Harry Potter And The Lord Of Darkness

Chapter 17 - Mirror of Erised

"Are we there yet? How much longer do we have to go?"

"It's around here somewhere. It's hard to remember the exact location because it's so dark in the castle during the night- here it is."

Harry and Arth, who were under a magical cloak that made them invisible, made their way into an unused classroom, or at least it looked like an unused classroom. The dark shapes of desks and chairs were piled against the walls, and there was an upturned wastepaper basket. Propped against the wall facing them was a mirror.

It was a magnificent mirror, as high as the ceiling, with an ornate gold frame, standing on two clawed feet. There was an inscription carved around the top: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi.

"Interesting. . . ." Said Arth his eyes lingering on the inscription.

"What is it? Do you know what this mirror is?"

"No idea," replied Arth, "there are a bunch of magical mirrors in the world. A mirror on the wall the determines one's beauty, a looking glass that can guide you to whatever you desire, and a hand mirror that can summon a bird with a knack to attack furry animals. Can you elaborate on what makes this mirror so special?"

"Well. . . ." Said Harry while hesitating, "when. . . . When I look into the mirror, I see my family. My mum and Dad. My grandparents. Everyone. And when Ron looks into the mirror, he sees himself as head boy and Quidditch captain while also holding the house cup."

Arth frowned before taking out a thick book.

"Magical Artifacts of Mystical Powers, page thirteen, Vulcans Mirror, can show the past, present, and future. It explains Ron's vision as a possible future but it doesn't make sense with yours. You never were with your family."

Arth frowned and flipped around his book a little bit more.

"Galadriel's Mirror, page seventy six, shows things that were, and things that are, and some things that yet may be. It could fit in with both of your descriptions but it seems a bit off to me."

Arth flicked his gaze towards the mirror where his eyes caught the inscription once more. "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi."

"Excuse me?"

"It's the inscription I'm top of the mirror. I swear I've read it somewhere before. . . . Ah, page four hundred eighty two. Mirror of Erised."

"The mirror of Erised?"

Arth nodded his head. "Otherwise known as the Mirror of Desires. This particular mirror had the power to show the viewer exactly what he desired more than anything else in the world. So when you looked at the mirror, it showed you being with your family. When Ron looked at it, he saw himself being better than all of his brothers. He must have some inferiority complex."

Harry went quiet as he stared into the mirror. "I see. . . . So I'll never be able to see my parents?"

"It's impossible to fully reincarnate the dead Harry." Replied Arth. "Even if you do succeed, what you bring back would only hurt you and the people you love. Terrible things happen to people who wager with death."

Harry went a wistful gaze at the mirror which was, Arth reckoned, showing Harry an image of his family. "It's not good to be drawn to the things we can't have. The Mirror of Erised is known for driving men insane. You could spend your entire lifetime staring at this mirror longing for something you can't have. It's better to focus on your current life and how to improve it."

Harry was silent for a couple seconds before letting out a sigh. "You're right Arthur, I should just ignore this." Harry turned around and gave Arth a wry grin. "If I may ask, can you tell me what you see in the mirror?"

Arth shrugged. "I don't know honestly. And I don't really want to know."

But Harry egged him on. "Go on Arth, look into the mirror. It can't hurt to know what you want right?"

Arth shrugged and Harry moved aside. Arth stood in the place Harry stood and stared at the mirror.

At first, the only thing he could see was his perfect reflection staring right back at him with the same bored look. Then, it smiled. The Arth in the mirror started to move its lips and Arth frowned as he made out the words.

Are you bored?

Are you tired?

Do you desire power?

Do you desire love?

Arth frowned before shaking his head.

Interesting, then what do you desire? Knowledge? Entertainment? The thrill of an adventure?

Arth shook his head once more.

"Why are you shaking your head Arth?"

"I'm talking to my mirror self. Shut up Harry."

The Arth in the mirror let out a wider grin.

If not any of the previous things are objects of desire, would you like to read this book?

The mirror Arth reached into its bag and took out a thin black book. It had no engravings nor a title. The cover seemed to be made from an abnormal type leather and he could not determine if the black color was dyed on or if the color was inherent.

Do you desire this book?

Arth hesitated and tried to shake his head when his body suddenly froze. It felt as though his entire body refused to decline the offer. Something about the book was stopping him from saying no.

Do you desire the book?

Arth slowly nodded his head, half reluctantly half eagerly. The mirror Arth released a wide grin before slowly placing the book back into its bag.

It's been a long time since I've found someone like you. Enjoy the book. And don't lose yourself while exploring the wonders of our world.

The image in the mirror suddenly became blurred before slowly turning clear. Arth released his breath that he did not know he was holding. When Arth glanced at his reflection, he saw that he looked pale and nervous.

"Is anything wrong?" Asked Harry with a concerned look. "You seem. . . . Shaken."

Arth took a moment to catch his breath before answering. "I'm perfectly fine. It's just that mirror. . . . It's very interesting."

Harry looked at Arth with a confused expression. "I see? So what did you see Arth?"

Arth let out a sigh and reached inside his bag. "Well, it was honestly pretty weird but you can say that I. . . . I saw myself holding a. . . . Book."

Harry let out a laugh. "How typical of you Arthur, Anyways, let's leave. I don't wanna be near this mirror anymore. Don't wanna lose my mind you see?"

Arth absentmindedly nodded his head. "Yeah. . . ."

Arth silently watched Harry grab the cloak and struggle to put it on as Arth withdrew his hand from his bag. In his palm was a thin book with nothing but a black cover.

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