the two. "Convert this into the correct ammount for me."

The goblin just sat there with a look of amazment in its face and then it came back to focus. The goblin then took the stacks of currency by grouping and put them into a device that started to calculated the amount of money.

"Sir may I ask how you made the bills appear."The goblin asked.

"My ring is a spatial device." Nova said.

The goblin nodded in understanding and then stopped and looked at Nova with confusion. "Ring? What do you mean, you mean a storage bag don't you?"

"No I mean ring see." As Nova made a demonstration, "Storage bags are a waste of materials and time to craft."

The goblin's eyes widened in incredibility. Then as he looked at the ring, Nova noticed a look of greed start to form on the goblin. Nova then sighed, he knew goblins were greedy little creatures but now that he had met one did he realize the extent.

"I would be careful if I were you, greed can get you killed." Nova warned the goblin.

The goblin then looked up at Nova and shook in terror. For when Nova had warned the goblin he lowered his sun glasses and revealed his dragon eyes. Now all the goblin saw was a deep amethyst colored abyss, until Nova covered his eyes once more. Seeing how the goblin had managed not to role over and died, Nova was slightly impressed, but Nova could tell that a few seconds longer and the goblins soul would have been devoured under his gaze.

"Do you deal in precious gems as well?" Nova asked.

All the goblin could do was nod his head in acknowledgement.

Nova waved his hand once more and gems of all shapes and sizes spilled out onto the table. When Nova did this, the goblin tellers next to them stopped what they were doing and stared in amazement. For everyone knew goblins loved the gold and gems which they hoarded in the bank, but for most of the goblins present they had never seen gems and jewels of such rarity.

After stuttering and gasping, the goblin said, "Noble sir, these gems . . . these gems are more valuable than what we can offer. At most you can only store them in the vault."

Though Nova knew that his gems were top quality even among the upper worlds, he did have some hope that they would be of some use down in this realm. But with a sigh, Nova reclaimed the gems and went to collect the wizarding currency.

"Sir the transaction you have made is now complete."

"How much does it all come to?"

"40 million Galleons, 450,000 Sickles, and 30,000 Knuts." The goblin said with shock and disbelief. The goblin was still stunned from the event early and shakily started to fill out the paperwork for Nova's vault that he requested.

"Good give me 10,000 Galleons, Sickles and Knuts, and store the rest of it into my vault." Nova said. He then collected the coin bags and threw it into his ring. Before he did so, he noticed that he had already had this currency in his ring and made a small mountain in one of the corners. The goblin then handed over his key and Nova walked over and rejoined the Grangers and McGonagall. All of which were unaware of the situation that just happened.

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