Harry Potter and the Forger of Worlds

64 The Silver Eyed Fragmen

When Nova arrived back at the Burrow, it was already morning. As he walked into the kitchen, he saw all the Weasley's sitting down enjoying breakfast. Mr. Weasley was sitting in his chair reading the morning paper. The front page article read, Rare Imperial Dragon Attacks Malfoy Manor.

Seeing the article, Nova could only shake his head. Nova glanced through some of the articles contents but didn't see anything of interest aside from the part that Lucius some how survived the ordeal. He must be related to cockroaches, Nova though. But looking at the grin Mr. Weasley had on his face, Nova could tell he was enjoying it.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Mr. Weasley." Nova asked.

"Nova! It is good to see you this morning." Mr. Weasley said cheerfully. "Indeed I am, this article is just wonderful. Did you really do everything the article says?"

"Arthur." Mrs. Weasley said.

"No. I didn't but from what I can tell Rita Skeeter sure loves to over embellish her stories." Nova said.


And just like that the conversation ended. Now that everything had calmed down, the rest of the summer went by relatively quickly. On their last evening, Mrs. Weasley conjured up a sumptuous dinner that included all of Harry's favorite things, ending with a mouthwatering treacle pudding. Fred and George rounded off the evening with a display of Filibuster fireworks; they fiIled the kitchen with red and blue stars that bounced from ceiling to wall for at least half an hour. Then it was time for a last mug of hot chocolate and bed.

It took a long while to get started next morning. They were up at dawn, but somehow they still seemed to have a great deal to do. Mrs. Weasley dashed about in a bad mood looking for spare socks and quills; people kept colliding on the stairs, half-dressed with bits of toast in their hands; and Mr. Weasley nearly broke his neck, tripping over a stray chicken as he crossed the yard carrying Ginny's trunk to the car.

Nova helped out by staying out of the way since there was no need for him to join in all the chaos. After all everything he owned was in his ring. But look looking at Harry, Nova could help but grin. He could tell that Harry couldn't see how eight people, six large trunks, two owls, and a rat were going to fit into one small Ford Anglia.

Nova saw Harry look in his direction as Harry figured Nova must have had something to do with it, as Mr. Weasley whispered to Harry, "Not a word to Molly," as he opened the trunk and showed him how it had been magically expanded so that the luggage fitted easily.

When at last they were all in the car, Mrs. Weasley glanced into the back seat, where Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and Percy were all sitting comfortably side by side, and said, "Muggles do know more than we give them credit for, don't they?" She and Ginny got into the front seat, which had been stretched so that it resembled a park bench. "I mean, you'd never know it was this roomy from the outside, would you?"

Nova started to laugh as he watched Mr. Weasley does a small cough. Now Nova had done a number of modifications to the car with an all too eager Arthur Weasley helping him out. Nova figured that if the mortals that made cars found out the trick to doing this the world would go mad.

And speaking of Nova he was currently laying on the roof of the car, waiting for them to start flying or better yet start moving in general. As the car turned on and started to drive they then came to a halt. George had forgotten his box of Filibuster fireworks. Five minutes after that, they skidded to a halt in the yard so that Fred could run in for his broomstick. They had almost reached the highway when Ginny shrieked that she'd left her diary. By the time she had clambered back into the car, they were running very late, and tempers were running high.

Still on laying on the roof Nova heard, "Molly, dear -"

"No, Arthur -"

"No one would see - this little button here is an Invisibility Booster I installed - that'd get us up in the air - then we fly above the clouds. We'd be there in ten minutes and no one would be any the wiser -"

"I said no, Arthur, not in broad daylight -"

Hearing this conversation, Nova then rolled and stuck his head down. To speak with Mrs. Weasley, "Are you sure? I put in a weather apparatus to change the car to look like a floating cloud. I mean it's so simple to use even Ron could drive this and not get caught."

"Really, I can!" Ron sat up.

"Ron sit back. I said no." Mrs Weasley said fiercely.

"Ok suit yourself. I will meet you guys there." Nova replied. He then rolled off the side of the car and the Wealsey family watched as Nova's shirt disappeared and giant dragon wings appeared. Nova then rose up a few hundred feet, only to hear Mrs. Weasley call up.

"NOVA! You can't be seen by Muggles"

Nova let out a sigh. To keep Mrs. Weasley happy, Nova gathered dark thunder clouds around him. Sure it turned the beautiful sunny day into a miserable and gloomy one, but if it made the Weasley Matriarch happy. Then it was alright.

Once he was covered Nova took off to Kings Cross and arrived there in the 10 minutes that Mr. Weasley said they would arrive if they had flown. When he had arrived, Nova immediately removed the bad weather and walked in through the portal. Extending his sense, Nova felt outward, as he probed for a few seconds he then went towards the front of the train.

Upon entering a certain compartment, he looked in and found Hermione sitting next to the window reading some of the new terms books.

"Hello Hermione." Nova said.

Hearing him speak Hermione look up from her book, "Nova! You are here. Where are Harry and Ron?"

"The Weasleys and Harry will be here in 40 minutes." Nova stated.

"But the train leaves in 45 minutes, Nova. Will they be alright?" Hermione asked hesitantly.

"Yeah they will be fine. But back to you did you enjoy your trip with your family?" Nova asked her.

"Oh it was wonderful Nova. France had so much to offer. Though we couldn't see any of the magical community. There were other sites to see." Hermione said excitedly.

"I am glad you enjoyed it."

"What about you? Did you find anything with Flemel?" Hermione asked.

"Indeed I did. Have you heard of the Veela race?" Nova inquired.


"Well turns out, two fragments of Astoria soul fell into France and created a flower. Which some woman ate, and transformed her into the first Veela. I went and found the tribe where the soul was but the host was not in the tribe and is out exploring the word." Nova explained.

"I am sorry to hear that Nova." Hermione said.

"No it's fine."

"It is?"

"Yes because now that I am in this realm the soul will give the host a strong compulsion to seek me out. Now it may take a year or two, but it will all work out." Nova said.

"And speak of souls, yours has gained a couple more tails I see." Nova said. He had noticed before that the phoenix inside Hermione now had 3 tails instead of the one when he first noticed.

"Yeah I wanted to ask you about that. Why does everytime a new tail feather appears does my body burst into flames?" Hermione asked.

"Good question. When that happens that is your body being purified even more so than last time." Nova explained.

"Well it is very inconvenient." Hermione huffed.

"How so?"

"I don't want to say just know it is inconvenient." Hermione said with flushed cheeks.

Not knowing what Hermione meant, Nova just shrugged his shoulders and laid down in the bench opposite and took a nap. After what seemed like only a few minutes, Nova jumped awake and started to look around.

"Nova what is wrong?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"I just sensed a fragment of Astoria walk by." Nova said as he opened a compartment door.

"You couldn't have Nova? Nobody has walked by us." Hermione said. "Ginny, did you seeing anyone walk by a second ago?"

Ginny who was now in the compartment with Nova and Hermione also shook her head. As the train was now moving there were not any students really walking around. Nova had cast his inner mind out while he was sleeping but didn't expect to sense a fragment now.

"No I am positive there is a fragment on this train." Nova said confidently. Maybe they are in the next car over and were just on the edge of my senses."

Just as Nova was about to start going to the next train car, he heard a rush of excitement. Returning students and first years start to rush to the window.

"Hey look at that."


"That car is flying."

Nova looked out the window and saw a familiar Ford Anglia flying by with a pair of legs dangling out the open door.

"Ummm. . . Ginny do you know where Ron and Harry are at?" Nova said as he re-entered the compartment.

"No. We barely made it to the train on time. But I am sure they are on the train." Ginny said. "Why is something wrong?"

"Well that depends. Does the flying car outside the window with the two idiots driving and about to fall out look familiar to you."

Hearing this Ginny and Hermione both looked out the window as well just in time to see the door of the car close.

Ginny had gone quite pale seeing such a sight, since the two people in the car looked just like Ron and Harry.

Ginny then turned around and grabbed Nova's arm, "Please you have to help Harry before he gets expelled."

"What about Ron?" Nova asked.

"Him too." Ginny said with a small blush looking down. Hermione had a small smile on her face trying to not laugh.

"Nova do the right thing." Hermione said. She could tell that Nova was debating whether or not to help them since she knew Nova hated their idiocy.

"Damn it." Nova sighed. Ginny where are you brothers?" Nova asked.

"In the next compartment back with Lee Jordan." she replied.

"Ok I will be back in a few minutes." Nova said. He then proceeded to walk out of the compartment to the next car over to look for Fred and George. It wasn't until the last compartment over that he found them.

"Fred, George. Want to help me with something. Hey Lee." Nova said.


"Hey guys. So helping or not?" Nova asked.

"Yeah sure what is it." Fred asked.

"Look out the window and see." Nova said.

The three boys looked out the window and the twins then look at each other.


"Yeah George?"

"Isn't that the car?"

"The one that your dad owns right?" Lee asked. Clearly the twins had filled him in.

"Indeed. Why are Ron and Harry flying it?" George asked.

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"I don't know. Nova do you know?"

"Yes I do know your brother is an idiot and Harry is well just as bad if not worse. Are you helping or not?" Nova asked, while rubbing his temples in annoyance.

"Yeah" Both twin replied. "What do we do?"

"Just be ready to catch them"

"Catch them how?" Lee said.

"They are going through this window and wall. But don't worry I will heal them when I get back."

"I am sorry. Nova did you just say you were going to throw them to us?" Lee asked.


"The train is made of metal and glass. Won't that kill them?" Lee asked as Fred and George were getting into position.

"Naw they should be fine." Nova said. He then walked to the end of the train car and jumped off transforming into a Dragon mid-air. It took a minute or so to catch up to the car as it was flying as fast as the train.

"YOU IDIOTS FLYING THE CAR" Nova yelled to get their attention.

Startled by the noise, Ron jerked the wheel and nearly crashed into the train, causing the people in it to scream. After straightening out, Ron and Harry both look out the window to see it was Nova

"NOVA!" They both yelled.

"The Invisbility Booster is broken! And Weather Thing is not working." Ron yelled out the window. "I thought you said even I could work it?"

"How is it broken?" Nova called back.

Harry then showed Nova the handle that he had made, it was snapped in half.

"You forgot to use the clutch you morons." Nova yelled at them. "We will talk about that later. First, Harry let Hedwig out and take that rat of Ron's and give it to her to carry. Next pull down the back seat and grab your trunks."

Harry did what he was told, though Hedwig was terrified of Nova, she still managed to fly to the train to be pulled in by Fred or George.

"Ron keep holding the wheel. Harry grab your stuff and open the door I am going to grab you. Use the trunk as a brace."

Harry did what he was told, "Brace? What do you mean by a brace?"

Nova then reached out with his claws and grabbed Harry and the trunk.

"Fred, George get ready." Nova roared over. He then chucked Harry into the side of the train where the Twins were at with the trunk punching a hole through the car.

The force of the impact was strong enough to nearly tilt the train off the tracks, but it worked out fine.

"Ok Ron your next." Nova said.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?! You just killed Harry by throwing him into the side of the train." Ron yelled out in horror.

"No he is fine. Your brothers got him. I have the car. Grab your stuff and get ready." Nova said as he reached out and held the car in his free hand and grabbed Ron with his stuff before tossing him into the train.

Nova then put the car into his ring, and changed back into his human self. He then flapped over to the side of the car. He then looked in through the hole.

"They dead?" Nova asked the twins.

"No they are fine just some cuts and scrapes." Lee Jordan yelled over.

"Good stand back." Nova replied. He then put his hand on the side of the car and used magic to revert the car back to how it was before.

"Nova!" Fred yelled.

"Not now." Nova said.

"NOVA!" George yelled.

"WHAT! I am busy." Nova yelled back.

"Tunnel!" They both yelled.

Nova then look ahead and saw the tunnel fast approaching.

"Shit" Nova said. He then finished fixing the hole in the train and quickly dropped back to the next car and pulled himself in through the nearest open window. Just as the train went through the tunnel. As he got in Nova felt tired and proceeded to just lay out on the floor.

"You know that isn't a very comfortable way to rest. The bench would be nicer." A soft, airy voice spoke.

"Indeed you might be ri-" Nova started to say, then he snapped his eyes open and looked at the person. Aside from the eyes which glowed a bright silver much like the moon, Nova saw a phoenix with three tails radiating from her soul.


Well that was unexpected.

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