Harry Potter and the Forger of Worlds

Chapter 93 - The Other World


When Ronald Weasley woke up he found himself lying in a grassy field. Which puzzled him greatly. The last thing he remembered was jumping through the teleportation portal that Bill had told him about. But this didn't look like Egypt any more. Could the portal have taken him somewhere else? Strange.

Not seeing the desert and the hills of sand that he remembered seeing before Ron figured someone would come get him when they realized he was gone. Since it was obviously an issue with the goblins teleporting device. Why didn't it send him to the place with food. Don't the goblins know he needs to eat. But Ron was sure that it would not be too long until he was found. Since obviously they had tracking charms on the portal users.

After a few minutes Ron decided to take a nap since it was clear that it might be a little while until he was found. Though he didn't know how long it was going to take, he was almost positive it shouldn't take too long since he was probably only a city or two away from Cairo. After all magic made the world a small place.

As Ron slept he dreamed about the all you can eat buffet at the hotel and in doing so missed the herd of horned rabbits hop past while being chased by direwolves. Soon the sun started to set, and when it faded the air started to cool. When the cold breeze came upon Ron, he felt the cold and shiverred and woke up. And when he did Ron knew there was something wrong.

"What the hell? Why hasn't anyone come to get me yet. I mean it can't be that hard to follow a tracking charm." Ron complained as he rolled in the grass. "I know i can start a fire while I wait. Lets see where my wand is. Wand, wand, wand."

As Ron started to check his pockets, he paled. He didnt have his wand. Thant cant be right he knew he took it with him when leaving the hotel. Then he looked at his pocket. Then Ron realized that these werent even his clothes! he had been robbed!

This was a crime. Then he paled even futher. He lost his wand. His new wand. His mother was going to kill him. That was a whole 7 Galleons. That was alot. Maybe Harry could get him a new one before Ron's mother noticed. Or better yet Nova could build him one. A god should be able to make him the strongest one in history. He would be unbeatable and then the Cannons would have to have him play for them. And with Harry playing as seeker they would never loose and all the World Cups they could go to. And after winning all the girls they could get, Ron would never run out of food with all the cooking they would want to do for him. Since what else could they do besides cook and clean.

The next morning, Ron woke up after awhile and eventually got up, picked a random direction, and started to walk. After a few hours of walking and grumbling about being hungry, Ron came upon a dirt road. Jumping for joy, Ron started to walk on the road. Some time had passed and Ron soon found him outside a town with tall stone walls.

Did Muggles still have stone walls? Ron didnt know, he would have to ask Hermione. As he came up to the towns entrance, he saw two men on guard, dressed head to toe in metel armor. Is that a sword and spear? Ron could have sworn Muggle didnt use that any more. Perhaps Hermione was wrong. Well there is a first for everything.

"Greetings Traveller. What is your business in this town?" The guard asked Ron.

"I am looking for a fellytone to conact my family." Ron said, while thinking of the strange Muggle device Hermione and Harry had told him about.

"A fellytone?" The guard repeated.

"Yeah you know the fellytone. The thing used to contact people across cities." Ron explained. Something was starting to seem strange.

"Oh I understand the long distance communications array. My apologies that system is currently down and is being repaired. We just suffered an attack and the array was damaged. At this time only mages have access to the back up system." The Guard explained.

Hearing this Ron's eyes went wide. The Muggles knew about wizards? This was unheard of. "You know about wizards?"

"Well of course. Everyone on the continent knows aobut wizards." The guard explained.

"The continent?! I am on the continent? My mother is going to kill me." Ron exclaimed.

"Where are you suppose to be if not the continent?" The guard asked.


"Never heard of it. How did you get here anyways?" The guard inquired. At this point Ron was way past his element and was completely shocked. He then started to explain what had happened and how he had ended up stranded in the grassy plain.

"That sounds unfortunate. To my understanding the teleporting arrays can randomly appear and are strictly monitored. But if you find one, as in your case, you will find yourself anywhere in the world. Your just lucky you didnt end up in a dungeon with man eating demons and beast." The guard explained to Ron.

"That can happen?" Ron squeaked.

"Oh yeah . Had it happened to a buddy of mine. Found himself in the Labrynth, took him a week to fight his way out. He ended up loosing his arm and part of his leg."

At this point Ron was ready to pass out. "Yeah he sure did make a lot of gold but since your a mage, we can get you registered with the guild and get you your pension."

"What guild?" Ron said.

"Why the Mage's Guild of course. And since you were a Third year Trainee, that means you must have been pretty powerful in your country." The guard said.

"Well I mean I am not that strong." Ron said.

"Surely you must."

"Well I am about on par with my mate, Harry, he took out a Dark Lord as a baby and last year killed a Thousand Year Basilisk." Said Ron while his ears were scarlet do to the praise. "And we both received guidance from the Dragon God..

"Wow your friend is pretty amazing. But if your his friend you have to be on his level. And if you got guidance from the Almighty Dragon-sama, you are surely a powerful mage."

"Yeah, yeah your right." Ron proudly stated, chest puffed out.

"Well lad, let me lead you to the guild, what is your name anyway. I'm Sir Kay of the Fort Dire." The guard announce.

"Oh I'm Ronald Weasley of the Noble House of Weasley, though you can call me Ron."

"Lord Weasley. My apologies." Sir Kay immediately kneeled.

"Wait what are you doing?" Ron asked.

"You are from a Noble House, it is only proper that I kneel to a young lord." Sir Kay explained.

"Well I see. My father never really explained much about it. He doesnt really interacted with the Wizard Council."

"But only the most elite can join the council. Your family must truly be a force of power to be on such a council."

"I don't really know. Father manages part of the governement, Bill is a Cursebreaker for ancient tombs, and Charley works with dragons." Ron said.

"Wow an official for the government, a cursebreaker for the tombs of the ancients and a Dragon Tamer. Truly a family to be feared. Why have I never heard of your family?" Sir Kay asked as he led Ron through the town.

"Might be due to the Statute of Secrecy the government has set up to avoid everyone from being noticed." Ron explained as he looked through the town.

It was a fairly large town, it seemed to be made of stone and people were in old clothes that were out of style. Maybe Lavender and Pavarti would be able to help them with their fashion Ron thought. Sir Kay then led Ron into a fancy marble building that Ron figured was a smaller version of Gringotts.

"Welcome to the Mage's Guild, Lord Weasley." he told Ron. Inside the guild was a handful of people and a few tables and chairs. Sir Kay then guided Ron up to the front desk where they were greeted by a elderly man.

"Greetings, what business do you have with the Mage's Guild today." the old man asked.

"Greetings this is Lord Weasley. He wishes to join the Mage's Guild. He got caught up in a teleportation array and was sent to our fair lands." Sir Kay spoke.

"You young man have some terrible, if not fortunate, luck. I am guessing you are join us in order to gain access to the communication array to contact family?"

"Yes sir. I must get back quickly since the new term is about to start for my Fourth Term." Ron explained.

"You're going to be a Fourth Year Trainee. You must be quite powerful for one of your age." the old man said with surprise.

"That is what I have been hearing." Ron said sheepishly. Maybe there was something fortunate going on here in this new country, Ron kept hearing them sing praises of going to the next term. These people must not have been taught properly with the Wizarding School.

"Well young man. Lets get you registered with the Guild so we can get you your stipend for the month."

"Stipend?" Ron asked.

"Yes our guild gives lords and trainees a stipend when they join in exchange for your services when we need you." The old man explained. "In your case is will be a 1000 pieces of gold."

"That seems fair." Ron replied thinking of the food he could eat without sharing with family.

Ron then filled out some paperwork, and then the old man gave him a card that had his name on it. It also contained some other information that he did not fully understand, all of small print but he figured it couldn't be anything important.

Once he understood some of the rules of service or work as the old man called it, not that he, Ron Weasley, would actually have to do. He then collected the gold in the pouches and headed outside. Once outside, Ron immediately looked for a place to eat, since it had been awhile.

After wondering around for a little while, Ron still couldn't find a good place to eat. So he asked the nearest person he could find

"Excuse me? Do you know of any place a guy can get something good to satisfy himself?" Ron asked.

The man then turned to look at Ron and nodded his head, "Indeed I do best place in the town is the Lotus Palace. But you need gold to get the best selections."

Hearing this Ron started to drool, "Indeed I do. Where do I go?"

The man then broke into a large grin seeing the look of hunger in Ron's eye. "Well lad, go down the street, take a right. You will see this large white building with red curtains, and a garden out front."

"Ok thanks." Ron said and started to hurry along. He could here the food calling him from here.

"Oy lad. Ask for Rosy. She really knows how to take care of a guy if you know what I mean." The man called to Ron, since he admired a young man with the look of hunger Ron showed in his eyes.

Ron gave a thumbs up and ran even faster, he could help but think what a nice guy the man was to appreciate the need for food as much as Ron did as well.

After a few minutes of searching, Ron soon came to the Lotus Palace, and he had to admit it was a nice restaurants.

When he walked in and looked around Ron failed to see any tables or the kitchen, so he walked up to the front desk and asked the receptionist.

See that there was no one there, Ron rang the little bell, and after a few minutes a woman even better then birds at Hogwarts came around the corner.

"Greeting my lord. How can I be of service today?" The lady asked Ron.

Having a little difficulty speaking Ron felt his jaw moving but not speaking, and then he felt his stomach.

"I am looking for Rosy. A man I met said she was the best." Ron sputtered out.

"Indeed. I am Rosy as to whether or not I am the best? I do not know but I appreciate the compliment." Rosy said with a giggle, she then directed Ron to drop 10 gold coins in the safe.

"Now if you would please follow me, Lord . . .?"


"Lord Ronald, we will get you what you came for." Rosy said with a smirk, and as she walked away Ron watched her sway her hips seductively.

Soon Ron was brought to a room filled with some furniture. The items were quite nice, and Ron thought it was quite nice of them to provide a bed for customers to sleep in after they ate.

"You seem surprised to see a bed here, Lord Ronald." Rosy asked after she saw him staring at it.

"Yeah I am used to only seeing tables and chairs in places like this." Ron stated.

"Really. I am surprised. Beds are apart of a standard service anywhere, only the slums offer substandard services." Rosy said. Ron then turned and saw that she was starting to take her clothes off and he quickly covered his face and turned around.

"Lord Ronald? Is there an issue?" Rosy asked.

"Why are you undressing? I have never seen someone do that before."

"You truly must have only been to the gutter trash. This is a standard here at the Lotus Palace. We don't want to ruin our clothes now do we?" Rosy said with pity in her eyes.

"Oh" was all Ron could say, and when he thought about it, it made sense. Ron now understood why they never really went out to eat and when they did it was always a cheap place like the cauldron. So Ron quickly stripped out of his clothes and then went to sit down on the couch. Rosy soon followed and put his head in her lap. Seeing her bare chest in front of her, Ron could help but blush.

"Master Ronald. We appreciate your donation to the Lotus Palace. Is there any service you would like of us since we are here?"

"Food would be nice."

"Food, my lord?" Rosy echo'd.

"Yeah, I am hungry, and you can just keep it coming too."

"Wouldn't you like any of our other services? Possibly a massage? Or something a bit more?" She asked.

"I can't eat a massage, and what more can you give? Here take more gold and bring me some food. I can possibly imagine you cooking since you're not wearing any clothes. Why are we naked any ways?"

"Oh no reason." Rosy said as she took the bag of coins. "I will bring you all the food you can eat Master Ronald."

A few minutes later some more beautiful women with nothing on served plate after plate of food. "Just to be sure. All you want is food. You don't want any other service?"

"Naw. That is fine. What other kind of service can you offer as a restaurante?"

"A rest-?" One of the women started to ask, but the others covered her mouth.

"We will leave you now." Rosy spoke. The women then filed out and left the boy to eat the plates of food.

As Ron started to eat, he couldn't help but nod in agreement with what the man had told him about food Rosy served. IT was the best. Though he felt it lacked something his mother would usually add, but Ron just shrugged and considered it a part of the area's culture or whatever Hermione would call it.

After Ron had finished eating all the food, he then stood up, stretched, put his clothes back on and crawled into the bed for an after meal nap.

After some time, Ron woke up and felt great. Little did he know he slept all of yesterday and most of the next day. Getting out of the bed, Ron heard a clucking sound.

"Ronald you surely are a substandard human." a voice said.

Hearing the voice, Ron jumped in fright reaching for his wand, only to remember he lost it.

"Tell me do you think of anything besides food and sleeping?"

"Nova!" Ron yelled. "Boy am I glad to see you. Did my family send for you?"

"In a way they did." Nova told Ron.

"Great. I hope they weren't too worried. I think I ended up on the Continent near the colonies." Ron said with glee.

"No anywhere close." Nova said with a sigh.

"Then where am I?" Ron asked.

"Your in another world."

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