Harry Potter And The Lord Of Darkness

Chapter 6 - Ravenclaw Common Room

"Ravenclaws, follow me! The dormitories are this way," said Robert Hilliard, the Ravenclaw prefect, as he led the first years to the common room. "The Ravenclaw common room is very simple to find you see," said Robert with a friendly grin, "All you need to do is remember where the Ravenclaw tower is, and that, is a very hard thing to forget."

"Unless you lose your way while heading towards the tower," said Penelope Clearwater, the female prefect of Ravenclaw. "But that's ok, just call for one of the ghosts, they'll be happy to help."

They walked up a spiral staircase located on the fifth floor and continued until they saw a door without a doorknob or keyhole. Instead, a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle decorated the center of the door. A cold female voice called out the moment Robert stepped in front of the door.

"Of the three colors, red, green, and blue, what would provide the brightest hue?"

Robert have a grin.

"As you can see, we Ravenclaws do not use a password to enter our common room. Instead we need to answer a riddle or question. Also, don't worry when someone else gives a different answer than you. There is never only one answer, as long as it makes sense you'll be let in."

One of the boys raised his hand.

"Yes? What is it- er- Terry?"

"Yes, um, what happens if we can't answer the riddle?"

Robert smiled even more at the question and answered eagerly. "Well you have to wait until someone who can arrives. You learn that way you see."

Robert looked around at the students. "So anyone wanna give the question a go?"

There was dead silence as each and every first year hesitated to take up the challenge. Robert let out a knowing smile.

"It's ok, I was like you all my first year at Hogwarts, shy and inexperienced, you all will soon get used to it."

Penelope gave them all a warm grin before nodding her head in agreement, "Robert has a point, you all will learn many things at Hogwarts. Anyways, let's go in shall we? The answer is-"

"The colors blue, red, and green can hold a multitude of hues making it difficult to see which one is the brightest, however, when mixing all three colors together, you shall receive white, which undoubtedly is the lightest."

"Well reasoned."

The two prefects and the remainder of the first years stared dumbfounded as a black haired boy with a listless expression and a black bird opened the door and headed in.

"Who. . . . Was that?" Asked Robert with a confused grin etched on his face.

All the first years slowly shook their head. They all entered through the door and found the boy standing listlessly in the middle of the room.

The Ravenclaw Common Room was a very airy room. It was a wide, circular room and graceful arched windows that punctuated the walls. Blue and bronze silks hung from the ceilings and walls while a midnight blue carpet covered in stars decorated the floor in a ring shape, which was also reflected onto the domed ceiling. The room was furnished with blue tables, chairs, and a divan. Next to the door leading up to the dormitories stands a tall statue of a lady made of white marble.

The sound of wind whistling around the windows of the tower hummed in a soft and gentle tune and portraits of famous Ravenclaws covered the walls.

There was a small library located in a niche within the common room, and for its modest size, held quite the number of books.

"You there- first year boy-"

Arth slightly tilted his head as Robert, Penelope, and the remainder of first years caught up to him.


Penelope lent a hand towards Arth. "Nice to meet you first year, what's your name?"

"Arthur," he replied before observing the common room once more.

"You seem to be pretty smart, it's nice to have you Arth," said Robert with a grin.


Robert gave Arth a look before facing the remaining first years.

"Welcome to the Ravenclaw common room. Dormitories are upstairs, girls to the left, boys to the right. All the books you see on the shelves are yours for the taking, unless someone else has already claimed it. Meet up at seven thirty tomorrow in the morning at the Great Hall. Professor Flitwick will provide you all your schedules. Until then, have a good nights sleep and don't stay up to late."

Robert nodded his head at the first years before heading upstairs. Penelope did the same after waving goodbye.

The girls headed up to the dormitories first while the boys quietly stared at each other. The boy called Terry was the first to break the silence.

"Hey guys, I'm Terry."

"You can call me Micheal."

"I'm Anthony."

"I go by Oliver."

Terry called out to Arth. "You said you were Arthur right? Nice job on solving the riddle, I was clueless on what the answer was."

Arth nodded barley paying attention to his words.

Terry noticed this and frowned before facing the other boys.

"What are you guys planning on doing?"

Michael yawned. "I'm feeling kinda sleepy. Might hit the bed."

"Same, I'm tired as house elf."

"I haven't slept since yesterday, was too excited to sleep."

"What about you," asked Micheal, glancing at Arth, "What are you going to do Arth?"

Arth glanced at the small bookshelf.


Michael gave Arth an unpleasant look, "Have fun then. Oi, let's go check out the beds."

"Sure, let's leave him alone. It seems like he doesn't want to talk to us anyways."

The boys sent frowns towards Arth before heading up the stairs. Arth ignored their unfriendly actions and proceeded to check out the library. He soon found out that many of the books there were books that he had never read before.

Nodding in satisfaction, Arth pulled out a book and sat down at one of the tables. He turned on a lamp and started to read quietly, all the while Corvus quietly slept on his head.

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