Harry Potter and the Forger of Worlds

54 Now about that location?

As Nova stood at the entrance, the door slowly opened in a slow fashion. Seeing the overly dramatic opening of a door by itself, Nova couldn't help but make a face at the silliness of it. But that aside, seeing the open door, Nova proceeded to let himself into the building.

As he walked in Nova was moderately impressed with the amount of runes and magic crammed into one building. Though the inscriptions he saw wasn't anything to astounding, the detail that went into their creation was what interested him. Sensing another presence in the room, Nova turned and looked at the person hiding in the shadows.

"You know for an old man on the brink of death you sure do like to tempt fate." Nova spoke to the person.

"Impressive. Dumbledore wasn't wrong in telling me you would amaze me. Tell me how did you know I was there?" The old man said while revealing himself to Nova.

"I am sure if you talked to Dumbledore then you would know of my ability to see souls, Flamel." Nova said while sitting down at the table across from Flamel.

"Indeed. He did mention such a thing to me. But seeing something in action is much better." Flamel said in his soft voice.

As Nova looked at the man, he saw physically the man, Nicholas Flamel, as a walking corpse. Every movement, every breath he took, and the words he spoke were soft and careful, if not for the Elixir, Nova saw flowing through him, Flamel would have turned to dust. As Nova peered a little deeper he saw the light of Flamel's soul was like a small candle ready to be blown out with a gentle breeze.

"So tell me old man, what is so important that you ask Dumbledore to have me come here?" Nova asked Flamel.

"Come let me show you." Flamel said as he slowly got up. Seeing the slow actions of the man, Nova couldn't help but to sigh.

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"Hold on. Your going to test my patience if we continue to move at this pace." Nova said. He then stuck up his hand and acted like he was grabbing something, then Nova turned the hand like he would a dial. As he turned counter-clockwise, Nova slowly brought Flamel back to being a young man in his prime.

"How. . .?" Flamel started to stutter. He was amazed at what he saw, and what he felt. His hands felt strong once more, his body radiated power as did in his youth.

"Don't get comfortable. I only reversed the time of your body for a little while. I don't feel like waiting all day for you to move and talk." Nova told Flamel.

"I understand. But you have to see that this is what I tried to attain all those years ago when I started to learn Alchemy. And what I tried to achieve all those years ago, you did in a matter of seconds." Flamel marveled.

"Of course now what were you going to show me." Nova said.

Realizing that they had gotten off topic, Flamel nodded his head and at a much faster pace, headed up the stairs to the next floor.

"Now you when I first started to make a Philosopher's Stone, I had the idea of using the blood of magical creatures as a catalyst. And as I looked through the list of known creatures, I found a species called Veela. Now at the time, rumor had it that they were immortal women who never seemed to age or grow old. But of course when I found them I saw that they were a type of nature spirit that could transform into women. So on a clear night in Autumn during a full moon, I went to speak with them. Mind you they weren't too happy about a man visiting their neck of the woods, but after speaking with the Head Queen and negotiated many of the treasures I brought with me, she finally consented to two drops of blood and a single strand of hair.

As I analyzed the blood and hair strand, I found that it seemed to radiate a strange energy. One that was not native to our world, but after performing numerous tests and experiments, I found I could do nothing with the material so I looked it away in a spacial seal that I had designed and forgot about it. And only after speaking with Dumbledore a few months ago did I remember about it. Now where is that chest. . .Ah here it is." Flamel explained.

As he moved some stuff around, Flamel brought out a very old wooden chest with markings on it. As Nova studied the outside he saw that the chest was indeed designed to act as a spacial seal. Nova at this point had to be impressed with what this Flamel person had achieved, if he had added a glyph or two more he could have turned the chest into a space rift that could imprison a person for all time. It was quite similar to the box he had locked the parasite in.

After Flamel took out his wand and tapped it a few times, a large clicking sound could be heard much like how a lock could be heard unlocking. As Flamel opened the chest, a rush of energy flew out of the chest. Nova could help at being shocked at what he was feeling. It was the same as his wife's. But he could understand how this was possible. And while Nova was thinking about it, the wand that was created by his wife suddenly flew out of his pocket and hovered in place, while absorbing the energy that was coming out of it.

After a few seconds the energy that was being absorbed was depleted. Then the wand spit out a large palm size flame. The flame then explode into numerous pieces until all that was left was 7 flames of equal sizes.

Then with a small pulse of energy three of the flames flew out in multiple directions and one of the flames flew into the wand. Next a flame turned into a crown which promptly faded. The remaining two flames seemed to have weakened in strength, and then they fused together and fell towards the earth and turned into a flower. The wand then shot out another set of flames which took the form of a female, who seemed to be running. When the flame mirage came up to the flower, it stopped and picked it up and put it in its nonexistent mouth. Then with a pulse of light the mirage fell over, and after some time stood back up only to fade into the wind.

Seeing all this Nova sat into chair and started to think, "Interesting." Was all he could say, as he stuck out his hand allowing the wand to float back into his grasp as he did some contemplating.

"What is 'interesting'" Flamel asked, still surprised at the actions that took place.

"You see my wife soul shattered when it came to this world. The remaining part split itself into seven unique sizes. Three flew off into the distance, which I can only assume means entering into your world's cycle of reincarnation. Another turned itself it this wand that I carry, and another into the diadem that I had made for her. With five of those fragments gone, two were left behind. Well if you noticed the two left were weaker than the rest and merged into one which fell to the earth and transformed into a flower. Sometime later or after it fell a woman, who saw it happen or was fleeing from something, came across the flower and ate it for some reason or another. The ingestion of the flower caused something to happen to her and she passed out only to wake up sometime later."

"I see." Flamel contemplated, but for some reason he started to get a bad feeling in his core.

"Next we can only guess what happened based on some facts. The scene that we were just shown, shows that the woman eventually woke up after absorbing the flower. Now since we saw this based off the energy that the wand absorbed into itself means that the women more than likely became the progenitor of the veela race. And since you received the hair from the Head Queen, you will know where they are located. So you will now tell me the location, so I can be on my way."

Flamel now understood why he started to feel the impending sense of doom. "Well about that young man. When I made the deal with the Head Queen for the material, I had to make a binding magical contract with the veela race as a whole to not divulge where they lived to anyone in this life or the next."

"I see but for a smart man such as yourself, you must understand that I was not asking. You will tell me where the location was at."

"I am not able to the contract was one that I had never seen before, even now after 700 years of living. The basis for the contract was that foreign energy something of value, and the only thing that was with me at the time was me and my wife's soul. As you see I can't jeopardize my wife for your selfish desire."

"Well you should have thought of that before using her soul as part of the collateral." Nova told him. "Now come on, be a good mortal, and give this Dragon God what he desires, and I will make it worth your while."

"Oh a god, huh. . .well if you put it that way." Flamel then sent a spell into Nova's face while smashing a vase on the ground which created a smoke screen of sorts, obscuring his actions.

Nova stood in place, with broken sunglasses, and watched as Flamel jumped out of the window and started to run down the street. Out of the smoke appeared, two mummies, which Nova could only assume were either failed trails or something Flamel had picked up on his travels. Seeing him the creatures could only kneel in place before Nova.

"Bring him back." Nova told them before sitting down in a chair and poor himself some tea, as the two creatures jumped out the window chasing after Flamel. "Now if only I had some lemon turnovers.

After some time, the mummies returned with Flamel, only they came through the wall. Seeing this Nova frowned, "Use the door." Hearing this the two mummies tilted their heads, then jumping back through another part of the wall creating another hole. Seeing this, Nova could only shake his head as he fixed the holes with a snap of his finger.

Moments later another crash was heard as the mummies barrelled in through the door, making yet another hole. Seeing this Nova just sighed. Something must be wrong with the knowledge level of this world.

"Mr. Flamel, you're back. Did you enjoy your run? It doesn't look like you did, I always knew exercise drained the life out of people." Nova said while still sitting down. Flamel was currently on his knees, with both mummies holding his arms, and no longer looking young.

"I do remember telling you that the effects of a younger body would only last so long." Nova explained. "But oh well."

"Please you can't have me give the location up. I can do anything else for you. But not that my wife's soul is at stake." Flame pleaded with his head down on the ground.

"Well you shouldn't have used her soul as part of the collateral. And besides, if I don't find the remnants of my Asteria's soul in a few years, this world will be incinerated in about 6 years."

Hearing what Nova said, Flamel finally looked up to look Nova in the face, only to find the sight of his bottomless amethyst eyes. As he felt his old soul burning, Flamel saw a pair of dragon like talons reaching towards him, like the hand of death. "No! NO! NOOOO!"

"Now about that location."

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