As the evening street lights flickered to life, Nova casually stepped out of the house. He couldn't believe the trouble an old man such as Flamel was willing to cause just to hide an insignificant piece of information. Recalling how the old man collapsed after Nova drew the information out of his soul, he could only sigh. For if Flamel had been willing to divulge the information then Nova would have been able to do something about the vow Flamel had made but now the old man and his wife had about a week left to live instead of two.

Nova looked up at the sky and stared up at the stars for a moment.

"My Dearest why would you help to create a new race? What purpose would that have served?" Nova mumbled to himself while speaking to the stars. He then spread his wings and started to head south to a forest call Forêt domaniale d'Orléans. From what Nova had gathered from the thoughts of Flamel, the Veela seemed to be a race quite adept at illusions and allure and the forest that they lived in was well known as being the largest forest in the country, making it quite hard for any normal being to locate them.

After flying for a few minutes, Nova quickly came to the outer edge of the forest and slowly descended to the ground. As he approached the tree line, he could feel a strong compulsion to leave the forest emintanting from the trees and plant life. Not really caring for what the plants wanted, Nova started walking straight into the forest following the thick trace of Void Energy that seemed to be radiating from the center of the woods.

After an hour of casually walking through the terrain, Nova soon realized that he was being followed and that the creature following him was hidden within an illusion. So instead of doing anything about it Nova chose to ignore it. Though he tried to anyways, after getting closer to the center of the forest, there was about 40 of the creature following him, and as he was about to do something about it Nova walked into a clearing that was under the illusion of being surrounded by trees and growth.

On the edge of the clearing was a hollowed tree that seemed to be shaped like a throne. In the throne was a woman, whose age was almost impossible to tell with a direct look, but Nova was able to see that she was as old has some of the trees. As Nova approached the woman he came to a stop just directly in front of her and as his last step landed on the ground, Nova sent out a pulse of energy to dispell all the illusions and creatures hidden.

"Greetings Head Queen of the Veela. I am Nova of the Void, Forger of Worlds and I believe something I seek lies within your clans grasp." Nova said.

Coming out of her surprise the Head Queen nodded her head in understanding, as she waved her hand to call off the other veela that were ready to attack while in a demonic bird form, who then proceeded to turn into beautiful young women.

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"As I see that you have trespassed into our territory, you must be one of great power Nova of the Void. Speak this Queen will hear out what it is you have to say." The Head Queen spoke to Nova.

"I am looking for a fragment of my wife's soul. As I can tell by looking, your race is one that lives for centuries, but not forever it seems. Is there one amongst your number who is related directly to your Founder?" Nova answered.

"Indeed this Queen knows of what you speak. But what you seek no longer exist amongst our number."

"It is as you say Queen of the Veela. As I do not see the soul within your number present. But My Beloveds energy still clings to the land in which you dwell and the air in which you breathe. Her very power allows you to hide in the shadows of trees, hidden from the men of the world."

"You have spoken true words Forger. What you speak of is something we are immensely grateful for. The Ancestors direct line does not live amongst us any more she dwells within the world of mortals. As to where they might be, this Queen does not know."

"Your Grace thank you for your time. As a token of my thanks. I gift your this crown woven in another realm from a World Tree. And should you make contact with the descendant please pass to them this necklace. And tell this chain will summon me to their side when there life is a peril." As Nova said these words he had a crown the color of green jade appear in one hand and a necklace shaped like a phoenix in the other.

"Your gifts are appreciated. As a reward this Queen with give you the satisfaction of keeping this One company in my personal quarters." The Veela Queen spoke with a hint of desire in her eye.

"This one humbly appreciates that offer but I will only give myself to my mate." Nova said.

"Since you refuse my gracious offer. Why should I give this trinket to the one as you request?" The Head Queen spoke.

"Because if you don't and something happens to them before I can find them, I will burn and destroy your race's existence before the world collapses." As Nova spoke he cast off his kind side and released some of his aura and allowed it to mix with the illusions of the forest.

When Nova saw the Head Queen turn pale in fear, he turned around and saw the other veela who had gathered around had collapsed and were on there knees staring at him with watery eyes.

Nova then jumped into the air and flew back towards towards the North.


POV- Head Queen


As the Head Queen watched Nova leave. She took a few deep breathe to calm herself from the excitement she felt. Yes excitement. The veela race were known for there beauty, elegance, and charm ability, and while many knew that they were fond of mates that showed similar traits to what they were, the veela race also were eager to have a mate that could dominate them.

As the Veela in the clearing had witnessed Nova had both the power to dominate and control as well as he would be handsome in all of their books.

"Sisters has many of you have noticed this Queen has found her ideal mate. I will however make an exception to the ancients rule and allow the man to be shared amongst our fellow sisters as we have during the Midsummer Nights."

Upon hearing those words the Veela in the clearing all had an estactic look on their faces.

"Now spread out word to our neighbor sister clans of what this one has decreed and remember do not force him as he is a monster amongst men. And should he chose to bless us with divine children will be up to him."

With those last words the Head Queen stood up from her throne and went to her private quarters and gave it to an owl perched on her table.

"Give this to Elder Sister. Tell her to use it only for emergencies." The Head Queen said to the owl, who in turn gave a small hoot and a bob of its head and flew away.

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