"HAHAHAAHAHA!!!!" Nova started to laugh. The girl in the seat looked down on him.

"Are you alright? You know Nargles have been known to make people laugh uncontrollably." The girls said with a distant dream filled voice.

"My apologies miss. I couldn't help it." Nova said. "I had sensed you on the train earlier and wanted to look for you but the two idiots with the car needed some help. Or rather the sister of one of them asked that I do something."

Nova then sat up and leaned his back against the other seat, and took a good look at the girl. She was almost doll like, if Nova had to describe it so. Her hair was a soft sunny yellow which contrasted well with her silver eyes. What amazed Nova the most was Astoria's soul had already grown three tails which means the souls had been active for many years.

"If you don't mind, who are you?" Nova asked.

"Oh I am Luna, Luna Lovegood." the girl, Luna, said.

"Hello Luna. I am -"

"You are Nova." Luna said.

"How do you know that?" Nova asked.

"Well this little voice told me. I think it was Little Red. They are quite fond of telling me stuff." Luna said.

"Did this Little Red say anything else." Nova inquired.

Luna turned her head sideways like she was listening to something, as she did the Phoenix inside of her opened and closed its beak like it was speaking.

"She says you can remove the shades over your eyes." Luna said.

Hearing this Nova had a large grin on his face, Luna laughed as well.

Nova then took off his glasses and asked, "Why do you laugh?"

"Little Red says you look silly when you smile." Luna said.

"Why do you call her Little Red?" Nova asked.

"How do you know Little Red is a she?" Luna asked.

"Well Luna I used to know Little Red."

"Oh. Well I call her Little Red, since Little Red has no memories."

"How did you two meet?" Nova asked.

Luna went a little quiet, then spoke softly, "When I was little my mother like to experiment with new spells. It wasn't always safe what she did, but she enjoyed doing it. One day mother tried to create a new spell to make hidden things visable, but the spell backfired. I was in the room with it happened and then like a ghost Little Red rose up out of mother and flew into me. She says her and mother were good friends and would always talk with each other and hoped we could be friends too."

"Interesting." Nova said. Indeed it was, for Nova this very interesting. This meant Astoria soul was active in this host family for many years and more often than not would vessel hop through the families line slowly absorbing energy to strengthen its soul fragment.

"Would you like to know, how I know Little Red?" Nova asked.

"Yes." Luna said.

"Well it all started eons ago. Back when there was nothing. Then the Void came into existence. It then created 5 All Powerful Beings, one of which was a beautiful phoenix, which none could surpass. . ."

And for the rest of the trip, Nova told Luna all about Astoria, her like and dislikes, happy and sad moments. Now Nova could tell that Luna enjoyed listening to it, as she really listened intently to everything that he was saying. The more Nova talked the more nostalgic he felt, after all there were not too many beings that were willing to sit down and talk with a Dragon God in such a carefree manner.

As the time passed, Nova even explained to Luna why Astoria or in this case Little Red was like she was. Hearing this made Luna sad, but when Luna heard that there were others like her with other 'Little Reds' made her feel excited that she could have friends.

"Why are you so excited about having friends? Don't you already have some?" Nova asked.

"No. Aside from my father and Little Red, I have had no friends." Luna said. "But it is fine, Little Red is really good at keeping me company."

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"I am glad to hear that. Well you can consider me your friend from now on, that is if Little Red does not mind." Nova said with a smile.

"Little Red and I would enjoy that." Luna said.

'All students we will be arriving at Hogwarts soon.' The conductor's voice was heard over the PA.

Hearing this Nova stood up and looked at Luna, "Well Luna I must get back. It was nice talking with you."

"You too, Nova." Luna said and waved to Nova, he also saw that the soul fragment wave its wing as well.

Nova then walked out of the compartment and back towards the area he was at before. When he got to the car with Fred and George, he saw a few students staring at him, and when the author says few he means all of them. Not knowing the reason for all the stares or even really cared why, Nova opened the area where Ron and Harry were.

"So you two are not dead yet?" Nova said. He saw both Harry and Ron sitting across from the twins and Lee Jordan laughing and eating candy.

"Nova your alive! We were so worried. We thought you went splatt on a mountain side tunnel." Ron said.

"Gee thanks for looking out for my well being. Anyways how did you two idiots manage to break my. . . I mean your dad's car?" Nova asked while rolling his eyes.

"Well it wasn't moving and I tried to use my wand, but there was an explosion and it broke along with my wand. Can you fix it?" Ron asked.

"Of course, and your wand is broken?"

"Yes." Ron said sadly, then looked up at Nova, "Can you fix the wand too?"


"Aww you're a lifesaver Nova really. Here, how long will it take?" Ron eagerly asked as he gave Nova the broken wand.

"Hold your horses, you asked if I can fix it. Does not mean I will though." Nova said with an are you stupid look on his face.

Hearing Nova say this the twins and Lee both bust out laughing. "By the way, good catch you two. Wasn't too hard was it?"

"No we just kind of grabbed their legs as they came crashing in." Fred said.

"Good well see you guys at the feast."

Nova then left and walked back into the compartment Hermione and Ginny was in.

"Nova where have you been? We are about to arrive." Hermione said. She and Ginny were already dressed in there school robes.

"Well after helping Ron and Harry, I landed in the compartment of a girl named Luna Lovegood. And guess what. I was correct when I felt a soul fragment before. It is inside this Luna and is sentient. Turns out from what I can tell it has been soul hopping since it awakened and is already up to three tails without any help. Her and Luna are good friends." Nova said.

"What? Really!? That is amazing Nova. I am happy to hear that. Does the soul remember who it was?" Hermione asked.

"No but I did tell Luna and Little Red all that I could about Astoria. You will meet them later." Nova said. The train then came to a stop, as they got off the train, Nova could hear Hagrid calling for all the first years.

"Well see you at the Great Hall for the Feast Ginny." Nova said as she left them. Nova and Hermione then walked to the carriages. When they arrived, Hermione just stopped in front of the carriage.

"Nova what is this?" Hermione asked.

"Oh these are thestrals." Nova said as he climbed into the cart. With some of the other students, they were some of the older girls from Gryffindor, Katie and Angelina.

"Good Evening Ladies. How was your summer?" Nova asked. Hearing him Katie and Angelina turned to face him with a smile.

"Hello Nova. Summer was good. Glad to be back though. Anything interesting happened?" Katie asked.

Nova thought for it a little, "No not really."

"Did you get your summer work done?" Angelina asked.

"What summer work?" Nova inquired. He didn't hear anything about this. He looked over at Hermione who was just staring at him as shocked as Katie and Angelina were.

"Nova you didn't do your work?" They asked.

"If it was that stuff the Weasley's and Harry was killing themselves over then no." Nova said. He figured it was just them trying to get ahead for the next year.

"Well in that case then these big sisters will help you later tonight to get it finished." Katie said.

"Yeah we can give you a 'special' study session if you do it correctly." Angelina added.

"NO! Nova doesn't need your help. Why aren't these carriages moving. Stupid Thestrals." Hermione interjected and complained.

"Oh my someone is jealous. But it is strange, they should be moving by now." Katie said with a sly grin.

"Sigh. I will meet you at the castle." Nova said. He then proceeded to take off his shirt and robe and stored it in his ring.

"Nova why do you keep taking off your shirt!?" Hermione asked with a red face.

"I don't want the shirt to rip when I take out my wings." Nova said has his wings unfurled.

"Shh, Hermione." Katie said.

"Yeah it's fine if he takes off his shirt. Pants, too if he wants." Angelina said while drooling.

Seeing how everyone was acting, Nova just shook his head. He didn't fully understand. Though he did wonder why, Hermione clicked her tongue in frustration.

"And besides, Helena should be up already, I need to go check up on her." Nova said and took off towards the castle.

When he arrived, Harry and Ron were already there with a grim faced Snape. No one was looking too happy.

"Come." Snape said and then started to walk off.

"Umm . . . why? I have something to do." Nova said. Snape just turned and looked at him.

"I understand but I am sure it can wait." Snape said. Nova thought about it. Helena probably wasn't up yet it might take another bit. But even so, she knows her way around the castle.

"Sure why not. It is not like we are in trouble." Nova said.

Snape's face just twitched a bit, while Harry and Ron went a little pale. Not daring even to look at each other, Harry and Ron followed Snape up the steps into the vast, echoing entrance hall, which was lit with flaming torches. A delicious smell of food was wafting from the Great Hall, but Snape led them away from the warmth and light, down a narrow stone staircase that led into the dungeons.

"In!" he said, opening a door halfway down the cold passageway and pointing. Harry and Ron entered Snape's office, shivering, while Nova was wondering what kind of food was going to be served tonight and wondered if there was going to be any lemon tarts and maybe a lemon turnover or two. The shadowy walls were lined with shelves of large glass) ars, in which floated all manner of revolting things Harry didn't really want to know the name of at the moment. The fireplace was dark and empty. Snape closed the door and turned to look at them.

"So," he said softly, "the train isn't good enough for the famous Harry Potter and his faithful sidekick Weasley. Wanted to arrive with a bang, did we, boys?"

"No, sir, it was the barrier at King's Cross, it -"

"Silence!" said Snape coldly. "What have you done with the car?"

"What car?" Nova asked "There are alot of cars out there could you be more specific."

Ron and Harry both gulped.

This wasn't the first time Snape had given them both the impression of being able to read minds. But a moment later, the two understood, as Snape unrolled today's issue of the Evening Prophet.

"You were seen," he hissed, showing them the headline: FLYING FORD ANGLIA MYSTIFIES MUGGLES. He began to read aloud: "Two Muggles in London, convinced they saw an old car flying over the Post Office tower ... at noon in Norfolk, Mrs. Hetty Bayliss, while hanging out her washing ... Mr. Angus Fleet, of Peebles, reported to police ... Six or seven Muggles in all. I believe your father works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office?" he said, looking up at Ron and smiling still more nastily. "Dear, dear ... his own son. . . "

"Oh that car." Nova said reading the paper. "Yeah never seen it before."

"Silence!" snapped Snape again. "Most unfortunately, you are not in my House and the decision to expel you does not rest with me. I shall go and fetch the people who do have that happy power. You will wait here."

"But I technically was never sorted. So I can go right?" Nova said.

"You will wait here." Snape said again and stormed out.

"I better not miss the Feast." Nova said. He then proceeded to sit at Snape's desk and kicked his feet up. He then took out his shirt and robes. He was thinking about what Hermione had said about having to constantly take it off. Nova then pulled out a knife and cut holes in the shirt and robes for where his wings would come out.

While he was doing this, Harry and Ron stared at each other, white-faced. Harry didn't feel hungry anymore. He now felt extremely sick. He tried not to look at a large, slimy something suspended in green liquid on a shelf behind Snape's desk. If Snape had gone to fetch Professor McGonagall, head of Gryffindor House, they were hardly any better off. She might be fairer than Snape, but she was still extremely strict.

Ten minutes later, Snape returned, and sure enough it was Professor McGonagall who accompanied him. Harry had seen Professor McGonagall angry on several occasions, but either he had forgotten just how thin her mouth could go, or he had never seen her this angry before. She raised her wand the moment she entered; Harry and Ron both flinched, but she merely pointed it at the empty fireplace, where flames suddenly erupted.

"Mr. Void. What are you doing?" Snape asked.

"Fixing my shirt. Why?" Nova asked, his feet were still kicked up on the desk. "And done, can I go now?" Everyone else's faces just kind of twitched.

"Sit," she said, and they both backed into chairs by the fire.

"Explain," she said, her glasses glinting ominously. Ron launched into the story, starting with the barrier at the station refusing to let them through.

"-so we had no choice, Professor, we couldn't get on the train."

"Why didn't you send us a letter by owl? I believe you have an owl?"

Professor McGonagall said coldly to Harry. Harry gaped at her. Now she said it, that seemed the obvious thing to have done.

"I - I didn't think -"

"That," said Professor McGonagall, "is obvious."

There was a knock on the office door and Snape, now looking happier than ever, opened it. There stood the headmaster, Professor Dumbledore. Harry's whole body went numb. Dumbledore was looking unusually grave. He stared down his very crooked nose at them.

There was a long silence. Then Dumbledore said, "Please explain why you did this."

It would have been better if he had shouted. Harry hated the disappointment in his voice. For some reason, he was unable to look Dumbledore in the eyes, and spoke instead to his knees. He told Dumbledore everything except that Mr. Weasley owned the bewitched car, making it sound as though he and Ron had happened to find a flying car parked outside the station. He knew Dumbledore would see through this at once, but Dumbledore asked no questions about the car. When Harry had finished, he merely continued to peer at them through his spectacles.

"We'll go and get our stuff," said Ron in a hopeless sort of voice.

"What are you talking about, Weasley?" barked Professor McGonagall.

"Well, you're expelling us, aren't you?" said Ron.

Harry looked quickly at Dumbledore.

"Not today, Mr. Weasley," said Dumbledore. "But I must impress upon both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to both your families tonight. I must also warn you that if you do anything like this again, I will have no choice but to expel you."

Snape looked as though Christmas had been canceled. He cleared his throat and said, "Professor Dumbledore, these boys have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry, caused serious damage to an old and valuable tree - surely acts of this nature -"

"Old Man. Why am I here? And is the sorting finished? I would like to eat some Lemon Turnovers."

Thrown off by Nova, speaking the five other people just looked at Nova. "What I am hungry."

"Indeed the Sorting is over-" Dumbledore said.

"Fantastic! See you guys later." Nova then got up and left the room for the Feast. The last thing, Nova heard, was from McGonagall as Ron and Harry tried to leave as well.

"You two are staying here. And no buts, when you become a being that can give the dead a body once more then you can do whatever you want!"

Meanwhile the being in question was thinking of turnovers and of why he was even down with the two idiot in the first place.


Yeah. Why was Nova down there?

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