Harry Potter And The Lord Of Darkness

Chapter 16 - A Little Bit of Help

"So what you are saying is that the thing if Nicholas Flamel's that was in the vault is the Sorcerers Stone?" Asked Harry who was obviously getting more excited by the minute.

"I mean, it is a Stone that provides eternal life via the Elixer of Life and endless riches. What else would anyone want from Nicholas Flamel other than his knowledge? It can't be anything other than the Stone." Said Arth while shrugging. "The object you described also fits the description. A small object about the size of your hand."

Ron sat down staring at Arth in disbelief.

"So by using the stone, Nicholas Flamel can become immortal?"

Arth furrowed his brows. "Technically, it's more like suspended Immortality. He doesn't die, yes, but he needs to take the Elixer at constant intervals. If he doesn't, I suspect that time would catch up to him."

"What do you mean time would catch up?"

"Imagine aging a thousand years instantly. I'd reckon his flesh would dissolve, his skin would shrivel up, and all of his organs would either decompose or mummify around his bones. His bones may or may not disintegrate, turning him into one pile of dust."

"What a horrible way to go. . . ."

Arth shrugged. "Is it really though? I think it's a peaceful way to die. Virtually painless. The neurological functions of the human body wouldn't have enough time to register the deconstruction of the brain and brain stem, it would like being awake one moment and going to sleep in the next."

Ron stared at Arth in disgust. "How the bloody hell do you know this? You are a first year like us?"

Arth pointed at a random book on the shelf. "Magical Theories and Possible Conclusions. Page thirteen hundred sixty four. Fourth paragraph. Theory of Time-Body Dissonance."

"And I thought that Hermione was a monster."

Harry let out a chuckle. "So is Nicholas like a thousand years old or something?"

"About half a thousand. Six hundred and sixty-five to be exact."

"No wonder we couldn't find Flamel in that Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry," said Ron. "He's not exactly recent if he's six hundred and sixty-five, is he?"

Harry let out a groan. "I can't believe I wasted all that time in the restricted section when all the information was two tables across from me."

Arth frowned. "What do you mean the restricted section-"

"Quiet in the library."

Madam Pince suddenly appeared out of nowhere and gave Ron and Harry a disapproving his before flashing out a smile towards Arth.

"What a pleasure it is to see you here again today. How are you today my boy?"

"I'm great, thank you for asking Madam Pince. How about you?"

"I'm doing great. Are you here for some more light reading? Would you like for me to recommend a book?"

Arth hesitated but shook his head. "Maybe later, I'm helping my friends understand something at the moment. But I would like to hear your recommendation at a later time."

Madam Pince gave Arth a smile before disappearing around the corner.

After Ron was sure that Madam Pince was nowhere to be found, "She is like a bloody ghost I swear. You don't know she is there until she either hisses at you or sends a curse your way. I don't know how you managed to get on her good side Arth. She is known to despise children."

"Ignore that and explain to me Harry. You were in the restricted area? The one in the library?"

Harry hesitated a bit, obviously very unwilling to answer the question. "Er. . . . Yes I suppose. I don't think there is another restricted area."

Arth stares at Harry in wonder.

"How did you manage to get in? How was it? Did you read any books?"


"Did you activate some of the curses and hexes that were placed on the books? Did you happen to read a book with the title of 'Most Potent Potions'?"

"I-I can't really-"

"Can you tell me how you snuck in?"

Harry started waver under the suddenly over enthusiastic approach of Arth, something he was seeing for the first time.

"Well I-I have this cloak that kinda turns me invisible-"

Arth nodded his head. "I see, I presume that you snuck into the Restricted Area when it was nighttime? Less chance of accidentally bumping into someone and there is delayed response from security when you accidentally trigger an alarm charm."

"Yeah. I remember that," said Harry with a wince. "I opened one of the books and it started screaming. I almost got caught by Filch and Snape."

"Good thing you didn't. Snape would've killed you if you got caught. Maybe even expelled."

"You. . . . Why do you remind me of Hermione?" Asked Ron with a frown. "I swear that the both of you sound similar. And the both of you need to sort out your priorities."

"I guess."

Harry suddenly let out a gasp. "Arthur! You are pretty smart right?"

Arth raised an eyebrow. "I guess?"

"Can you help me identify this one object? It's a mirror."

Arth raised an eyebrow while Ron let out a groan. "Are you still going on about this Harry? Just let it go, nothing good will come out of that I swear."

"Be quiet Ron." Snapped Harry, "So will you help me Arth?"

Arth hesitated as he weighed the pros and cons before ultimately giving a shrug. "Sure, when do you want me to help you?"

Harry let out a grin. "Tonight."

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