Chapter 109 Berserker

The present era is no longer the Middle Ages, there are no soldiers in armor wielding long swords to protect wizards, and wizards cannot use magical powers by holding a "magical wand" and chanting a few spells like Muggles think. Spiritual direction, the battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort in the first battle of the Ministry of Magic proved how important a strong body is. After the battle, Dumbledore was very tired, but he still had to fight with many forces. At this time, potions are better than desserts. more usable.

The twins drank the aging agent to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, and turned into a white-bearded grandfather. This aging is reversible. However, the aging body of a person with age is irreversible. Dumbledore may have destroyed the Sorcerer's Stone to avoid the temptation that he would not be able to bear it one day. After all, even a saint like him has a human side, but he He didn't drink the kind of medicine that can make people energetic in a short period of time and make people feel strong and happy like a euphoria. He drank a lot of powerful tranquilizers to calm his mood.

Now Severus is also drinking that thing. He is not a very good-tempered person, and he deals with reptiles who are so profit-oriented that they make their minds faint. It is thanks to his forbearance that he has not exploded until now. The "training" of the predators.

The side effects of Animagus will not only retain some of the characteristics of animals, but also be as grumpy as Cu Chulainn. In battle, Cu Chulainn is the best fighter and an invincible lone hero. The manic beast is causing trouble everywhere.

The same transformation, Lupine and Pete did not have this problem, Lupine was forced to become a werewolf, and Pete was also "forced" to learn Animagus. But he pointed his wand at his face and said, "A dormitory buddy must advance and retreat together", and finally he was unwilling to learn, and he followed Sirius, Remus, and James like a tail, without any sense of existence , just like the mouse he wanted to become.

"Want to talk about work?"

There was a dining table in the house, but Snape didn't like eating there, and he found a place he liked at the kitchen counter as before, and he looked like a prince again in the morning sun .

When Victor Krum pursued Hermione, he often sat across from Hermione and watched her study. He didn't know how smitten he looked at Hermione, so much so that Pomona wished the Snotlite looked at her the same way.

"You know that the dragon guarding Gringotts ran away, the one that was let go by Harry Potter." The Half-Blood Prince put the empty potion test tube back into the space bag, it was not the transparent glass containing the euphoria The test tube, but made of silver, looks a lot like Lucius' flagon "Without it, Gringotts is no longer the safest place in the world, and some noble families want to get their valuables stored in the underground vault. Come back, goblins are very angry, and you know what happens when they get angry."

Every time they enter Gringotts, the goblins look at the wizards with weird eyes, as if they hope that all the wizards who withdraw money will die.

They are indeed very greedy for money, but they want the wizard to die not because the wizard took their "guardian's gold coin", but "the gold coin that belongs to them". Human beings like to kill each other very much. The prominent big families like the Black family are gone. Without an heir, the money and treasures put in the treasury become ownerless. According to the peace agreement signed during the goblin rebellion, these unowned Everything in the main treasury belongs to the goblin.

"Do you need help?"

"Help me with what? Negotiating with goblins?" Snape sliced ​​through the plate of ham with a knife and fork like they were someone's face.

"No, help you find a dragon, there will always be a dragon that is lazy and doesn't like to move."

The harsh cutting sound stopped.

"Gringotts is to dragons what Azkaban is, you're going to trick your friends into going to prison?"

"I don't know, Severus, how are you negotiating with the goblin?"

"Lucius is in charge of negotiating, and I am in charge of keeping those terrified cowards from running."

"Why all of a sudden they're withdrawing money?"

"Obviously not? The wizarding aristocrats lack trust in the Ministry of Magic. They don't think it's safe to keep their money in the UK. They want to transfer assets." Snape started cutting food on the plate again. "Damn crooked hat."

"It seems that there is a reason why he was not elected as the Minister of Magic several times." Pomona carefully recalled that he was a tall man with a vigorous demeanor. His politics are so clumsy.

"He's as idiotic as Arthur Weasley."

Although Pomona appreciates that Arthur doesn't mind Molly's figure and age and still loves her quality, but the man's smart and strong appearance fascinates her even more.

"Severus, I also have a vault in Gringotts, and now I want to withdraw the money in it, how can you stop me?"

The demon king who was concentrating on eating breakfast was stunned.

"Why do you have this idea?" Snape said slowly, sounding particularly glib.

"Let me see, I want to support Hermione's candidacy for Minister of Magic."

"Why don't you use that money to buy a house that belongs to us?" Demon Lord Snape stood up, the sunlight on his body was sucked away, making him look even taller, and the flowing robes drooped naturally, following him The movement rolled like black smoke.

"Which house do you want to buy?" rich Hufflepuff asked foolishly.

"What do you think can make me happy?" Snape's mouth curled into a smile, and now his hair is not greasy, it seems that he has changed a "style".

"Shouldn't you stop me from withdrawing money?"

"Spending money reasonably can bring happiness to people, but restraining desires will make people feel painful. I'm not Dumbledore. You can buy what you like."

Material desires cultivate greed, which can lead people to degenerate and secular, so that they ignore the essence of life, but when material desires are satisfied, they can indeed bring short-term joy and happiness.

There is a card in the Tarot called the devil, which represents money. In fact, there is nothing wrong with money, it just depends on where it is spent.

"I committed a lot of crimes to take care of you some time ago, shouldn't you thank me?"

Snape, who was not at all handsome, put his arms around her waist, talking sweetly like Tom cheated Hufflepuff's gold cup.

"You want me to buy you something you like?" Pomona stroked his bony face "like Draco asked his mother for candy?"

The more he lacked when he was young, the more he wanted something when he grew up. He yearned for the life of a nobleman very much. Potions can bring huge profits, which is why when she left, he gave up continuing to practice fighting and specialized in potions.

"Yes, please." He put on that pitiful and timid look again, like a coward, which must have confused many arrogant Death Eaters and caused them to laugh.

"Please, Severus, or I won't help you buy back the old Prince's house."

Severus Springs tucked Pomona's gray hair behind her ears, then raised her chin so that her eyes looked directly into his own...

"Put down your wand, dear."

"You know I can do wandless magic," he said ruefully.

"You want to use Legilimency on me without a wand?"

He turned around in displeasure and went back to eating breakfast, looking like a teenager.

But who knows if he will be as powerful as Tom Riddle in a few years.

Pomona sighed, it seemed that she was going to practice brain defense too, but who would she ask for help.

"Are you going to see Minerva today?"


"Then you bring this with you." She put the beer ice cream she made just now on the table.

"Why should I bring a present to work?"

"You didn't give it to me. I gave it to her. You just ran away."

"You think I'm Potter?"

"Honey, don't you want the Prince's house? This is how you please me." Pomona sipped her coffee and said with a smile, "I heard that it is a big house, similar to Malfoy Manor. "

"Forget it, I don't want it anymore." Prince said willfully, "Anyway, it's already an empty shell."

"Then what do you want?"

Severus ignored her.

"Do you want sharing rights to my vault?"

"Of course!" The gloomy temperament that lingered on him just now disappeared immediately.

"Then you have to change your name. Even goblins know the name Severus Snape."

"I can change my name to Sprout."

"Then what's your name?"


"How did you come up with such an inauspicious name?" asked Pomona.

Ofeux is Ophiuchus, the thirteenth constellation of the zodiac. It represents Asclepius, the god of medicine, holding a giant snake in both hands. His mother was one of Apollo's mistresses. When she was killed by the golden bird, Asclepius violated the rules of heaven and tried to resurrect her with a snake, but Hades, the king of the underworld, killed her with lightning.

It was a cursed constellation, so that people removed it from the zodiac. Since then, there are only twelve constellations in the zodiac, and because Jesus was betrayed by the thirteenth disciple Judas, people still believe that it will bring disasters to people.

"I like it." He said angrily, "Besides, Sirius is not an auspicious name."

Sirius is a shining star, full of kingly temperament in the night sky, and the most dazzling star except the sun. The ancient Egyptians regarded it as the observation basis for the flooding of the Nile River. In astrology, it represents miracles and resurrection. It means that in the east it represents war and aggression. Obviously, Severus forcibly turned a lucky star into a disaster star.

"Nick, who is almost headless, said that he has already moved on to the next stage of his journey, and it is impossible to be resurrected."

"But you're always thinking about him! Why can't he give me peace when he's dead?" He yelled like Tobias again.

"Can you forget Lily?" Pomona asked coldly, "I think we are really cursed, my dear, there are many undead haunting us."

"Can you drive them away with dragonfire?" he said foolishly.

"Then we'll all turn to ashes together." Pomona greeted Severus with coffee. "Our lives are full of bad luck and disease. Maybe you should prepare some age-old medicine, Ofeyukis."

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