Harry Potter But AU???

Chapter 50 - 50- continuing the sorting and Slytherin’s rules

Sortin Hat POV

"Better be Slytherin!"

He then continued to sort the children, making sure they get into the house that would make sure they not only have the best future possible but that they would also have the best shot at surviving, as after 12 years he once again see flashes of war in the future just like he started to see four years before the last one began.

"Ginevra Weasley" he could hear, and even when he saw the almost certain death she would experience everywhere except Hufflepuff he could only yell "Gruffyndor", knowing her mother would drive her to kill herself several years later with only her words if she was sent anywhere else.

With a heavy heart he finished sorting and was taken by the house elves back to his place. He had a lot to think about and a new song to write, maybe he could convince Albus to give him a drink....

Severus Snape's POV

Severus's Occlumency shields were really put to test today.

Wither it's the hat song or the talk in Dumbledore's office with the headmaster and his school bully and his family - James, Lily and Marcus Potter.


"Come in, Severus, come in"

While Severus didn't know why he was summoned, as heard Dumbledore's cheery voice he knew two things.

1) inside the office there was more then just Dumbledore as otherwise he wouldn't speak in such a cheery voice when talking to him.

2) as he was summoned and wasn't aware of the reason, it could only mean he was going to hate the 'request' (read as order) he is about to receive.

After he walked in and saw the Potter family he did his iconic sneer (he was very proud about the effectiveness of his sneer - sawing fear in young student, unworthiness in older students and anger and uneasiness in a.d.u.l.ts), and said "what do you need Albus? I was in the middle of a potion experiment when I got your Patronus to come." He wasn't, but rule number one of Slytherin is that when someone wants something from you, you should seem as busy as possible to maximize profits.

"Sorry, sorry." he didn't seem sorry at all

"It is just that Lily and James has some concerns about the way you apparently treat Marcus in class." He said while his eyes twinkle in a way that made Snape have a need to run away before he is trapped in a way he cannot escape.

"So, do you want to explain yourself?"

Now, if Snape was being honest, he might have been harder on the boy then a regular student, but only with snarking comments not in grades as they try to make it appear as such, and even that was only because the entire faculty agreed to treat him as a regular student and then gave him and his friends 15 points for disobeying them during the emergency with the troll, and with him not even doing anything as Severus found out later when he used legilimency on him, so he decided to take him down a peg.

But the second rule of Slytherin is 'know the situation.' and as much as he wanted to throw the truth onto the headmaster, he knew it wouldn't help him, especially with the way both James and Marcus smirked

So, instead he said "as you told me more times then I remember, the dark lord isn't dead and is trying to return. What do you think would happen if he returns and find out I treat the boy good? Do you think he would give me the chance to become a spy for you?"

Severus really thought his explanation was an almost perfect one, but then James Potter had to open his mouth. "So you are working for you know who!"

No, I am the headmaster's spy."

"But by not teaching him potions you would make him unable to become a auror," James argued "and thus making 'he who must not be named' win when he comes back!"

"I think I have a solution to both our problems." Dumbledore said with a tone full of mirth, and Snape suddenly really regretted not pleading guilty in his trial. "Let's have Severus teach young Marcus once a week in a one on one session to make sure he won't fail nor would Severus risk his placement as one of Voldemort's inner circle."

"What?" It was the first time the Potter brat opened his mouth since Severus came in. "There is no way I am spending more time with this grown bat than I have to!"

Severus tightened his Occlumency shields to prevent him from cursing while Dumbledore, James and even Lily chuckled. 'Why am I even surprised?'

"Now, Marcus, this is your professor and you will treat him with the respect he deserve.

But as I can see you hold no love to each other, how about you let a student teach him in the potions classroom with access to the cauldron? Maybe one of your top students?"

Snape started to understand Dumbledore's plan.

If he didn't agree he would have to spend the next six years tutoring the 'brat who didn't have the curtsy to die', and if he did agree he would let Dumbledore have the Granger girl have access to the lab and thus make her become better at potions, but while Severus didn't mind letting Granger become better, she didn't deserve it, she would get the benefits just because she is a friend of Potter, and that didn't sit right with him.

Yet, Severus wasn't a Slytherin for nothing and rule number three of Slytherin is 'when in a losing position and no chance for attack, agree to surrender and make sure the opponent hate you for it.'

"I agree, I would let my top student teach him every Saturday for an hour." Snape said with an angry look and tone while tightening his Occlumency shields yet again to prevent him from laughing.

End flashback

With all of this and the hat's song, Snape felt that if his shields won't crack, his Occlumency would get to the next level.

Dumbledore's POV

Dumbledore had a great day until the hat sang.

Severus agreed to let someone teach young Marcus potions, which meant James and Lily would stop complaining about the unfairness of Snape teaching Marcus. And he saw young Marcus test, Severus was kind of generous by giving him an A. But at least everyone came out of the office satisfied. James and Lily getting Marcus a tutor, Marcus thinking he got miss Granger and Severus messing with the Potters by making their ex-son teach their son. And of course him, as he got a chance to make young Marcus and young Harry become friends.

Severus needs a few more decades until he can tricking this old man.

Now, he just need a way to make everyone forget about this song that portrays everyone of the founders of Hogwarts as human, even Slytherin...

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