Harry Potter And The Rise Of The Protector
Chapter 47 - Ch. 47 Time to Train
As depicted, Hermione's thirst for knowledge is like no other, really making you marvel at the fact she's in Gryffindor. Maybe that'll help some of those stuck up members of my house get off their high horses.
She came every time the exchange was open and constantly asked questions to whoever was willing to answer, which most of the time ended up being me, since I was the only one with knowledge regarding every subject in Hogwarts at a level close to or surpassing the professors.
At first she was very nervous talking to me. Always avoiding my eyes. Looking away when I notice her staring at me for a bit. Almost whispering her questions and constant stuttering. It was honestly cute to watch her struggle so much just to ask a question. But as I answered each question patiently, satisfying her curiosity or helping her find her answers, she became more comfortable with my looks and started to realize the amount of knowledge I gave out was miles ahead of other students. I could give simple explanations of esoteric subjects and in-depth analysis of beginner level material.
Outside of the exchange, she sometimes comes to ask questions or asks for help in finding books to answer them on her own. I am always happy to help and I know that if she develops as she did in the books, that she would be a sort of kindred spirit when it comes to the magical world.
Susan also shows up from time to time, and i help her with her homework and practice, making sure she's handling everything well. She making some more friends and finding new interests while at Hogwarts, but Hannah Abbott is basically her sister and that doesn't appear to be going to change. I'm happy she's adjusting well.
Tonks was also showing up more often, since she was now dealing with being a NEWT student and even wanting to be an Auror, which I've always been supportive of and tried to help her with. I've been helping her outside of class, to get a better understanding of potions, spells and plants, while also helping her develop her skills as a Metamorphmagus in order to give her an edge.
But I had other things to do. And it was time to show my friends the RoR. So during the first weekend of October, we agreed to meet up. Although they had questions, I had told them it was a good surprise and they simply held their curiosity in check. As we stood near the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy and I walked in front of where the door would appear, they finally couldn't help it.
"So why have you decided to met here and why are you walking back and forth?" Asked our dear snake matron Victoria.
"Give me a moment and all answers shall be revealed." I reply with a grin.
"You're just being a prat now. We waited almost a week with you keeping mum about it. It's really bothered me and stopped me from being able to concentrate properly." Jumped in wild boy Christian.
"I must agree with Christian on this one Aedan, you have gotten me quite curious." Said our little saint James.
But their eyes widened as the door appeared in front of their very eyes. I grin at them and motion to follow me inside. And after everyone comes in, the door closes behind them and they can finally see what's in here.
"A dueling room?" Asked Victoria in surprise.
It's not odd that she thinks that's what the room is since that's what I asked for. I wanted a place where we could duel and train in the art. So the room provide a ring made for dueling, training dummies, books on the subject and old protective equipment to safely train against one another.
"But i thought dueling was banned at Hogwarts. You even tried to get the club reinstated but you were rejected by the Headmaster." Said James with a confused look and tone.
"Doesn't matter! This is wicked! Is this what you wanted to show us?" Asked the excited Christian.
"Yes and no." I answer. And after looking at their faces demanding an explanation, I simply oblige.
"First, this room isn't just a dueling room. It's called the Room of Requirement, or the Come-And-Go room, or the Room of Missing Things. It is a special place in Hogwarts that shows itself in this corridor when one is in need of it and fills your requirements. I required a place to train and practice Dueling, so the room provided all of this." I answer with a wave of my arm.
"Wait! You mean to say that if I wanted a place to practice magic, this room would set up the perfect place for it?" Asked Victoria to confirm. With Christian just being blown away by the possibility and James waiting quietly for the full explanation.
"That is correct Tory. This room would change, although you'd have to leave, walk back and forth three times whilst thinking about wanting such a place to get it. There are some limits. No food or drink can be produced. Nothing produced by the room can be taken outside of it. And no one can use the room for anything else until the current occupent is done with it. Those are all the ones I'm currently aware of." I explain.
"That is fascinating. I wonder how this place was made." Wondered James to himself.
"It's gotta be the founders! No one else could make a place as crazy as this besides them." Declared Christian.
"I do believe they are partially responsible at least. But I also believe the castle itself is responsible for how magical the room is." I interjected.
"What do you mean O Silver Raven?" Asked Victoria jokingly, but wants to know my theory.
"It's simply because you can't actually find any traces of enchantments in or around the room. It can circ.u.mvent some of the wards of the castle. It responds to requests. No such room has ever been recorded in any book I've ever read. And from my stay and usage of the room, it appears to at least have basic sentience. So my theory is that one or more of the founders, my money's on Rowena, built this room in secret, to initially serve as a multipurpose testing ground. Need a potions lab? Need Rune making equipment? Need a practice area? Need a testing ground? You want it and it can be set up. But with generations of the castle being exposed to the magic of the never ending flow of students, Professors, elves and even the lay lines the castle is built on, it changed the room into being what it is today. A room to help those in need. The idea come from the existence of Peeve in the castle, who is supposedly the representation of the collective mischief of the students given form as the years pass." I say as I finish my theory.
My friends had thoughtful looks, but they decided to simply agree. They've only just been introduced to the room, while I've obviously known about it for some time.
"So, how long have you been using this place then?" Asked Christian and making the other focus on me.
"Well, you know how I had to hid during first year to get away from being mobbed? And that no one could find me? That's because I stumbled onto this place, decided to study and train in it while hiding. And it just became a regular thing for me." I lie to them. That's the reason I could come up with for me knowing about the room for so long and explaining the times no one could find me.
"What else are you hiding from us Aedan?" Then asked Victoria with a smile that did not reach her eyes.
"I, um, I have a map of the castle that can show everyone." I then answer coming clean about another one of my toys.
"""You have what!?""" They exclaimed in unison.
"Well I needed a way to tell where people were when I wanted to either explore the castle after curfew or come to this room without people knowing about it, so I made this map. It taps into the school ward for monitoring, I added a modified Homunculus Charm and some various bits and pieces to show me everyone in real time." I explained carefully, without actually lying. I just didn't mention the original.
"How could you not have shown me this thing. It brilliant! Can I study it a bit?" Asked my usually calm friend.
"So you can see where we are every moment of everyday can you?" Asked Victoria from behind me in a dangerous tone.
"All I see as the names of people and their locations, I swear!" I tried to explain to gain some mercy.
"That's wicked! You've even got a bunch of secret passages. We should totally use these to get to class quicker." Commented Christian as he focused on whatever grabbed his attention.
After a few minutes of grilling by Victoria, while James and Christian played with the map, I could finally get back on track.
"Alright, so I brought you three here to start training you in combat." I declared.
"How come? It's not like we are likely to get into any fights." Asked my gentle friend James.
"I disagree. Learning how to fight is always better than being stuck without it when you need it. This is a dangerous world and we need to be prepared for that. I've always found it odd that a school designed to prepare us for the future never involved combat or healing even." Responded Tory thoughtfully.
"I think I'll take you up on that. Mum and Dad keep bringing me to more dangerous places as I'm getting older and I'd like to be able to protect myself at least." Agreed Christian. Some people wonder why he is in Ravenclaw, but he is incredibly knowledgeable in his preferred subjects. His intellect isn't something I would question, he simply studies things others don't generally consider to involve much in the way of intelligence. He knows that if he continues to study beasts, he will have to know how to put one down too.
"James, I know you are a very kind and caring person. We all really like that about you. The problem is that there are bad men and women in our world. Dangerous creatures or hostile non-humans roam in it too. And not to mention that, in our country at least, there are many important families who view muggle-borns such as yourself as an insult to the very word wizard. As much as I would love for us to just learn what we wish and live in a just and happy world, we don't and I can't lie and say the dangers aren't there." I say to my friend in a very serious tone. I can't force him to learn to fight, if he decides not to, he will simply be excluded. But I want him to be safe so I try to convince him.
"I know Aedan. With just what you and Tory have told me I understood that this isn't a fairy tale and dangers lurk just beneath the surface. But I want to know why you want us to learn now." He asked with his eyes meeting mine.
"I've heard some troubling things from my sources and my own deductions regarding many events aren't helping me see a good picture either. I cannot tell you about these deductions yet because I have no conclusive proof, but if they turn out to be true, our community is in for troubled times and I don't want to lose any of you. So I will train you the best I can, making it so even if we are not together, we shall all make it through hell or high water." I answered with a grave tone.
He looked at me to understand my reasons and test my determination in this matter, before finally nodding in agreement.
"Thank you James. And thanks to the both of you. I'll do what I can and the rest will be up to you." I say to my three close friends.
And so began the training of some of the best combatants Hogwarts had ever seen.
She came every time the exchange was open and constantly asked questions to whoever was willing to answer, which most of the time ended up being me, since I was the only one with knowledge regarding every subject in Hogwarts at a level close to or surpassing the professors.
At first she was very nervous talking to me. Always avoiding my eyes. Looking away when I notice her staring at me for a bit. Almost whispering her questions and constant stuttering. It was honestly cute to watch her struggle so much just to ask a question. But as I answered each question patiently, satisfying her curiosity or helping her find her answers, she became more comfortable with my looks and started to realize the amount of knowledge I gave out was miles ahead of other students. I could give simple explanations of esoteric subjects and in-depth analysis of beginner level material.
Outside of the exchange, she sometimes comes to ask questions or asks for help in finding books to answer them on her own. I am always happy to help and I know that if she develops as she did in the books, that she would be a sort of kindred spirit when it comes to the magical world.
Susan also shows up from time to time, and i help her with her homework and practice, making sure she's handling everything well. She making some more friends and finding new interests while at Hogwarts, but Hannah Abbott is basically her sister and that doesn't appear to be going to change. I'm happy she's adjusting well.
Tonks was also showing up more often, since she was now dealing with being a NEWT student and even wanting to be an Auror, which I've always been supportive of and tried to help her with. I've been helping her outside of class, to get a better understanding of potions, spells and plants, while also helping her develop her skills as a Metamorphmagus in order to give her an edge.
But I had other things to do. And it was time to show my friends the RoR. So during the first weekend of October, we agreed to meet up. Although they had questions, I had told them it was a good surprise and they simply held their curiosity in check. As we stood near the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy and I walked in front of where the door would appear, they finally couldn't help it.
"So why have you decided to met here and why are you walking back and forth?" Asked our dear snake matron Victoria.
"Give me a moment and all answers shall be revealed." I reply with a grin.
"You're just being a prat now. We waited almost a week with you keeping mum about it. It's really bothered me and stopped me from being able to concentrate properly." Jumped in wild boy Christian.
"I must agree with Christian on this one Aedan, you have gotten me quite curious." Said our little saint James.
But their eyes widened as the door appeared in front of their very eyes. I grin at them and motion to follow me inside. And after everyone comes in, the door closes behind them and they can finally see what's in here.
"A dueling room?" Asked Victoria in surprise.
It's not odd that she thinks that's what the room is since that's what I asked for. I wanted a place where we could duel and train in the art. So the room provide a ring made for dueling, training dummies, books on the subject and old protective equipment to safely train against one another.
"But i thought dueling was banned at Hogwarts. You even tried to get the club reinstated but you were rejected by the Headmaster." Said James with a confused look and tone.
"Doesn't matter! This is wicked! Is this what you wanted to show us?" Asked the excited Christian.
"Yes and no." I answer. And after looking at their faces demanding an explanation, I simply oblige.
"First, this room isn't just a dueling room. It's called the Room of Requirement, or the Come-And-Go room, or the Room of Missing Things. It is a special place in Hogwarts that shows itself in this corridor when one is in need of it and fills your requirements. I required a place to train and practice Dueling, so the room provided all of this." I answer with a wave of my arm.
"Wait! You mean to say that if I wanted a place to practice magic, this room would set up the perfect place for it?" Asked Victoria to confirm. With Christian just being blown away by the possibility and James waiting quietly for the full explanation.
"That is correct Tory. This room would change, although you'd have to leave, walk back and forth three times whilst thinking about wanting such a place to get it. There are some limits. No food or drink can be produced. Nothing produced by the room can be taken outside of it. And no one can use the room for anything else until the current occupent is done with it. Those are all the ones I'm currently aware of." I explain.
"That is fascinating. I wonder how this place was made." Wondered James to himself.
"It's gotta be the founders! No one else could make a place as crazy as this besides them." Declared Christian.
"I do believe they are partially responsible at least. But I also believe the castle itself is responsible for how magical the room is." I interjected.
"What do you mean O Silver Raven?" Asked Victoria jokingly, but wants to know my theory.
"It's simply because you can't actually find any traces of enchantments in or around the room. It can circ.u.mvent some of the wards of the castle. It responds to requests. No such room has ever been recorded in any book I've ever read. And from my stay and usage of the room, it appears to at least have basic sentience. So my theory is that one or more of the founders, my money's on Rowena, built this room in secret, to initially serve as a multipurpose testing ground. Need a potions lab? Need Rune making equipment? Need a practice area? Need a testing ground? You want it and it can be set up. But with generations of the castle being exposed to the magic of the never ending flow of students, Professors, elves and even the lay lines the castle is built on, it changed the room into being what it is today. A room to help those in need. The idea come from the existence of Peeve in the castle, who is supposedly the representation of the collective mischief of the students given form as the years pass." I say as I finish my theory.
My friends had thoughtful looks, but they decided to simply agree. They've only just been introduced to the room, while I've obviously known about it for some time.
"So, how long have you been using this place then?" Asked Christian and making the other focus on me.
"Well, you know how I had to hid during first year to get away from being mobbed? And that no one could find me? That's because I stumbled onto this place, decided to study and train in it while hiding. And it just became a regular thing for me." I lie to them. That's the reason I could come up with for me knowing about the room for so long and explaining the times no one could find me.
"What else are you hiding from us Aedan?" Then asked Victoria with a smile that did not reach her eyes.
"I, um, I have a map of the castle that can show everyone." I then answer coming clean about another one of my toys.
"""You have what!?""" They exclaimed in unison.
"Well I needed a way to tell where people were when I wanted to either explore the castle after curfew or come to this room without people knowing about it, so I made this map. It taps into the school ward for monitoring, I added a modified Homunculus Charm and some various bits and pieces to show me everyone in real time." I explained carefully, without actually lying. I just didn't mention the original.
"How could you not have shown me this thing. It brilliant! Can I study it a bit?" Asked my usually calm friend.
"So you can see where we are every moment of everyday can you?" Asked Victoria from behind me in a dangerous tone.
"All I see as the names of people and their locations, I swear!" I tried to explain to gain some mercy.
"That's wicked! You've even got a bunch of secret passages. We should totally use these to get to class quicker." Commented Christian as he focused on whatever grabbed his attention.
After a few minutes of grilling by Victoria, while James and Christian played with the map, I could finally get back on track.
"Alright, so I brought you three here to start training you in combat." I declared.
"How come? It's not like we are likely to get into any fights." Asked my gentle friend James.
"I disagree. Learning how to fight is always better than being stuck without it when you need it. This is a dangerous world and we need to be prepared for that. I've always found it odd that a school designed to prepare us for the future never involved combat or healing even." Responded Tory thoughtfully.
"I think I'll take you up on that. Mum and Dad keep bringing me to more dangerous places as I'm getting older and I'd like to be able to protect myself at least." Agreed Christian. Some people wonder why he is in Ravenclaw, but he is incredibly knowledgeable in his preferred subjects. His intellect isn't something I would question, he simply studies things others don't generally consider to involve much in the way of intelligence. He knows that if he continues to study beasts, he will have to know how to put one down too.
"James, I know you are a very kind and caring person. We all really like that about you. The problem is that there are bad men and women in our world. Dangerous creatures or hostile non-humans roam in it too. And not to mention that, in our country at least, there are many important families who view muggle-borns such as yourself as an insult to the very word wizard. As much as I would love for us to just learn what we wish and live in a just and happy world, we don't and I can't lie and say the dangers aren't there." I say to my friend in a very serious tone. I can't force him to learn to fight, if he decides not to, he will simply be excluded. But I want him to be safe so I try to convince him.
"I know Aedan. With just what you and Tory have told me I understood that this isn't a fairy tale and dangers lurk just beneath the surface. But I want to know why you want us to learn now." He asked with his eyes meeting mine.
"I've heard some troubling things from my sources and my own deductions regarding many events aren't helping me see a good picture either. I cannot tell you about these deductions yet because I have no conclusive proof, but if they turn out to be true, our community is in for troubled times and I don't want to lose any of you. So I will train you the best I can, making it so even if we are not together, we shall all make it through hell or high water." I answered with a grave tone.
He looked at me to understand my reasons and test my determination in this matter, before finally nodding in agreement.
"Thank you James. And thanks to the both of you. I'll do what I can and the rest will be up to you." I say to my three close friends.
And so began the training of some of the best combatants Hogwarts had ever seen.
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