Harry Potter And The Rise Of The Protector
Chapter 46 - Ch. 46 As it was written
The new school year began with some excitement for the students as The Harry Potter was now attending, but people realized they had to pay attention to their own classes instead of him quickly. While I was just being my usual self and helping my classmates.
As usual, it was time to set my goals for the school year.
1. Continues my mastery projects. Being halfway through the subject I want to effectively master; Herbology, Transfiguration, Potions, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes being done. I now have Charms, DADA, Dueling, Healing and warding left. Honestly speaking, I've almost figured out how my Warding project is going to work. It'll be a new type of defensive wards, made to block unauthorized entry from non-human magic as well as the standard one, effectively stopping house-elves from being able to appear in any place they wish. I've started my preliminary research into my healer project, with me already having reduced the cost, figured out how to make it with cheaper herbs, strengthened it, reduced the brewing time of Wolfsbane remarkably with the help of many willing werewolves and also made it so one only needed to take a dose the day before and of the full moon for the potion to work. I am now working on a vaccine for Lycanthropy, but I am unsure if I will be able to form a complete cure at this moment. As for Dueling, well I was sadly rejected from reforming the dueling club last year due to the ministry greatly frowning down on it, which is what I expect from the since it stops the number of more dangerous individuals, but with Dumbledore supporting this sentiment going against his own philosophies as a teacher, just so he can stop another potential Riddle, made it impossible. But hell, what do I know? It's not like having more people capable of using their wands for something other than cleaning their houses would be useful when maniacs like Voldeshorts show up. Instead of the club, I asked aunt Amelia to let me train with a few Aurors forced into desk work and going to Fortress Protection to practice fighting multiple skilled ennemies at once. So this year will have me focus on those three.
2. Work on the new broom I've been designing. I've been choosing, modifying or straight up creating the charms and enchantments the broom will be under for a while now, and I think I'll start doing some tests soon. I think I'll ask James to join me since he is very interested in the subject of enchantments and this could serve as good practical experience. While Christian can serve as our tester.
3. Properly train my friends to defend themselves. I've given them advice, tips and helped them master spells, but they aren't prepared for battle and certainly not for the years to come. I can't let them go on like this as dangers continue to rise up. So I've decided to introduce the RoR to them and train them in it.
4. Help the golden trio in subtle ways. Although I do not wish to mess with their paths, i believe I can help from the shadows. For Harry, I want to hopefully fix his many health issues first and help him reach his potential physically at least. I believe Dumbledore probably forced Madam Pomfrey to hide the results of her diagnosis from the boy because, knowing her very well from my time there, she would have forced him to stay in the infirmary or even send him to St. Mungo's for healing. I might suspect he Confunded her or wiped her memories to achieve this, especially if she noticed the soul fragment in his scar, but I've got no proof. If they come to the Exchange I'll also help them out as I do with everyone, but knowing Ron, he might actually make Harry stay far away from anything that involves work. I'll also want to see if I can help with the troll, it was a miracle everyone got away without injuries or dying.
5. This is going to be my riskiest move this year, because I'm going to try and look into Quirrell's head for information on the dark arts. Due to my enhancements and practice, I am, most possibly, the strongest Legilimency master alive. I think I can subtly enter his mind to understand the Dark arts more and use that information to properly create my counter spells. If this works, it'll give me decades of experience and knowledge on the subject, saving me a lot of time.
With my list set for the year, it was time to get to it. I've noticed that the events are unfolding as they should after about two weeks of being back, with whispers of Snape picking on Harry specifically already happening.
Quirrell on the other hand is really annoying as a teacher, even more than I thought he would be with the stupid stutter, heavy smell of garlic in the classroom, his cowardly act and refusal of letting anyone do any actual practice for what he teaches. It really annoys me, but I've been able to slowly but surely infiltrate his mind in manner slightly similar to how Horcruxes slowly take over someone in direct contact with them, but I'm simply making a backdoor into his mind, not changing or actively doing anything in it. It was great when I found out I could, since Quirrellmort's Occlumency defenses were jokes. My theory on the subject is that Quirrell never practiced the art before and with him being possessed, it made him unable to fundamentally grasp it, while V is in a soul state without many of the defenses he thinks he still has and his broken soul weakening everything even further. But, this as allowed me to burrow into their combined mind without being noticed and asking specific questions about curses or magic encountered in the Dark Arts, allowed for the every memory regarding the subject to be triggered and form me to make them mine. I turned the most feared dark lord of our time and made him my educational ressource.
With such a thorough source of information, my time in that class became very fulfilling. Just to clarify, I've absolutely no intention of ever using any of those spells, but I will use them to create my own. One of the reasons people turn to the Dark arts is their allure, the quick way to gain power. But what if someone made spells completely nullifying their advantages? What would be left for them to be proud of I wonder. I can't wait to wreck those stupid bastards.
During this time, Harry's first flying lesson came and so his becoming the youngest seeker in a hundred years also happened. Many were excited and Christian, who was on the Ravenclaw team, wanted to see how the famous boy would play.
On a side not, an amusing little event happened at the Exchange with the arrival of Hermione. Now, the room has been getting recognized both officially and unofficially as a sort of sanctuary, with no mocking, discrimination or bullying allowed from the participants. Some recognizable students have also started participating regularly, such as Cho Chang who was the first to come, Percy Weasley likes to study here with his Girlfriend Penelope Clearwater, Cedric Diggory enjoys the atmosphere here and likes to learn and help others, Oliver Wood wanted help to keep on top of his homework due to his duties as Quidditch Captain making things difficult. There was actually a small group of Slytherin students who sneakily joined in and they were shocked that I take my promise of inclusion very seriously. I was currently helping a few OWL students prepare themselves and showing them the study guides I had made for each subject, to which they treated as if I handed them holy objects. It is pretty funny to see them react like that. That was until the door swung open and a heavily breathing, bushy haired girl stood there. A lot of people looked at the sudden intruder since it was rude to open a door like that, which immediately made her turn red when she realized what she did.
"It's alright everyone, you can go back to whatever you were doing. She is simply someone very excited to learn and was overenthusiastic, nothing wrong with that." I announce to let her off the hook quickly and approach her since she froze at the door.
"Well then, it seems we meet again. And from the current trend, you appear to have a fascination with opening doors in interesting manners." I say to the girl with a chuckle to myself and a small smile. But seeing her face burning so hot that it was surprising steam didn't come out of it, I chose to be the one to speak again.
"That was just a little joke Ms. Granger, don't worry too much about it. Now what can my Exchange do for you?" I reassure before asking a question I know the answer to, but I ask anyway.
"I, um, that is to say I. I want to learn everything you can teach me!" She finally got out with her face still red as a tomato.
"Haha! Is that all?" I ask with a good laugh. "Well unfortunately that's not really how the Exchange works. It's more of a student help center than my own personal class. Students from every year and any house can come to find a good place to study or do homework, find help from others to improve either said homework or their own skills, others come specifically to aid others and I try to keep order and peace, whilst aiding whoever I can." I explain slowly to make sure she understands.
"So I can get help from seniors anytime!?" She realized with stars in her eyes.
"I will have to warn you that everything done here is voluntary, no one can be forced to give or receive help and you must understand that. If you ask and are rejected, you must not pester the person and the reverse is also true, since you cannot force someone to learn from you. It is a space made to let people freely choose to receive or give help." I warn the girl and make her have a thoughtful look on her face. Well that was until she realized something.
"Wait! You know who I am!? And did you say 'my' Exchange?!" She exclaimed in shock.
"Well of course I know your name. You didn't tell me on the train so I simply paid attention at the sorting ceremony. And yes it is My Exchange, since I'm the founder and creator of the room, alongside my friends who decided to support me." A reply with a smile.
"Ah! I'm so sorry! I forgot I never introduced myself properly! I know it's late and you already know, but should I still do it?" Rambled the now very worried and nervous Hermione.
"Well, although I've introduced myself to Neville, I've never done it specifically to you either, so we're even I guess." I interrupt her with my smile growing a bit more. "I am Aedan Bones, a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to make your formal acquaintance." I then say with a slight bow and the proper manners of a noble heir.
"Um, Hermione Granger, but you knew that. It's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you too." She said with her face back to being red.
"Well Hermione, what can I help you with?"
As usual, it was time to set my goals for the school year.
1. Continues my mastery projects. Being halfway through the subject I want to effectively master; Herbology, Transfiguration, Potions, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes being done. I now have Charms, DADA, Dueling, Healing and warding left. Honestly speaking, I've almost figured out how my Warding project is going to work. It'll be a new type of defensive wards, made to block unauthorized entry from non-human magic as well as the standard one, effectively stopping house-elves from being able to appear in any place they wish. I've started my preliminary research into my healer project, with me already having reduced the cost, figured out how to make it with cheaper herbs, strengthened it, reduced the brewing time of Wolfsbane remarkably with the help of many willing werewolves and also made it so one only needed to take a dose the day before and of the full moon for the potion to work. I am now working on a vaccine for Lycanthropy, but I am unsure if I will be able to form a complete cure at this moment. As for Dueling, well I was sadly rejected from reforming the dueling club last year due to the ministry greatly frowning down on it, which is what I expect from the since it stops the number of more dangerous individuals, but with Dumbledore supporting this sentiment going against his own philosophies as a teacher, just so he can stop another potential Riddle, made it impossible. But hell, what do I know? It's not like having more people capable of using their wands for something other than cleaning their houses would be useful when maniacs like Voldeshorts show up. Instead of the club, I asked aunt Amelia to let me train with a few Aurors forced into desk work and going to Fortress Protection to practice fighting multiple skilled ennemies at once. So this year will have me focus on those three.
2. Work on the new broom I've been designing. I've been choosing, modifying or straight up creating the charms and enchantments the broom will be under for a while now, and I think I'll start doing some tests soon. I think I'll ask James to join me since he is very interested in the subject of enchantments and this could serve as good practical experience. While Christian can serve as our tester.
3. Properly train my friends to defend themselves. I've given them advice, tips and helped them master spells, but they aren't prepared for battle and certainly not for the years to come. I can't let them go on like this as dangers continue to rise up. So I've decided to introduce the RoR to them and train them in it.
4. Help the golden trio in subtle ways. Although I do not wish to mess with their paths, i believe I can help from the shadows. For Harry, I want to hopefully fix his many health issues first and help him reach his potential physically at least. I believe Dumbledore probably forced Madam Pomfrey to hide the results of her diagnosis from the boy because, knowing her very well from my time there, she would have forced him to stay in the infirmary or even send him to St. Mungo's for healing. I might suspect he Confunded her or wiped her memories to achieve this, especially if she noticed the soul fragment in his scar, but I've got no proof. If they come to the Exchange I'll also help them out as I do with everyone, but knowing Ron, he might actually make Harry stay far away from anything that involves work. I'll also want to see if I can help with the troll, it was a miracle everyone got away without injuries or dying.
5. This is going to be my riskiest move this year, because I'm going to try and look into Quirrell's head for information on the dark arts. Due to my enhancements and practice, I am, most possibly, the strongest Legilimency master alive. I think I can subtly enter his mind to understand the Dark arts more and use that information to properly create my counter spells. If this works, it'll give me decades of experience and knowledge on the subject, saving me a lot of time.
With my list set for the year, it was time to get to it. I've noticed that the events are unfolding as they should after about two weeks of being back, with whispers of Snape picking on Harry specifically already happening.
Quirrell on the other hand is really annoying as a teacher, even more than I thought he would be with the stupid stutter, heavy smell of garlic in the classroom, his cowardly act and refusal of letting anyone do any actual practice for what he teaches. It really annoys me, but I've been able to slowly but surely infiltrate his mind in manner slightly similar to how Horcruxes slowly take over someone in direct contact with them, but I'm simply making a backdoor into his mind, not changing or actively doing anything in it. It was great when I found out I could, since Quirrellmort's Occlumency defenses were jokes. My theory on the subject is that Quirrell never practiced the art before and with him being possessed, it made him unable to fundamentally grasp it, while V is in a soul state without many of the defenses he thinks he still has and his broken soul weakening everything even further. But, this as allowed me to burrow into their combined mind without being noticed and asking specific questions about curses or magic encountered in the Dark Arts, allowed for the every memory regarding the subject to be triggered and form me to make them mine. I turned the most feared dark lord of our time and made him my educational ressource.
With such a thorough source of information, my time in that class became very fulfilling. Just to clarify, I've absolutely no intention of ever using any of those spells, but I will use them to create my own. One of the reasons people turn to the Dark arts is their allure, the quick way to gain power. But what if someone made spells completely nullifying their advantages? What would be left for them to be proud of I wonder. I can't wait to wreck those stupid bastards.
During this time, Harry's first flying lesson came and so his becoming the youngest seeker in a hundred years also happened. Many were excited and Christian, who was on the Ravenclaw team, wanted to see how the famous boy would play.
On a side not, an amusing little event happened at the Exchange with the arrival of Hermione. Now, the room has been getting recognized both officially and unofficially as a sort of sanctuary, with no mocking, discrimination or bullying allowed from the participants. Some recognizable students have also started participating regularly, such as Cho Chang who was the first to come, Percy Weasley likes to study here with his Girlfriend Penelope Clearwater, Cedric Diggory enjoys the atmosphere here and likes to learn and help others, Oliver Wood wanted help to keep on top of his homework due to his duties as Quidditch Captain making things difficult. There was actually a small group of Slytherin students who sneakily joined in and they were shocked that I take my promise of inclusion very seriously. I was currently helping a few OWL students prepare themselves and showing them the study guides I had made for each subject, to which they treated as if I handed them holy objects. It is pretty funny to see them react like that. That was until the door swung open and a heavily breathing, bushy haired girl stood there. A lot of people looked at the sudden intruder since it was rude to open a door like that, which immediately made her turn red when she realized what she did.
"It's alright everyone, you can go back to whatever you were doing. She is simply someone very excited to learn and was overenthusiastic, nothing wrong with that." I announce to let her off the hook quickly and approach her since she froze at the door.
"Well then, it seems we meet again. And from the current trend, you appear to have a fascination with opening doors in interesting manners." I say to the girl with a chuckle to myself and a small smile. But seeing her face burning so hot that it was surprising steam didn't come out of it, I chose to be the one to speak again.
"That was just a little joke Ms. Granger, don't worry too much about it. Now what can my Exchange do for you?" I reassure before asking a question I know the answer to, but I ask anyway.
"I, um, that is to say I. I want to learn everything you can teach me!" She finally got out with her face still red as a tomato.
"Haha! Is that all?" I ask with a good laugh. "Well unfortunately that's not really how the Exchange works. It's more of a student help center than my own personal class. Students from every year and any house can come to find a good place to study or do homework, find help from others to improve either said homework or their own skills, others come specifically to aid others and I try to keep order and peace, whilst aiding whoever I can." I explain slowly to make sure she understands.
"So I can get help from seniors anytime!?" She realized with stars in her eyes.
"I will have to warn you that everything done here is voluntary, no one can be forced to give or receive help and you must understand that. If you ask and are rejected, you must not pester the person and the reverse is also true, since you cannot force someone to learn from you. It is a space made to let people freely choose to receive or give help." I warn the girl and make her have a thoughtful look on her face. Well that was until she realized something.
"Wait! You know who I am!? And did you say 'my' Exchange?!" She exclaimed in shock.
"Well of course I know your name. You didn't tell me on the train so I simply paid attention at the sorting ceremony. And yes it is My Exchange, since I'm the founder and creator of the room, alongside my friends who decided to support me." A reply with a smile.
"Ah! I'm so sorry! I forgot I never introduced myself properly! I know it's late and you already know, but should I still do it?" Rambled the now very worried and nervous Hermione.
"Well, although I've introduced myself to Neville, I've never done it specifically to you either, so we're even I guess." I interrupt her with my smile growing a bit more. "I am Aedan Bones, a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to make your formal acquaintance." I then say with a slight bow and the proper manners of a noble heir.
"Um, Hermione Granger, but you knew that. It's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you too." She said with her face back to being red.
"Well Hermione, what can I help you with?"
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