As Kingsley and Thompson led the chained up Nova out the castle, they made a small detour to the Great Hall so Nova could get his lemon tarts as well as a bunch of other food for him to eat. Since he didn't know what kind of food prison food was.

When the small group appeared in the Great Hall, everyone saw Nova bound in chains. It caused a small uproar. The Slytherin group started to applaud and the Gryffindors started to argue with them.

Nova then cast out his thoughts to Hermione and Luna, \"I will be back in a few weeks, stay out of trouble.\" He told them both as he did so he also started to lift the food he wanted off the table and store it in his ring. But no one questioned it because it was Nova.

Lockhart then burst into the Great Hall with his flamboyant self and started to talk.

\"I see that everyone has seen my great victory of Slytherin's Monster. Indeed it is true. But our good friend Nova, was the creature located in the chamber. I saw him transform into a ferocious dragon, and was about to attack one of the defenseless first year girls.\"

Even though Nova couldn't see fully what was going on, hearing it, made his eye twitch. He then sent his thoughts to Kingsley, \"Alright I am ready to go.\"

As they left the Hall, Nova sent one of the chocolate puddings flying to fall on top of Lockhart while he was still weaving his story of taking Nova down. Though he was full of it, Nova still thought it was kind of funny. Since it will only be a few weeks until the school has another attack and Lockhart's credibility will be nonexistant.

As they left the castle, Nova sensed the world warp and turn and found they were in a different location. Sensing that Nova had a question, Kingley spoke, \"We just apparated to the Ministry of Magic and are heading to the Gateway to Azkaban.\"

\"Ah, I see. You do realize that I have done nothing wrong at least. But my only question, why is your boss an idiot?\" Nova's thought to Kingsley.

\". . . .\" Kingsley stayed silent.

\"I see, you too wonder the same question. You know after poking around in your head for a bit, I see that you have good leadership qualities and a firm belief. You should possibly consider taking the mantle yourself when things settle down.\"

\"That is not for me to decide, and only if the Ministry required that I do so.\" Kingley said.

\"Kingsley, stop talking with the prisoner.\" Thomson said.

\"Thompson, I have it from here. You can go back to the HQ.\" Kingsley spoke.

\"Ah thanks I hate going to the loading zone.\" Thompson said, before running off.

Nova then felt them pass through a gate, and when they did a sudden chill could be felt. Nova also smelled brine and sea water, so he assumed they were on some island. As they walked forward, Nova sensed many eyes watching them, and some type of creature floating around. He didn't know what it was but he could feel their excitement as they watched Kingsley walk him into a cell.

\"I really do hope that they are wrong about you.\" Kingley said as he closed the door of the cell before walking away.

As soon as he was gone, Nova bit through the chains on his mouth and broke the chains binding his hands, arms, and legs.

\"Finally, I honestly hope they didn't acutally believe the chains could hold me.\" Nova said out loud. He then looked around the cell, and was downright disgusted.

The walls had a slimy look to them, mold was growing on the floor and the toilet was unspeakable. It was so bad in fact that Nova was glad he didn't have to process waste like humans.

\"This place is a shithole. Is this really how they treat their prisoners? I wonder what the rest of the place is like?\" Nova then pulled the bars of the cell to slide the door open, seeing that it didn't want to budge, Nova just forced it to move, snapping the locking mechanism.

\"Hmm. I will have to fix that later. When was the last time they did maintenance on this place. The tracks haven't been oiled in at least 50 years.\" Nova said, as he looked at the rust and buildup on the tracks. Didn't these mortals know about proper care and preventive maintenance?

What was keeping the prisoners from pulling the doors open like Nova, and where are the Security Guards. Suddenly a black hooded creature swooped down out of nowhere and tried to grab Nova, but Nova grabbed it by the throat instead.

\"Hmm. . . I see, I think the book I read said this was a dementor. A creature that feeds off of emotion and lives in rot and decay. Yes I do see why they are here now. But still these creatures are too dark for the mortals to handle properly. Maybe I could. . . No I am not going to build a security system.\"

While Nova was debating with himself on what he could do with the prison to upgrade it, the dementor in his hand started to struggle and panic. It had never faced such a threat much less, been grabbed. Seeing it plight the other dementors, started to swarm and go into a frenzy.

Seeing the other creatures not act right, Nova released some pressure. \"Be quiet. Can't you see I am thinking. Sheesh. . . How inconsiderate can you be? Just go to the roof and stay there till I am finished, and you stop struggling. I will let you go after I am done studying you. Now lets see. There is not a face or normal orfices for breathing, sight or sound, the mouth seems to only appear when you need food. I don't detect a brain, or well any kind of thinking organ. Maybe they are just instinctual?\"

While Nova did his thinking he started to walk around and get a lay of the prison and what it looked like. As for the dementors, the pressure Nova released terrified them and would have bowed under him if they didn't sense his intent for them to go to the room. The dementor in his hand however had resigned it's fate to that of being dead. As Nova literally dragged the creature that was twice his current height around like a rag doll. It wasn't until Nova had a strong understanding of the creature called a dementor, did he let it go. It was later found huddled in a corner refusing to see wizards.

As Nova got a better understanding of the prison, he found that it was a giant triangle with 100 floors and 100 cells on each floor and the center of the prison was a special type of cell. Nova also found the kitchens and after seeing the conditions in which they were serving food. Accidently burned it down.

After making a list of all that needed to be fixed, Nova flew to the nearest muggle hardware store and got canisters of lubricating oil, rust remover, cans of paint and brushes, and pretty much everything else the store sold for hardware supplies.

The first thing Nova did was start enchanting the buckets of soap and brushes to start cleaning the walls inside and out, and remove all the mold and mildew. Then he improved the primer for the paint to dry quicker and repainted the walls to contrast nicely with the checkered black and white floors. Which he only found were white after burning some of the filth off. After about a day of good work. The prison was now clean as possible and had a nice scent of lemony freshness.

Nova on the next days, following the cleaning, he ripped out the metal doors and fixed them all up. He just did a brief maintenance check, scrubbed and polished the steel, removed all rust and oil and lubricated all the joints and hinges. Nova didn't understand why they had let this all fall to such bad disrepair. It was only a few hours worth of work.

Now not wanting to rush, Nova took his time doing the repairs and did only the first 50 floors on the second day after making sure all the paint had dried. On the third day, he worked on the last fifty. Once he had all the doors fixed and put in proper working order, Nova then added self repair and maintenance enhancements to the building so that this work wouldn't need to be done again. He had also found there was a cleaning crew that was incharge of this but seeing how they were not doing their jobs Nova took the chains that were around them and tied them to a flag pole with a sign that said reflecting.

The last project that Nova worked on was the kitchen. After it accidently burnt down, Nova repaired all the stoves and ovens after making the walls and floors a nice white. The pots and pans that were in bad condition were melted down to act as plates and utensils since the old ones were covered in rust. Pleased with the work he did, Nova added self cleaning functions to all the equipment and created mini golems to cook the food after seeing the swill the cooks made. As for the kitchen staff, they were hanging out with the cleaning crew.

Though it took a little longer than he would have liked, Nova was pleased with his 5 days of work. The outside of the prison now had clean black walls. The inside of the prison had white walls and the marble and obsidian floors looked brand new. The cells were spotless and had showers setup in all of them. The toilets were clean and the beds, well, Nova didn't touch the beds.

Now since Nova had arrived many of the prisoner's were yelling and screaming in their sleep and/or stayed silent the whole time. But once they were introduced to the new environment, many started to regain their senses. Though some. . . well let's just say they were in here for a good reason.

Now with nothing really to do, Nova went around and started to talk to some of the prisoners, because why not. But for some reason, they did not want to talk, but a few did. Upper on the upper levels, there was a prisoner that could change into a dog. He was quite the calm fellow.

\"You seem to be relatively calm, compared to the rest.\" Nova told him.

\"I am serving my sentence for a crime that I commited. It is only natural.\" the man said.

\"Indeed. But the madness doesn't seem to affect you as the others.\" Nova replied.

\"I realized early on that there is no need to scream and yell. The more you do, the more it makes the dementors feed.\"

\"You are quite observant. What is your name?\" Nova inquired.

\"I am Sirius Black.\"

\"Greetings Sirius. What are you in here for?\" Nova asked.

\"I was sentenced for killing my friend, James Potter and his wife Lily.\" Sirius said.

\"Interesting. I know a Potter as well though. I don't suppose there are too many in this world. Do you know Harry?\" Nova stated.

\"I am his godfather. How is he?\" Sirius said.

\"He lives with some regular mortals. Talented but not too bright. I would have to say that he takes after his father in many regards. But I assumed you already knew that.\" Nova replied.

\"Haha! Indeed.\" Sirius said, showing more life in his face now. \"Do you have anything to read?\"

\"Indeed.\" Nova said, and dropped a few dozen books inside the cell. As he removed the books, Ravenclaw's Diadem came out as well and started to float in mid air.

\"Hello my dear. Why are you out here?\" Nova said. He glanced at the soul inside and found that it had since grown stronger than when he had found it. The diadem just floated in place and started to move down the hall.


Should I? Mother/Daughter/Both/NTR Voldemort Possibly?

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