When Nova arrived at the Great Hall, the Feast was still going on, so without delay Nova opened the doors and went on in. As he entered the room went quiet, seeing the sudden hush and everyone just staring at him, Nova just looked behind him.

"What? You never seen a guy show up fashionably late before?" Nova said and went to go sit down next to Hermione. After a few seconds of silence, the hall became noisey once more. Nova then approached the Gryffindor table, and sat down next to Hermione.

"Where have you been? You missed the Sorting." Hermione said.

"The two idiots were seen flying the car, and I some how got dragged down with them. And no one has told me why yet." Nova said.

"Are they expelled?" Ginny, who was sitting a few feet away asked.

"Hmm? Oh most likely no." Nova said looking around.

"Ah yes here we go, pass the Lemon Tart will you." The seventh year girl next to Nova blushed quite hard when he spoke to her with a large smile.

"You know Hermione. You female mortals keep turning red every time I say something. Am I doing something wrong?" Nova asked sincerely.

"Nova you shouldn't worry about the little things in life." Hermione said stiffly.

Then out of the corner of his eye, Nova saw a blonde girl stand up from the Ravenclaw Table and walked towards them. It was Luna.

"Hello Friend. Can I sit with you?" Luna asked cheerfully.

"Certainly. Love could you slide over so Luna can sit down. Thank you." Nova said to the red seventh year who silently complied.

"So Luna, why are you sitting over here, and not with your house." Nova asked.

"Oh it was boring." Luna said as she started to eat a pudding cup.

"Ok." Nova replied. As he started to eat the lemon tart. He stopped.

"Oh yes. Luna this is Hermione. She has a friend quite similar to you." Nova introduced.

"Hello. I am Luna Lovegood." Luna introduced.

"Hermione Granger. Hello Luna. Lovegood. The name sounds familiar." Hermione said.

"You must be thinking of my father, who is the creator of the Quibbler." Luna said.

"Your father is the author of that fraudulent magazine." Hermione said.

"What do you mean fraudulent?" Luna said, her voice turning cold and sharp.

"There is no factual evidence for anything in those pieces that he publishes. The existence of make believe creatures, such as Humdingers and Snorkaks, is not worth the ink that it is printed on." Hermione said.

"That is because you must be too narrow minded to see the truth." Luna said.

Hearing her reply, caused Hermione to start argueing with her and Luna argured back. Then after a few minutes of going back and worth.

"Nova tell her that the articles are indeed superstitious and not factual at all." Hermione said while grabbing Nova's arm.

"No. Nova is my friend. And will tell you that the Quibbler is indeed a strong standing piece of hard work." Luna said while pulling on Nova's other arm.

"You seem to be having some trouble over there Nova." One of the Twins said while trying not to laugh. But before Nova could say anything.

"NOOOOVVAAA!!!" Was all that Nova heard before the world went dark and something soft tackled him to the floor.

"Oh it is soo good to see you. Why weren't you there when I woke up. We lost so much time together. Come lets get going." The voice said.

"Helena?" Nova heard Hermione say. "What are you doing!?"

"Don't interrupt Hermione. Can't you see I am hugging my beloved. Now is not the time to be jealous." The voice, now identified as Helen said.

"Jealous?! No, no that is besides the point can't you see your smothering him. He can't breathe." Hermione frantically said.

She then tried to pull Helena off of Nova but she wouldn't budge. It wasn't until Luna came and helped her that they were able to seperate Helena enough to loosen Nova some.

Coming out of his brief moment of shock, Nova grabbed Helena's shoulders and pulled her away to get a good look at her. Now that Helena had a human body once more. Her eyes were a misty grey, but her hair was the color of a dark oak wood. Her body showed no flaws in it, aside from the dragon wings on her back and sitting above her large bust was the philosopher's stone which now had a diamond shape to it. Sitting around the stone were lines of mithril identical to where Nova had poured the molten metal and carved the grooves for it to rest. All in all the procedure was a success.

"Well Helena. It seems that your body is in good condition and the soul merged properly. Though you seemed to have woken up a bit early." Nova said while analyzing Helena's soul.

"Indeed I woke up yesterday. I was a little surprised too. You didn't tell me I wouldn't wake up without any clothes on. What if I was seen? Was it so that we could start making children right away? If so lets go get started." Helena excitedly said, as she started to stand up.

Now when everyone around heard this. Lets just say chaos errupted. The guys who were not already having blood pour out of there noses from Helena assest, couldn't stop since they had active imaginations. And the surrounding girls, began to turn red.

"Did he really plan that? What a beast." Nova heard one girl whisper to her friend.

"Simply scandalous." Said another.

"Helena what happened to your calm mature demeanor that you were known for." Nova asked.

"Was there such a thing." Helena said with a happy expression on her face.

"Indeed. So turns out there is a small side effect to turning a ghost who has been dead for a millenia into a living being again." Nova mumbled.

"What do you mean side effect, Nova!" Hermione smiled.

"Yes Nova. I don't fully know what is going on. But could you explain." Luna asked. In the same tone as Hermione. Nova could have sworn he saw two smiling devils for a second.

"It seems that the mental functions of Helena were reversed in the process. It might have been the reason she woke up a day early. But it is nothing, I am sure it is only temporary." Nova said.

Everyone's face said, "I sure hope so." While Helena continued to sit in Nova's lap smiling.

"Ahem." Dumbledore coughed to get everyone's attention. "Now that I have everyone's attention. I hope that everyone had a good break and are ready for the new term. To start for this year's announcements. As some of the more keen eyed among you will have noticed. The Gray Lady will no longer be the house ghost for Ravenclaw. She seems to have taken on other more lively aspirations in life."

"Albus, I will still help give consultations to the Students that are from my house." Helena said from Nova's lap.

"What happened to the Gray Lady?" One Ravenclaw student called out.

"Well Mr. Johnson. If you must know. My beloved, Nova has made me a new body that I will give to him as often as he wants. We will have at least 4 children and live in a cosy cottage in the woods.

"Beloved!!!" A few people yelled out.

"Children!!" Said a few more.

"Indeed!" Helena said. While having her hands on her face, with her eyes closed. "I still can't forget how gentle and focused he was when running his hands over my body."

"Helena! That is enough. Your traumatizing the students! Nova what did you do?" McGonagall yelled out.

The person in question, Nova was currently eating a slice of pie while this was going on. Just now looked up, and not only saw a furious McGonagall, but a whole slew of female students with smoke coming out of their heads.

"I know absolutely nothing." Nova said. "Can we get back to the announcements? I am tired."

"Indeed." Dumbledore said with a straight face. "Now where was I? Oh yes. . . As some of you might already be aware. We have a new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. Gilderoy Lockhart. Everyone give him a warm round of welcome." The man in question was were bright purple robes and had a large grin on his face. Though Nova felt that it was a bit strained and was off. "And lastly, Mr. Filch, our caretaker, has kindly informed me of 30 more items that have been banned from the school. You are more than welcome to go by his office for the full list. Now that is it for the news. Now everyone pick a tune and sing along."

Dumbledore then raised his wand to have the school song float up in the air. This year instead of singing, Nova just looked around and listened. Last year, he heard a beautiful melody come out of one of the students' voices, but this year there was nothing. This was slightly concerning for Nova but he was sure it would all work out in the end.

When the song was over, Dumbledore dismissed everyone to bed. Luna then left the table and rejoined the Ravenclaws and Helena well she remained glued to Nova.

Nova had to pry her off of him and hand her to McGonagall, so he could head back up to Gryffindor Tower. When he arrived, most of the guys in the dorm swarmed him for answers.

"Lord Nova, please educate us lowly mortals on how to be in your situation." One of the sixth years asked. Others who heard the question nodded in agreement.

"What are you talking about? Nova asked. "Helena has clearly not stabilized with her new body."

All the guys just stared in disbelief at Nova. "I am going to now. Make sure you all wake up nice and early. Or we might just have a repeat of last years morning enjoyment."

When Nova said this, all the victims . . . boys from last year went pale. Then scrambled up to the dorms to go to bed.

The next morning, when Nova got up the sun was just starting to peak out over the mountains. As he sat up and looked around, he found that none of the guys were still in bed. Giving a nod of approval, Nova then got up and put on his robes and headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Gentlemen, I am glad to see that everyone is wide awake and ready to start the new term. I know it may have been difficult, but you did the right thing." Nova said. Now there were no females up yet it was just the guys, they had all somehow stumbled into the hall for breakfast. Many were still half asleep, and others such as Ron had fallen asleep in their porridge.

As Nova began to sit down and pile food into his plate, the door the teachers used opened up and McGonagall came rushing in.

"What are all you doing up this early. Nova what did you do?!" McGonagall questioned.

"Don't ask me. They are showing that the young men in Gryffindor are responsible young adults." Nova said while helping himself to a turkey leg.

"Oh no! Don't give me that. I heard about what you did last year." McGonagall rebutted. "Now all of you go back to bed-" Before she could finish, the doors of the Hall opened and Lockhart came in.

"Good Morning!! Wonderful to see you all up this early. It is just like Gryffindor to have their men up early setting such a wonderful example. You must be extremely pleased with your house, Professor McGonagall." Gilderoy Lockhart said.

Hearing Lockhart, McGonagall did a complete one eighty, "Indeed I am Gilderoy. I was just telling them that they should make sure to eat right and continue setting this example for the other students."

Hearing McGonagall caused everyone who heard this to go dead face and then stare at Nova like they wanted to murder him.

Then the door opened once more, this time from the teacher section, "NOVA! You're here!" It was Helena, as she rushed Nova and tried to jump on him.

Not even looking batting an eye, Nova reached a hand out and grabbed her mid air before she could tackle him.

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"Um, Nova this is not how to greet your beloved in the morning. Professor McGonagall, something is wrong with Nova. Or is this a normal thing males do to their lovers?"

Professor McGonagall started to massage her head, "Ms. Ravenclaw. I need you to calm down this morning. And please put your wings away."

"I am trying but these pesky things won't listen. Nova can you make me some clothes and the wings keep tearing all my dresses." Helena said as she sat on the floor.

"Come we must get back." Professor McGonagall said.

"No, I wish to stay with Nova." Helena rebutted. Not wanting to argue, McGonagall pulled out her wand and chains flew out of the ends tying Helena up.

"Nova how long will this persist." McGonagall asked.

"Don't know." Nova said while cleaning his third plate of food. "Not for too long though. It should abate in a short period of time."

"A short period is good. Do you have a time period?" McGonagall inquired.

"Yeah maybe a year or two." Nova said.

Black lines then appeared on McGonagall's face as she just walked off with Helena floating behind her.

"Nova, my love, these shackles of society will not keep us apart forever." Helena called out as her and McGonagall disappeared around the corner.

Finishing his four plate of food, Nova then stood up and looked at the rest of the boys and Lockhart, "What is wrong with you guys? You look like you were forced to eat dog food."

Everyone just went back to eating, not saying a word. Lockhart unfroze and smiled at Nova.

"Young Nova. I understand it might be challenging handling multiple relationships but if you ever need relationship advice. I will be more than willing to assist." Lockhart started saying.

"No thank you, I am already married. Have a great day." Nova said. Hearing this caused Lockhart and the rest of the Gryffindors to freeze and stare as Nova walked off.

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