Chapter 3278 Columbus’s Egg (4)

Although she was prepared in her heart, Georgiana still couldn't help but curse when she saw the municipal guard near the carriage.

For such a grand occasion, she originally wanted to keep a low profile.

However, Laplace had already opened the door for her personally, and she had no choice but to get on the carriage.

Boston produces a kind of red lobster, so these municipal guards wearing red uniforms are called "Bonaparte's crayfish" by the citizens.

In addition to repairing municipal facilities, senior officials of the Seine Province also have another job, which is to coordinate the "Sixth Army" in Paris.

After the gradual disintegration of the guilds, private chambers of commerce based in commercial towns appeared again. They all had representative offices in Paris, but there was no chamber of commerce in Paris itself.

In 1790, the Constitutional Convention passed the so-called Chapelier Law, which prohibited all associations. They planned to establish administrative agencies in major cities to meet all the needs of business and other civil classes.

"Six Legions" is the representative name of the most powerful chamber of commerce representatives. They can appoint two chambers of commerce representatives, while other chambers of commerce can only appoint one.

They gathered to discuss industrial development, foreign trade, business practices and other issues. Occasionally Bonaparte and Chaptard would go there, but he had never been to the Agricultural Association.

He attaches great importance to agriculture, but he really knows nothing about agriculture, but most of his soldiers are farmers.

The word négociants means merchants in French. It originally refers to Burgundy wine traders. They are not responsible for the planting and brewing of wine. They just bottle them, label them and sell them.

Another type of wine merchant, éleveur, means a breeder. They buy grapes or unfermented grape juice and make wine from scratch.

Sometimes a customer encounters this situation. He buys a bottle of Burgundy wine, but when he opens it, he discovers that it does not taste like Burgundy.

éleveur purchased grapes from other places, such as Pinot Noir from Alsace, and shipped them back to Burgundy for brewing. This is why you buy a bottle of "Burgundy" but the taste is not the "Burgundy" you are familiar with. No. ”.

Therefore, you should ensure the growing area before buying wine, and also pay attention to check the sugar content in the wine. Some wines have insufficient sugar content, which may be due to poor varieties or seasons. éleveur will add sugar to promote yeast fermentation.

Non-négociants can refer to those winemakers and vineyard owners who focus on planting and brewing and do not understand sales at all. For example, if you go to the countryside, you can drink a drink at a very cheap price that is very expensive in a restaurant in the city. It’s no problem to bring the wine in a bucket yourself, as long as you can take it with you.

Then the term is expanded to refer to those growers who cannot speak well. The English "nagotiate" is very close to the French négociants.

According to France's pioneering rules of natural justice, the defendant can defend himself, but how can a person who can't even bargain win an argument with an articulate lawyer?

Judicial aid will not be available until the Gideon case in the United States. Non-négociants are so poor that they can no longer repay the loan sharks. How can they hire a lawyer?

Therefore, whether it is the Audit Court or other departments, in the provinces designated by the decree, all cases involving Non-négociants will not be accepted. If someone insists on collecting them, they may encounter "Katush" on the way back. .

Alexandre Dumas wrote the story of The Three Musketeers, and the image of D'Artagnan is a well-known civilian warrior in France. Although Alexandre Dumas was not born now, the Katuches have been shaped into similar characters by writers, but the gendarme has a very bad reputation.

The purpose of some people's loans is to go to other people's land. There are many mysteries hidden in their contracts. Alsace-Lorraine is already in chaos because of changes in lords and territories. In theory, it is indeed a profit from chaos. good times.

The pope has to wear a triple crown, and there are three restrictions on loans to farmers. The first is access, the second is supervision, and the third is public opinion.

When people who are willing to join the game feel that the rules of the game are fair, no one will complain.

The interest rate of 5% is actually a bit high, but both lenders and lenders think it is appropriate. She still remembers that in the 20th century, the Federal Reserve issued 1% loans. Mortgage companies lent money to customers at about 3% interest, and they ate it. That 2% interest.

You can only bear the 5% interest by yourself and give it to others at a higher price. Unless you are extremely short of money, loan sharks will be willing to borrow it, but do such people have the ability to repay the money?

When the first ship of silver Piast coins sailed from Mexico to the West Indies under the protection of a British cruiser, Georgiana thought that Denmark would go to the West Indies for trade in order to obtain coins. In response to the excessive issuance of paper Danish kroner Phenomenon.

Pitt valued the East India Company's trade very much, and where should the silver coins go.

When Columbus first arrived in the New World, the indigenous people treated them with tobacco, but he was not the first to bring tobacco back to Europe.

There was a man named Rodrigo de Jerez who brought back some tobacco and smoked in a public place at the port of Seville. Onlookers saw a man blowing smoke and thought it was a dragon—— Satan appeared, and Jerez was imprisoned for 10 years by the Spanish Inquisition.

Whether it is tea or tobacco, they are both leaves. Before Assam black tea was grown on a large scale in India, Wuyishan black tea was the main producing area. According to the meridian divided by Pope Alexander VI, India and East Asia both belong to Portugal, and they all belong to the Mandala system.

The Dutch went to Macau during the Ming Dynasty, but the sailors who landed were hanged by the Portuguese as pirates. The Dutch who wanted to ask for an explanation could not find official channels, and finally had to abandon 21 sailors and leave.

Later, four sailors were sent to the Portuguese Governor of Goa as craftsmen because of their skills. They were "caught" by another Dutch ship on the way. The ins and outs of the matter were clarified in the intercepted letter. The cargo and documents were Sent to Amsterdam together.

In 1796, France had measured the prime meridian passing through Paris, but at that time the geodesist Rambull only used 27 triangulations. Laplace heard that he wanted to measure the length of the meridian passing through Amiens and Paris. On the way to Humboldt's house, he talked about it with Georgiana. He felt that the measurement accuracy could be improved and 700 triangulations were needed.

This workload will definitely be huge, and the Cadastral Bureau will have to allocate some people. But in addition, Laplace also proposed that his probability function should be used to replace the Gaussian function.

If the Gaussian function is a smooth hill, then the Laplace function is a peak. However, the scientific community has recognized Gaussian function measurement engineering, and the Laplace function is not as influential as Gaussian.

Ideally, it would be best if the new meridian of Paris passes through the Four Cardinal Points Fountain, so that both political and scientific purposes are achieved.

But imperfection was the norm, and if the new meridian was indeed not in front of Saint-Supiers, she could have moved the fountain somewhere else.

What defeats rumors and superstition is truth.

The money can come from the Sèvres Ceramics Factory. Isn't it just for this day that she saves money? Although she did not have the rich dowry of Queen Isabella of Castile to finance Columbus's voyages.

What disturbed her was the consequences of doing so.

The Aztec empire in Humboldt's book has disappeared, leaving only a golden civilization.

At this time the carriage stopped in front of a small house. It was difficult to imagine that a great scholar like Humboldt lived inside.

With the help of Laplace, Georgiana got out of the carriage. The municipal guards had stopped the passers-by, and they looked at her through the human wall.

It was hard for her to describe the feeling, and then she followed the stairs to the second floor.

This was not the first time that Laplace came. He was familiar with the family and took her to a house.

"Ready?" Laplace asked teasingly.

Georgiana still felt nervous, but nodded anyway.

Laplace knocked on the door lightly, and it was quickly opened. The lighting in the room was very good, and it was not as dark as in the corridor.

In the bright room, stood a German man of about 40 years old. He stood upright. The person who opened the door was his assistant.

"Nice to meet you, Madame Sèvres," Humboldt said in slightly accented French.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Humboldt," Georgiana responded.

"Can we come in?" Laplace asked.

"Of course," Humboldt said immediately.

So she walked into Humboldt's residence in Paris.

The living room, bedroom, and living room are filled with bookshelves. They are not made at once, but more like building blocks.

There weren't many books, more scrolls, an unfinished oil painting, and a stuffed animal on a shelf.

"That's the Andean Condor." Humboldt followed Georgiana's line of sight and looked over. "Do you think it's beautiful?"

It looks more like a vulture than an eagle, with no feathers covering its head.

"I prefer it alive." Georgiana looked at Humboldt. "Your book says it can fly against the wind?"

"Once they get older they have no natural predators, but their chicks will be preyed upon," Humboldt said.

It sounds cruel, but magical animals in nature are just like the Andean condor. Despite their magical powers, they are just as easy to hunt as ordinary animals when they are young.

If an animal had no natural enemies like humans, they would soon be spread all over the world.

"It must be magnificent to see them fly," Georgiana said to Humboldt.

"Yes, it is indeed beautiful," Humboldt said, looking at Georgiana.

Lapras cleared his throat.

"Stop talking here and there, please sit down," Humboldt said.

There was brewed black tea on a small table next to the window.

"Is this specially prepared for me?" Georgiana asked.

"I have other British guests. Do you know Herschel?" Humboldt said.

She was terribly embarrassed, feeling sorry for herself.

But Humboldt seemed to have no other thoughts. He just really wanted to know if she knew Herschel.

"I heard he's an expert on nebulae," Georgiana said.

"Bompland and I once found seashell fossils in the Andes, but I think they were not submerged by the ocean, but carried away by the explosive power of volcanic eruptions," Humboldt said.

Of course, the power of a volcanic eruption is different from that of a stellar explosion, but can a shell be ejected so far without breaking into pieces?

"Maybe the oyster bird brought it there," Georgiana said sarcastically.

"There are coarse-grained rocks and stratified lithosphere and so on," Humboldt said, going to the next room to look for "evidence."

"Very interesting man, isn't he?" Laplace leaned over and whispered, "How about introducing him to the First Consul?"

Georgiana remained silent, because even though science has no borders, scientists still have nationalities.

So she drank her tea to avoid answering Laplace's question.

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