A few days earlier, Nova arrived in the city of Cairo, only to still find it intact. Which was good but not good at the same time. When he arrived, Nova found no sign of a Tear nor of any kind of spatial disturbance associated with one.

All he sensed was a small rift. Upon investigating the location, he found an empty alley. The alley was strange. In it, Nova felt pure Void Energy, Magic, and a small wisp of Divinity, associated with a being of the Void. But because of how faint it was he couldn't tell who it belonged to. Which was a little concerning. Who were they and how did they access the world without alerting the system?

To better understand what he was looking at, Nova set up an isolation bubble and then drew some low level time ruins, to slowly rewind what happened, if really only to show him the events.

"That idiot. A teleportation portal? How thick can you get?" Nova said sitting down with his head in his hands. "At least it seems that he only jumped through and came out the other side and wasn't a pile of mush. I wonder what the Divinity was, I want to ask him, but Ronald only cares about food and wouldn't notice anything even if it bit him in the ass."

"I am going to need to find him to go through his memories." Nova sighed. Why can't things be peaceful?

Nova then started walking down the street following the time mirage that was Molly Weasley. Soon Nova came upon an hotel and walked inside.

"Excuse me. I am looking for the Weasley's do you know where they might be?" Nova asked the desk guy.

"Hmm. . . The Weasley's? Oh the Red's. Sorry they packed and left to go home. But the eldest, Bill, is still here. Oi! Bill! Someone's looking for you!"

Nova then saw a Weasley Red Head with a dragon tooth earring walk in from the back.

"Yes?" Bill asked.

"This young man is looking for your family." the desk guy said.

"Hello Bill. I am Nova. Where is you brother, Ronald." Nova said.

"They went to Diagon Alley. Going to stay at the Leaky for the next week or so till Hogwarts starts. Why? What did Ron do? Wait . . . Nova? Your that Dragon. Please don't kill Ron." Bill said worriedly.

"I won't not just yet at least. He jumped into something he shouldn't have and I need to see if he saw anything." Nova explained.

"That doesn't sound good." Bill said. "CHUCK! Tell Goldfinger, I have a family emergency. I will be back in a few days."

"I am only going to the Cauldron. Why are you coming?" Nova asked.

"Well if you do something to Ron, someone has to hold Mother back." Bill said. "Now open you fancy portal I heard about."

"You just want to take the portal, huh." Bill didn't answer and only looked to the side. Nova sighed and ripped a hole in the space and grabbed Bill and jumped through.

"Well, well, well. It seems I missed something amusing.��� Nova said.

Ron then looked at Nova while holding himself and said, "YOU!" and then promptly was knocked out as Hermione the round housed him in the head.

Hermione was about to stomp on him like crushing a bug, but Nova walked over and swept her off her feet.

"Hermione, I think that is enough. I need him alive for a few minutes longer." Nova told her with a smile.

"NOVA! I haven't heard from you all summer." Hermione said as she hugged him tightly. "Please let me finish, he is still breathing. The little grease stain just tried to kiss me."

"Maybe later. But something happened in Cairo, and he saw what happened. Possibly." Nova told her as he put her down.

"What happened in Cairo?"


"But Nova, your watch beeped, you said before you left that Cairo was erased." Daphne said as she walked up.

"Hello Daphne. Indeed, it should have been but it wasn't a Tear that formed. Or at least not a normal one."

"Well Nova. If it wasn't food or Quidditch then Ron wouldn't have seen anything." Luna said as she gave Nova a hug.

"That is what I am afraid of. I sensed Void Divinity, and need to see his memories." Nova said.

"Ron! What happened?" Molly Weasley came rushing into the room. "Bill why are you here?"

"Groan. My head." Ron said.

Nova then looked down at Ron and a growl akin to thunder came out of his mouth. "Everyone leave. NOW!" and released his aura. Feeling his fury, all the customers cleared out.

"Tom! Close the cauldron or give me a place for meetings." Nova commanded the barkeep.

"Sir, I can't . . ." Tom began saying. Nova dropped a pile of Galleons on the counter. "Yes. Sir."

"No one gets in." Nova commanded. "I am not to be disturbed."

"Yes, sir." Tom then waved his wand and locked everything down and then quickly left.

Nova then picked up Ron, "Who are you?! Who sent you?"

The person being Ron, stuttered and his eyes rolled into the back of his head and passed out.

"Damn mortal." Nova said and tossed the person into a chair and snapped his finger as it strapped him down and held the person in place.

"Nova, what are you doing to Ron." Harry asked

"This is not Ronald Weasley." Nova said.

"Of course it's my baby boy!" Molly yelled. She had her wand brandished and looked ready to skin Nova.

"This is not your son, Molly Weasley. And you will do well not to question me mortal. Your son has the soul of a terrier dog not that of a cuttlefish." Nova glared.

"Well so what if it changed!" Molly yelled.

"Yell at me one more time mortal I will erase you." Nova said as he felt his body shifting. "Somebody is playing a dangerous game and I didn't authorize it."

"WAKE UP!" Nova commanded. The person that looked like Ron, stirred awake and tried to move.

"Why am I tied down. Mother help me. Nova's gone mad." 'Ron' said with a pleading voice.

Molly made a move to help him but Arthur and Bill stopped her.

"Ron. Who plays the Keeper position for the Harpies?" Arthur asked.

"I don't know. I follow the Cannons." The Fake said.

The second the False Weasley said this, the room went ice cold and everyone pulled out their wands. Everyone present knew that Ron would know this answer in his sleep, and only served to give credit to Nova's statement. This was not Ron.

"I will ask only once or I will erase you. Where is Ron?" Nova asked.

The Fake had a look of panic, "I don't know."

"Why do you know me?" Nova asked.

"You're that lower tiered god that put me back into my body after the great truck-kun hit me five years ago" The Fake said. "But you are supposed to be imprisoned. The Almighty Truck-sama said so."

Nova thought about it for a little while, he did remember putting this soul back into a body that was hit by a regular truck.

"Who said I was a Low Tier God?" Nova asked.

"The Almighty Truck-sama!"

"No such being or god exists." Nova said.

"You are lying. I met him in his glory." The Fake said. "You are weak compared to His Truckliness."

The world then began to tremble, "MORTAL! I am the Dragon God. FORGER of WORLDS! YOU DARE CALL ME A LIAR!" Nova raged as he turned into a dragon.

"Now I will ask again. Why are you here?"

"The Almighty Truck-sama said I could be isekai'd and sent to another world." The fake said trembling.

"I received no such notice." Nova said.

"IT'S TRUE! Please don't eat me." The fake cried.

"There is no truck-sama or any truck related being that helps mortals reincarnate. How you mortals came up with that to explain your inability to cross the street correctly. I will never understand."

Hearing this the fake looked ready to cry. His whole world was crushed. "But the truck person said I was cleared to reincarnate."

"Oh?" Nova said

"Yeah, yeah. You are a god look at my memories. Watch the conversation." The fake said.

"Very well." Nova then looked through the mortal's memories. Upon watching them, Nova went pale.

Seeing Nova go pale, caused everyone else to pale as well. If a Dragon God reacted like this, it couldn't possibly be good.

"Nova?" Hermione asked cautiously. "What did you see?"

"Samuel. He's here in this world."

When Nova said this, Hermione, Daphne, and Luna went even whiter. The Twins and Harry helped them sit down.

"What do we do?" Daphne asked.

"I don't know. But we have time, he doesn't have a body right now he is essentially a soul." Nova said.

"It's ok we'll figure something out." Luna said softly as she hugged Nova's head.

"Um. . . Hello? Hi, yes who the hell is Samuel?" The Fake said still strapped to the chair.

Nova then explained the situation and gave the full background of everything that was going on and why he was here.

"Well what's the issue? You're a god, he is a soul. What is the problem? Just banish his ass and your good to go."

"No we are not good to go." Nova scowled. "This is only a temporary body and I only have small amount of my full power with me. Samuel has his full soul. We are lucky the world hasn't crumbled yet."

"How is Samuel even here?" Hermione asked.

"He violated the World Laws in the World Sanctuary and was cast into the metaphysical space between worlds. He entered this world by piggy-backing off this idiot over here."

"Um. . . Nova?" Molly asked hesitantly. "What about my Ron?"

Nova looked sadly at Mrs. Weasley, "I'm sorry. I don't know. Samuel ripped him out of his body and cast him to the side. He could be floating in the area between worlds, or landed in one. But the chance of him being alive still are near impossible. Again I'm sorry."

Hearing this Molly broke down and wept into Arthur who had gone red eyed as he held his wife. The rest of the Weasley Clan and Harry sat down, while Bill grabbed the firewhiskey behind the counter and started to drink.

It was a grim day indeed.


Well the situation does seem sirius. Wonder what will happen next.

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