A week or so after this fiasco, Nova found himself lying on the grass staring at the thunder heads that were rolling in from the North threatening to bring the accursed snow. Luna was there next to him meditating and working on improving Little Red's soul like how Hermione had been doing in her free time.

\"Hmm . . . yes like that. Keep the cycle flowing smoothly.\" Nova said, as he watched Luna cycle the world's energy into her.

As he said that Nova felt a person walking up on them, and he turned to see that it was Professor McGonagall.

\"Nova, Ms. Lovegood.\" McGonagall greeted.

\"Professor.\" Luna said as she opened her eyes. They were now glowing with a strong silver radiance. Nova had found out since she had started to practice that Luna had Astoria's sight to see what couldn't normally be seen. It was something very nice to have when checking the inner workings of the world to see what was hidden and forming without having to actually visit them.

\"Nova I need you to come with me. There is a small issue that needs your attention.\" McGonagall said tensely.

\"Hmm. . .Sure.\" Nova said as he stood up.

\"Talk to you later Nova.\" Luna said and skipped off.

\"Do you know where we are going?\" McGonagall asked.

\"Probably to see the Old Man for some pointless reason correct.\" Nova said.

\"Indeed. Albus and his guest will explain.\" McGonagall said.


\"Indeed.\" McGonagall said with disdain.

When they arrived at Dumbledore's office, Nova saw three people, an idiot and Dumbledore.

\"Hello Old Man. Hmm. . .quite the welcoming party if I must say. What does the Minister of Magic with two lackeys, and the Incompetent Lockhart want with me.\"

\"Now Nova-.\" Dumbledore started.

\"Are you Nova Void?\" Fudge said.

\"Last I checked.\" Nova replied.

\"Are you able to turn into a Dragon?\" Fudge asked.

\"Indeed.\" Nova said as he spread his wings and transformed his arms. \"Are you going to keep asking pointless questions?\"

\"Good. Kingsley, Thompson. Grab him.\" The two lackeys then rushed to grab Nova.

Nova waved his wings knocking the two over.

\"Thompson . . . Thompson. Ah yes I remember you from that party. Didn't I tell you that if you grabbed me again you would lose an arm?\" Nova asked with his arms crossed. Thompson let out an audible gulp.

\"Now everyone calm down.\" Dumbledore said softly. \"Cornelius what is this about?\"

\"I have numerous letters and complaints from parents saying a dragon is roaming the walls of the castle attacking students. At first I didn't believe it, but then I received a letter from Professor Lockhart confirming this statement even further providing evidence that this dragon was the creature from the Chamber of Secrets and openly attacked him when he tried to subdue it.\" Fudge stated.

Lockhart started nodding his head, \"Indeed it is as the Minister has said. I also mentioned how I discovered the dragon has taken a human form and has been seducing and manipulating the young girls at the school by transforming into a human. We all know what magical creature will do to young witches.\"

The room grew silent for a second, then laughter could be heard.

\"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!\" It was Nova. He started laughing and laughing to the point that the castle started to shake.

Dumbledore also chuckled lightly and McGonagall's cheeks twitched as she fought the urge to laugh as well.

When Nova calmed down, \"You are an even bigger idiot than I thought. Well since only half that statement is true. Well at least the part about being a dragon and having a human form. What are you going to do? Well Mister Minister.\"

Nova said this last part with a taunting smile while showing his pearly white fangs. Fudge and Thompson shivered slightly, and Kingsley stood his ground.

\"Well. . . As Minister of Magic, I,I,I am here to inform you that you are under arrest and since we don't know if you are an full dr,dr,dr. . . dragon or an Animagus. You . . . You will be imprisoned in Azkaban until you are cleared.\" Fudge said with a nice stutter.

\"What!\" McGonagall said. \"You can't do this. For what crime would you send him there?\"

\"My dear lady. He is attacking students late at night. And obviously he has those glasses to obscure his Petrification Vision from us.\" Fudge said fiercely.

\"You moron these glasses are so that when some idiot stares into my eyes their soul won't be erased.\" Nova said tiredly.

\"AH Ha! So you did admit you have been attacking students.\" Fudge exclaimed.

Nova could only slap his face in disbelief. Truly an idiot above idiots. Where did he get that information from?

\"Cornelius. There is no need to do this.\" Dumbledore said. \"I assure you. Mr. Void has done no harm to anyone.\"

\"Now you listen to me Dumbledore. I am in charge here. You best be lucky you're still headmaster, after letting a dragon roam freely around the school.\" Fudge said.

The air suddenly seemed to grow tense.

\"How the hell you became Minister of Magic is quite strange. How many people did you have to bribe?\" Nova asked. \"But let me get this correct, you want me to go willingly to some prison because this idiot of a teacher thinks I am the Monster of the Chamber?\"

\"That is correct.\" Fudge said growing madder.

\"Well. In that case. . . sure. I will humor you mortal.\" Nova said.

\"What?! Nova what are you saying? Don't you know that is the worst prison on earth? Albus say something, convince him it is a terrible idea.\" McGonagall raged.

\"Now Minerva. This is Nova's personal decision. Plus it is like Cornelius said, they believe Nova is the creature. So to protect the school they must take the appropriate measures, but I am sure that once Nova is proven innocent the Ministry will see fit to release Mr. Void. Isn't that correct Cornelius?\" Dumbledore said, giving a Fudge a piercing stare.

\"Indeed it is as you say Albus.\" Fudge said glancing sideway. \"Kingley, Thompson put them Anti Magical Creature Shackles on Nova Void to prevent any accidents during transport.\"

Then Kingley and Thompson waived their wands and chains flew up and bound Nova's hands, feet and wings together. Then another set formed around his eyes while breaking his glasses.

\"That was rude. You're lucky I have another pair.\" Nova said. \"And isn't this a little overkill?\"

\"No. Add the muzzle to keep him from breathing fire.\" Fudge said.

As a chain appeared around Nova's mouth, he realized he had a question bit through them, \"Wait!\"

\"What!?\" Fudge exclaimed.

\"Is there any food at this prison. If so what kind?\" Nova said.

\"I don't know. Prison food.\" Fudge said. And the chains reformed around Nova's mouth.

\"Wait!\" Nova said as he bit through the chains once more.

\"Will you stop doing that!!\" Fudge roared.

\"I need to get some lemon tarts from the Great Hall before we go.\" Nova said.

\"Are you done?\" Fudge sighed exasperatedly.

\"Hmm. . . yeah as long as I get lemon tarts.\" Nova said.

The chains then coiled around Nova's mouth once more.

\"Finally they are on. Kingsley, Thompson bring him away.\" Fudge said. Nova then felt himself being lifted long ways and started to float.

\"Kingsley make sure you bring Nova by the Great Hall for the desserts.\" Dumbledore spoke. Kingsley had a hint of amusement on his face as he nodded.

\"I hope for your sake you are correct Gilderoy. Nova is not a forgiving person.\" Professor McGonagall said and stormed out.

\"Indeed I am Professor McGonagall. I didn't banish the banshee with my smile you know.\" Lockhart said as he all but skipped out the room with a large grin.

McGonagall just shook her head at the sight and Dumbledore just smiled gently.

\"I best start drafting an ad for a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.\" Dumbledore said, as he pulled out a quill and ink.


Poor Poor Lockhart.

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