"I don't know, should I?" Nova said.

"Nova what are we going to do with him?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know. I would like to just incinerate him, but. . ." Nova strayed as he glanced over at the Weasleys. Molly who heard Nova started to cry even harder.

"He can't stay here though." Daphne inputted. "This Samuel might have some way to track him."

"No he can't without a body to hold his power. But leaving him here is not a good idea. But if I take him out the body dies, and then Ronald would be without a body if he was to return." Nova stated.

"What do you mean Ron would return?" Arthur asked.

"Well Arthur, souls are funny things. If your son's source of will was strong enough he could, possibly find his way back into his own body." Nova said.

"Well he's dead." Fred said.

"Indeed" George stated, looking glum.

"Boys!" Arthur yelled.

"Look dad, they aren't entirely wrong. I hate to say this but Ron doesn't notice much outside of food and Quidditch." Percy told his father.

"Percy, he is your brother though." Molly said horsley.

"Mum. You know it's true." Ginny said looking as red-eyed as her mother.

"Surely there is some way to know if Ron is truly gone Nova?" Harry asked. He was as upset as everyone else, seeing has he lost his best friend to some psycho. Yeah sure it was Ron's fault, but this Samuel didn't help anything.

"Well. . ." Nova said.

When they heard Nova speak everyone turned to look at him. "Nova there is a way to check if Ron is still alive?" Hermione asked.

"Sigh. . . yes there is but you have to understand I don't know if the Soul Society still exist." Nova told them.

"The Soul Society?" Luna asked.

"Yes. See when the world's first came into existence, human souls had this odd habit of falling through the gaps of their world's reincarnation cycle and would float between the planes. So I created a Society with Nemea to find souls and place them back into there correct world based off their world imprint. But you have to understand this Society hasn't been used in well over 10 Eons." Nova spoke while rubbing his temples.

"Nova could you please check?" Molly asked. "I know it might not work but my Ron is still out there. As a mother I have to know."

Seeing everyone just stare at him, Nova could only sigh. "Fine. CHRONA!" Nova called, there was a brief silence, then the space in front of them warped and a small spector appeared in front of them.

"Lord Nova." the spector, Chrona kneeled.

"Chrona. I am surprised you are still active. The Soul Society has not been used in eons." Nova said while sitting.

"I am pleased."

"Lord Nova, why have you called me here?" Chrona asked.

"Chrona, we have a displaced soul and want to see if it is still in existence." Nova told Chrona.

"I understand My Lord."

"Access the Sanctuary. Search World I.D. 0293857209. Subject Ronald Bilius Weasley." Nova instructed. As Nova spoke Chrona opened a holographic log and inputted the required information. When he was done, a list appeared and stretched from ceiling to floor. Multiple lines of text saying Ronald Bilius Weasley had appeared.

"Nova why are there so many Ron's?" Hermione inquired.

"Well Hermione there are billions of worlds there are many duplicates that were made. I have no say in what the world will be turned into or how a person is created." Nova explained while looking at the list.

"Well which one is my Ron?" Molly demanded.

"Let's see. Hmm. . . quite a few terminations. Seems the other Rons aren't too successful in life. Wonder if it is a bug in the system or just this persona? Ah . . . Here we go." Nova said as he tapped the line with the word 'Displaced'.

"Well good news Weasley's your Ronald is still alive. He seems to have ended up in another world." Nova said, rubbing his chin. The Weasley cheered as they heard the news. Molly started to cry again. "Let's see what he is doing."

Nova then tapped the eyeball and a second screen appeared. It showed a boy roughly 15 laying on a couch in the lap of a woman. The woman and boy weren't wearing anything.

"Oh my." Nova said as a small commotion was made. Mrs. Weasley started to yell at her sons to cover their eyes.

"That is not my Ron" Molly exclaimed as she covered Ginny's eyes.

"Actually yes, it is as a matter of fact. See your son's body is here." Nova gestured to the person in the chair. "So it stands to reason that your son's soul would inhabit another body in the world he is now in."

"But that can't be my son, he is laying down with no clothes with a woman he doesn't know. My Ronnie was raised better than that."

"Well we don't know how long he has been there. So they might be acquaintances or in a relationship. Let's listen in. Shall we?" Nova said, as he tapped the voice icon.

"Master Ronald. We appreciate your donation to the Lotus Palace. Is there any service you would like of us since we are here?"

"Food would be nice."

"Food, my lord?" The Lady echo'd.

"Yeah, I am hungry, and you can just keep it coming too."

"Wouldn't you like any of our other services. Possibly a massage? Or something a bit more?" She asked.

"I can't eat a massage, and what more can you give? Here take more gold and bring me some food. I can possibly imagine you cooking since you're not wearing any clothes. Why are we naked any ways?"

"Oh no reason." The Lady said as she took the bag of coins. "I will bring you all the food you can eat Master Ronald."

The group then watched as other beautiful women with nothing on served plate after plate of food. "Just to be sure. All you want is food. You don't want any other service?"

"Naw. That is fine. What other kind of service can you offer as a restaurante?"

"A rest. . ." One of the women started to ask, but the others covered her mouth.

"We will leave you now." The first woman spoke. The women then filed out and left the boy to eat the plates of food.

Nova then closed the screen. As he did so, the Twins but out laughing.

"Yep. That's Ron alright." Gred said.

"As he is the only one that would be able to ignore service over food." Forge laughed. Molly and Arthur were quite red from embarrassment.

"Arthur, have you talked with Ron about the relationship between man and woman yet?" Nova asked.

"I was going to talk to him about it this year. I wasn't quite sure if he was ready or mature enough." Arthur said, as the twins and his other brothers continued to laugh, while Molly was trying to get them to stop.

"I don't think you should really ever bother." Nova said. "He seems quite content as he is now."

"That lucky bastard is in a place like that and all he can do is eat. How stupid can you be. Hey Dragon God put me over there." The False Weasley ranted.

"Nova can you bring my son back?" Molly asked.

"Do you really want me to?" Nova asked. "Especially after what you just saw?"

"Yes even though Ron has his faults. He is still my son." Molly said, feeling quite embarrassed.

"Ok. Chrona open up the World Station." Nova said. Chrona then pressed some buttons on his enterface.

The List then changed to a star chart with a small arrow that said you are here. "Locate Displaced Soul." Nova said. Another arrow then appears around another world.

"Nhh. Damn." Nova said. The two locations were on opposite sides of the chart.

"What is the issue." Daphne asked.

"The world is on the other side of the Sanctuary." Nova said.

"And how is that an issue?" Bill Weasley replied as he drank another shot.

"It is not an issue per say, but time is a problem."

"How so?"

"It will take me a few Void Hours to reach that world."

"Well that is good." Molly said.

"No, Mrs. Weasley I don't think this is a good thing. Nova said Void Hours, not Earth Hours." Luna replied.

"What is the difference?" Arthur asked.

"The Void has no concept of time. It just passes. And while I travel for what might feel like an hour, it might be several days, months, or years for you."

"If I take several hours to get Ron, it might be years for you. And this world only has roughly 4 years left to continue existing." Nova explained. He felt a headache coming on. As he rubbed his temples.

Hearing what Nova said, the Weasley's, Harry, and the girls let that information sink in. After all it was a lot to take in.

"So you mean by you getting Ron for us, we could potentially doom the world?" Percy said.

"Indeed." Nova said as he leaned back.

"I can be Ron" The Fake in the chair said. "I mean I read the books, I know all about Ronald Weasley and magic. Plus it seems like there is a bit of the issue with world destruction."

"No you can't stay. Nova I think we will be fine. Little Red says it will be alright." Luna spoke up.

"Are you sure?"

"Bring Ron back. Even though he is a idiotic git. He is still part of this world." Daphne sighed.

"Yeah Nova"

"Bringing Ron."

"Back will give us"

"Plenty of pranking material." The Twins echo'd.

"Molly, Arthur? You can make the final call." Nova asked.

Molly and Arthur just looked at each other and then their sons and daughter, then at the fake. "Yes, Nova. Bring my son home. If the world is going to end, I want us together as a family.

"Weasley's stick together as a family no matter what." Arthur firmly said.

"Very well." Nova replied. Standing up, Nova turned to Hermione, Daphne and Luna. "You three will need to cultivate even longer now. Here hold onto the diadem and my wand, the fragments inside will be able to boost your connection."

"What about Bellatrix's fragment?" Hermione asked.

"Something tells me she is already further ahead of you three. Crazy and cultivation are good friends sometimes." Nova chuckled.

Nova then turned into a dragon, "As for you, do not influence the world, stick to the plot that you know of or the Laws could have your soul. Am I understood?"

Shivering in fear from Nova's stare, the Fake could only nod.

"Good. Chrona, bring us to the In Between. We are going Weasley Hunting." Nova commanded.

"Yes, My Lord." Chrona bowed and with a pop they disappeared.


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