Arth yawned and closed the book he was reading before placing it onto the desk. He stretched out his arms and let out a muffled groan. He glanced at the clock and yawned.

He had spent the entire night reading and had finished about two books. Three, counting the one he had started reading on the train.

It was seven o'clock and the sun was just about rising above the lake and mountains, painting the entire sky a warm mixture of orange and blue.

Arth realized how beautiful the view was and got entranced. He could see almost everything, from the Great Lake and mountains, to the Forbidden Forests and the fields.

Arth gently grabbed the sleeping Corvus and nudged him around in his palm to see if it would wake up.

Corvus let out a sleepy indignant peep causing Arth to laugh. He placed Corvus onto his pocket and Corvus happily snuggled in, falling into a deeper sleep.

Arth picked up his bag before making his way down to the Great Hall. Barely anyone was awake as Arth headed down and it was mostly quiet. Overall, the atmosphere seemed to be calming and fresh, something Arth enjoyed.

As he got closer to the Hall, a delightful smell tickled his nose. Breakfast had already been set on top of the tables and a few older students were already eating.

Arth sat down at the Ravenclaw table all alone and took out a book. He read as he patiently consumed his meal, occasionally sipping his mug of coffee that he had acquired.

Soon, a voice called out to him and Arth turned around to see who it was. A small man holding a bunch of papers stared back at him.

"Are you a first year?"

Arth nodded.

"Good! My name is Professor Flitwick, the house head of Ravenclaw, pleasure to meet you. What is your name?"


"Ahah! Here is your schedule! See you after breakfast!"

Professor Flitwick hurried off to find the other first years and took a look at his schedule. He was apparently in Group A, and would have Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, then a double block of Transfiguration.

As Arth looked over his schedule, he noticed that the other Ravenclaw boys had arrived. When his eyes met with theirs, they sent him a frown before sitting somewhere further down the table.

Arth paid no attention to it and began reading once more. Just as he was about to flip the page, he felt someone tap his back.

"Good morning Arth, had a good nights sleep?" It was Daphne wearing her black robes with a bright smile. "Why are you sitting separately from the other Ravenclaws? Did you get in a fight already."

Arth turned back toward his book. "I didn't, they are just like that."

Daphne raised an eyebrow before shrugging. "You wanna come over to the Slytherin table?"

"Is that even allowed?"

"As long as we don't make a fuss about it."

Arth sighed before grabbing his mug and book and followed Daphne to the Slytherin table. He sat down and resumed reading.

"You really do like reading don't you?"

"It's interesting."

"I find them boring. Talking is better."

"People have different attitudes for different things."

"Meh, there you go sounding antisocial and smart again. Maybe I should call you book brain."

"Do what you want."

"Tch," Daphne clicked her tongue as she started to eat. "Stop being so apathetic and talk to me already. I'm going to steal your book again."

Arth sighed and put away his book, causing Daphne to brighten up.

"There we go! Now we can finally talk like human people. Did you get your class schedules yet?"

Arth nodded and took out his schedule.

"Ooh! You're in Group A as well? I'm also in Group A! It must mean we are going to share classes."

Before Arth could reply, a cold drawling voice called out to them.

"Who are you talking to? He doesn't look like a Slytherin to me."

Draco Malfoy and his goons had approached the two of them and were currently sneering at Arth.

"Who is this? I don't recall seeing him."

Daphne stood up and scoffed at Draco.

"His name is Arthur, he is a first year like us."

Draco scowled, "He isn't a Slytherin, so why is he sitting her? Did you invite him Greengrass?"

Daphne glared back. "And what if I did?"

"Why would you invite someone like him here? He is either an idiotic Gryffindor, useless Hufflepuff, or a bookworm Ravenclaw. He might even be a mudblood or halfbreed. Stop talking to him Greengrass, you have better people to talk to.

Daphne glared at Draco with angry eyes. "Arth is a Pureblood and don't think you can tell me what to do just because you father has money. I can talk to whoever I want."

Draco scowled.

"Watch your tone Greengrass, I don't want to brand you as a traitor already for siding with a person outside of Slytherin."

"So talking to people is traitorous? Then I guess you are a traitor as well, since you talked to Harry Potter yesterday."

Draco and Daphne glared at each other before Draco snarled. "Crabbe, Goyle, we're leaving. Leave Greengrass and her boyfriend alone."

Daphne sat down with a frown and started to furiously tear into a piece of sausage. Arth couldn't help but smirk.

"Why the long face? Did you fight with your house mates already?"

"Shut up Arth."

"Sigh, so much drama already and it's only morning. I wonder if I'll ever get my peace and quiet."

Daphne started pouting and started to mutilate her sausage at a higher pace, causing a small grin to appear on Arth's face.

Daphne continued this for a while.

"I don't like that Malfoy."

"Mhm, I could tell."

"He acts so arrogant every time we meet. It's like he think he is superior than me."

"He does seem a bit arrogant."

"He thinks he can boss me around, a Pureblood like him. Hah! I hope he gets cursed someday."

"You should curse him, I'll help you find one."

Daphne sent an exasperated glare towards Arth. "Why are you so talkative when I'm angry?"

"Cause it's interesting?"

"Cursing people is interesting?"

"I have to say it's an interesting topic," Arth glanced at the clock and got up. "I'll head out first, see you in class."

"Hey- HEY! Arth! Wait-"

Arth walked away while he fed Corvus nuts he had snatched from the breakfast table.

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