Harry Potter But AU???

Chapter 49 - 49- another song and sorting

Harry's POV

The ride was over and Harry said goodbye to Luna who traveled in the boats.

He then found one of the thestral carriages with Blasé Zabini and Tracey Davis and took it to Hogwarts while thinking if he can see the thestrals because his rebirth, his Patronus or his seeing of Quirrell death. 'Well, one of the mysteries I would never solve.'

As he sat waiting for the sorting he used the time to study biology as he was planing to study in the train but instead spent it acquiring a new friend, not that its bad, just that he fell a little bit back in his study plan and was already thinking about changing it for times to be with Luna.

When the doors opened and first years walked in he waved to Luna who smiled back to him and all his year mates in Slytherin looked at him strange as they couldn't remember seeing him friendly with someone more then as a basic courtesy since his 'brake up' with Nevill and Hermione.

And then was a moment Harry has been waiting for, a chance to hear a song from the hat he didn't know from before

"Gather ye round

And I'll tell you a tale

Of four strong mages

Who drank lots of ale

There was joy and there was glory

More then you can think

Yes, this is what happened to them when They drank

They built Hogwarts, Hogwarts

They built Hogwarts

They decided it would be fun to teach kids with snots

They said, later, that it is noble

But I can tell you they were drank from ale...

And as the years went past and they continued to drink

Lots of ideas started to click

They had one drink at the first day of the school for good luck

And with a handsome talking hat they were stuck

Godric said then

Let's sort the kids, the kids,

Let's sort the kids

I take the brave ones

course I thought of it first

Poor Rowena still was super drunk

So she chose all the kids who didnt need to be spankedddd

While Salazar had time to choose

He wanted kids who will make better booze

Helga just wanted another friend

Who she can make wish he was dead

So loyalty and hard work she chose

And then took another ale's dose

So let's start the sorting, what kind of person you would be

When on your head there is me"

The entire school was in a quite shock, till the twins started laughing and yelled " Salazar is my hero!" Which woke everyone of their shock and they started Laughing and discussing about the song until pofessor McGonagall yelled "quiet!!!"

And started calling names and the sorting began.

Sorting Hat's POV

'This years song was great!' The hat thought as Minerva put him on a child's mind who he sorted to Ravenclaw. 'I should totally do more songs like those.' "Hufflepuff!" As the sorting continued he only experienced a few problematic children till he sat on the head of Luna Lovegood.

"In Gryffindor and Hufflepuff she cannot be, as it would kill her creativity and uniqueness while both Ravenclaw and Slytherin lead to similar paths who end in different places but both great.

"You are one of the few who gets a true say in where to be, Ravenclaw or Slytherin?"

"I would rather be in the place I can study the best"

"I see..."

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