Chapter 110 Legal Registration

I want to have strength, as strong as a bear, and as fast as a cheetah, but I am a human being, my muscles are not as developed as a bear, and I walk on two legs, so I can’t get on all fours like a cheetah. I am too weak, but I want to become stronger, because I have something to protect, but how do I change back after I become an animal, how do I change from an animal to a human?

Many Animagus transformation failures are because they cannot change back after becoming animals, and have since become animals in the form of animals and lived in St. Mungo. This kind of Animagus transformation without guidance can easily cause irreversibility. Therefore, the Ministry of Magic strictly controls it and requires it to be registered with the Misuse of Magic Office after it is practiced. There are only seven known legally registered Animagus, including Minerva McGonagall of Hogwarts. This is acquired after practice, and it is not the same as the Disguise Magus that Tonks was born with. Same.

Pomona's transformation ability can also be classified as Disguise Magus. She is a natural Veela, but after becoming that way, she is in an uncontrollable attack state, which is similar to Remus' werewolf state. After the transformation is completed, the animalized wizard will retain some human traces. For example, Minerva's transformed cat has spectacle frame patterns around the eyes. Deep in her memory, there is an old woman wearing an emerald green wizard robe and wearing glasses. It was this lingering impression that made her change back from an animal again. After becoming a human, she still retained the habit of cats who like to trim their nails. Who knew that Professor McGonagall, who looked very strict, was actually as lazy as a cat? What about women.

McGonagall is an Animagus but can't prevent Remus Lupine from transforming. Before the Predators completed the Animagus training, Pomona and Frank were mainly responsible for controlling him. Later, with the rise of Voldemort, Pride With Ro's work getting busy, Frank can't always help out on time, leaving Pomona alone to fight him.

Veela has a strong spiritual charm for male humans, but it is of no use to werewolves. He slapped her away like a moth. She needed help, and they happened to be very united in the same dormitory, so Pomona Those three teenagers were used.

Each wizard can only transform into one kind of animal, usually restricted to non-magical creatures, and transformations into magical creatures have unpredictable consequences. Transformation requires courage. Na is what Gryffindor College lacks most. She often goes to Lupin's dormitory to play. Hogwarts does not prohibit girls from visiting the boys' dormitory. At that time, none of them felt it. If there is any ambiguity, you can play poker together, eat multi-flavored beans and watch each other's strange reactions.

The Marauder's Map was mainly made by Sirius. The Black family was good at black magic. At that time, the housekeeper was still Pringle, a slacker who didn't care much about the life and death of the students. People hate that he is very responsible, but he is not very smart. The Weasley twins can even command Peeves. Whip to solve the problem.

It's just a walk by the lake with my girlfriend in the early morning. As for the scars that can't be healed for a lifetime?

Arthur was not a bright politician but a good father and husband, but his Muggle protection laws messed up the whole wizarding world. In his eyes, Muggles do not have magical abilities like wizards, and they are poor weaklings. Pomona bet he must not know what an atomic bomb is. When the Sorcerer's Stone came to the UK, in order to transfer it, Pomona passed by many Muggle homes. , I was exposed to a lot of knowledge about war that I hadn't been exposed to when I was with Lily before. She is obsessed with spies, just like Lavender Brown is obsessed with heroes.

She likes smart men, and hates Lockhart's vain bastard who uses his good-looking face to deceive girls everywhere. She had never dreamed that Severus had agreed to Lockhart's duel invitation to teach him a lesson for her. She now feels as confused as a wizard who is in an Animagus transformation and has fallen into cognitive confusion. What is she doing? She actually gave the sharing rights of the treasury to a bad thing that she couldn't see through. With money, he can do many things. What are you thinking, Pomona?

"Mrs. Sprout, here is your confirmation. After signing this contract, Mr. Ofeux Sprout has the right to enter your treasury." The document was pushed in front of her. "The contract will take effect immediately after you sign it."

"What if I want to undo it?" asked Snape, who had drunk the same Polyjuice Potion as she did, with a Muggle face.

The goblin immediately turned his gaze to him.

"This document is more important than the Ministry of Magic's marriage registration, sir. There are many wizarding couples who have separate vaults in Gringotts. I believe you have heard the rumor. She put Hufflepuff's gold cup in In the Lestrange family vault, and then stolen by the famous savior Harry Potter, although she and her husband are dead, the Lestrange family is still alive, to clean up their mess The treasury and counting their property is a lot of trouble to calculate their losses. The Ministry of Magic did nothing when he made a big fuss at Gringotts. According to the post-war peace treaty, goblins are not allowed to cast spells on wizards. I believe divorce must It's quite unpleasant, especially when it comes to the division of property, am I right?"

Snape laughed. "So Gringotts isn't the safest place in the world anymore?"

"Are you sure that your love will last forever? Breakups are usually very unpleasant, so be careful when signing anything, Professor." The goblin said to Pomona "You are my old friend, Huo You disappeared after the Gwarz war, I thought you were dead, where did you find this Ofeyux?"

Goblin Teje makes no secret of its hostility.

If Pomona has remained single, the gold coins in the treasury after her death will all belong to them. Now that she has a husband, she may have an heir, which means that the "wealth looted by the goblin by the wizard" cannot return to theirs. Pocket, of course it got angry.

"Where did that dragon you locked up come from?" Snape asked.

"It has nothing to do with you, sir."

"That's what I want to tell you. How we met has nothing to do with you, goblin." Snape said without showing any weakness. "You wish all wizards were dead, right? So you can't see a new family formed."

Tje smiled at Snape, then turned to Pomona. "You have a very clever husband, Professor."

"Can we sign another day?" Pomona said breathlessly.

"No!" Snape denied directly like Charizard.

Pomona remembered what Lucius once said, that someone is fiercer and smarter than a dragon, and now she feels it.

In this world, money is the only power a woman has. As long as she has money to ensure her life, she doesn’t need to depend on a man to live independently. She is free and can go wherever she wants, buy whatever she wants, and don’t have to marry and have children. , bound by the family.

Now that he's invaded the realm, he likens himself to a thief who lets a thief into his coffers.

Given the current confrontational relationship between the goblins and the Ministry of Magic, they will not verify the identity of this Orpheus Sprout. This is how he took advantage of loopholes and walked between the cracks of various forces.

Gold is the common currency in the Muggle world, and the paper money in the Muggle world is a voucher, which cannot be recognized by goblins. Wizards hiding in the Muggle world need to exchange it for gold Galleons before they can be used in the wizarding world. When Lily decided to stay in the wizarding world, Pomona opened a vault for her, No. 713, and the next No. 711 belonged to Sirius. At that time, the Black family had already cut ties with him, and he needed his own independent vault, but financial management He never cared about such troubles, and Pomona took their coffers with hers.

The Potter family's shared vault is number 687, which is shared by the family. After Lily's death, no one can open her personal vault, including Dumbledore and the Minister of Magic. Only her heir, the goblin, will open the vault. The Sorcerer's Stone has been hidden in it for eleven years, and it will wait With Harry Potter back on again.

Whether it is a man or a woman, who doesn't hide some private money.

Pomona signed the right to share the No. 712 vault to Orpheus Sprout, and plans to find a time to open her own small vault.

As for Severus Snape's treasury, there are many people coveting it without thinking about it. There are too many secrets hidden in it. After his death, all the materials in his office were confiscated. A possible heir to his legacy is his godson Draco Malfoy.

Knowledge is worth more than gold, and Mary comes from the Muggle world, and she doesn't know it at all.

Women are easily confused by material desires. As long as you break free from it, you will see a whole new world. There is a card in the Tarot called Tower, which represents "change". Those who get hit later will return to the rules of nature. This is an irresistible change, and your attitude will determine whether it is a tragedy or a surprise.

Disintegrating old concepts and abandoning past relationships requires a drastic method. It will hurt the soul and spread in every cell, but you still have to accept this process before you can get out of it.

The tower is the worst card in the Tarot, no matter from the upright position or the reverse position, most of its appearances are related to devastating events. Who will be ready for bankruptcy all the time?

Fear is the panic of mutations and disasters that are infinitely magnified by people’s imagination. Don’t panic in the face of panic, keep the last trace of clarity in your mind, remember who you are and what you were, and you will be able to transform from an animal back to people.

Every time Animagus is very dangerous, it is not worse than the split damage caused by Apparition. It is not a skill that is not risky if you master it proficiently, because if there is an accident during the reconstruction process, it will be destroyed by lightning. There may be a part of the tower forever missing, and only those who like excitement will learn it, and what Lily wants is a stable life, which James Potter cannot give her.

"I hate you, Severus!"

After signing and leaving Gringotts, Pomona finally couldn't hold back her anger and punched the person who made her life out of control.

"I told you at the time, there is still time to leave, how did you tell me?" Snape controlled the mad woman so that she would not continue to make a fool of herself in public, "You said you didn't want to leave, you are very Lonely, want me to accompany you, this is the way I accompany you!"

Pomona looked into those empty eyes, and she felt as if her soul would be sucked into them.

She subconsciously fled into the dark Forbidden Forest, surrounded by magical plants and animals, and he couldn't hurt her.

"Damn! Don't you ever let your guard down?" Severus cursed.

Hearing this voice, Pomona returned from the forest to the lively human world, trembling with anger.

When the target is not vigilant, relaxed, vulnerable, or emotionally fluctuating, he uses Legilimency, and when he looks into the eyes of the mnemonic, he will hand over a large amount of emotional-related memories. When she is so vulnerable, it depends on what is going on in her mind.

"Do you want to be alone for a while?" Severus asked.

"Of course!" she roared angrily.

"Then I'm off, ma'am, wish me luck today." Mr. Sprout kissed her on the cheek and disapparated.

"No wonder Molly said that morning was a disaster." Pomona clutched her sore forehead, and now she wanted to find a place to lie down for a while like Molly.

"Professor Sprout?" She was about to leave when she heard a man calling herself. She turned her head and recognized him immediately.

He was Cedric Diggory's father, Amers Diggory, a poor bereaved father who looked much older than he was, with all white hair.

Bella's wild laughter suddenly sounded in her ears.

That bitch might not be able to curse her to death but could make her unlucky, why couldn't she continue on to the next journey like Sirius.

I hate you, Bella!

She meditated in her heart, and made up her mind to find a mirror and trap that undead in it forever!

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