Chapter 3279 Columbus’s Egg (5)

Humboldt and his assistant Bonpland set out from Paris and circled the Mediterranean coast to Madrid, Spain. They took with them sophisticated instruments made in Germany, including a mercury barometer.

They overcame many difficulties along the way and persisted in taking measurements. When they arrived in Madrid, they finally drew a precise topographic map of the internal highlands of Spain. Due to this result, they obtained permission from the King of Spain to travel to Spanish America "at their own expense." "travel.

After more than a month of sailing, they finally arrived in Venezuela. After experiencing high mountains and tropical rain forests, they returned to the starting point in Venezuela, then took a boat to Cuba, and then took a boat from Cuba to Colombia.

Since the Panama Canal had not yet been opened at this time, they took a boat up the Magdalena River and reached the side of the South American continent near the Pacific Ocean.

They traveled south along the Andes and passed through the desolate coast of Peru to Lima, which was the southernmost point of their trip. After a short inspection here, he went north via the Pacific Ocean into Mexico and conducted extensive research in Mexico. After research and investigation, we then crossed the Gulf of Mexico, arrived in Philadelphia, USA, turned back to Europe, and entered France at the Port of Bordeaux.

He looked 40 years old, but was actually only in his early 30s. Perhaps it was because he had just returned from a long journey. Bonaparte was also tanned when he just returned from Egypt.

It was indeed a pleasure to talk to him. Although Georgiana might not be able to introduce him to Napoleon, she could change him to a more spacious residence and display his more than 30 boxes of specimens and information. Her initial decision was the Paris Botanical Garden.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Laplace reminded her that it was time to leave, and then they were escorted by the Municipal Guard to the Champs Elysées, the site of the "City Soleil" she planned to build next to this street.

She felt quite sorry because she would have preferred it to be built on Montmartre.

Next to the Champs Elysées Garden built in the 17th century, there is a newly built square where there is a circular opera house, which was built with donations from Burgundian businessmen. The imitation oak barrel shape was recognized by the people of Paris as ugly. But the acoustics inside it are surprisingly good. The architect Marini drew on the design of the ancient Greek theater in the Ten Books of Architecture. Unfortunately, there has been little passenger traffic since the day it was built.

The panorama requires a building of this shape, and the theater owner also plans to place some "props" between the stage and the panorama to create a more realistic experience. They initially planned to restore the scene of the Battle of the Pyramids in Egypt, because the soldiers in the square formation stood still like the audience.

The boss kept mentioning words like "oppressive" and "magnificent", and kept waving his hands like a conductor.

Georgiana wished him well and hoped that his business would be prosperous. Just as they were about to leave, a soldier came over.

"Madam, this is a letter from the general." The soldier smiled and handed the letter to her.

Georgiana took the letter and stepped aside to read it.

You should feel ashamed, I have been thinking about you all day and you haven't written a word to me. You occupy all my thoughts, make me annoyed, make me happy, and make me feel tortured by love. You are such a bad person. What could be more important than writing to me?

She endured the nausea and looked through the envelope. It did have the logo of the First Consul on it, and she was sure that this girlish letter was really written by him.

Then she looked at the soldier. He seemed to be no ordinary messenger. He kept looking at Georgiana, as if he was watching something interesting.

"What is your rank?" Georgiana asked him. He was wearing a naval staff uniform, but there was no sign of rank.

"I was supposed to be the quartermaster general of the Louisiana Expeditionary Force. Madam, the general asked me to report to you." The staff officer said.

"May I have your name?"

"Perouse Guillaume Joseph, I went to Egypt with the general, and it was I who signed the treaty with the British to withdraw their troops from Egypt."

Georgiana was surprised because she heard...

"I was secretary to General Menoo at the time, and Lord Cornwallis felt unwell at the surrender ceremony to Washington, and was replaced by O'Hara, as did I," said Perouse.

He didn't look ashamed at all and seemed quite happy.

"As long as it is not 0, no matter how small the probability is, it will happen." Laplace said, "I did not expect that a British warship would send our expeditionary force back."

She smiled dryly. In fact, the British were very angry about this matter. Even though Sidney signed the treaty with the French without authorization, they still implemented it and just transported the Rosetta Stone back to England.

"I heard you need a cashier?" said Perouse.

In fact, Georgiana already had Augustine.

"It's not that I'm short of a cashier, it's that the Vulcan Palace is short of one." Georgiana stretched out her hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, and we will have a pleasant cooperation in the future."

Perrus did not kiss the hand, but shook hands with Georgiana, and then introduced his resume.

He originally studied at the seminary in Carcassonne and later joined the Pyrenees-Oriental army as a secretary. He was then requisitioned by the treasury and went to Toulon as a clerk to the general treasurer.

He took part in the Egyptian expedition, first as secretary to Esteve, and later as private secretary by Kleber until the general's death, and later as secretary to Generals Desai and Menou.

After returning to France, he joined the Civil Affairs Bureau and was responsible for managing the civil consul list. He was then appointed quartermaster general of the Louisiana Expeditionary Force, and now reported to Georgiana as cashier of the Vulcan Palace.

She did not expect that this was how Peruus defined the Egyptian expedition.

Then she remembered the book she saw in another church library. For the Aztecs, the European "explorers" did not bring good memories. There was a print depicting An Aztec woman infected with smallpox.

Humboldt was vaccinated before heading to South America. There was a vaccination point in the Lower Rhine, and after they were vaccinated there, they set off from Marseille to start the expedition.

She did not feel that it was appropriate to write a hot reply to Bonaparte in mourning. She had not known that he was in mourning before she wrote it, just as she had not known that the French were going to Saint-Domingue to restore slavery.

Now she had a very strange feeling, especially after hearing Kleber's name, she remembered that he was assassinated.

If she died too, would she be buried in Venice? Kleber has not yet been buried.

"Let's change to another place. There is no place to write letters here." Laplace said. "What do you have in mind?"

The Champs Elysées is very close to Paulina's residence, and she is not invited to the party tomorrow at the Botanical Garden.

If she was to convince Polina, this was her last chance.

Desai... Marengo...

Why does she feel that death is so close?

"Are you okay?" Laplace asked.

She felt frightened, not in the usual way, worried that Bonaparte was being targeted.

It was like there was an arrow aimed at her heart, someone wanted her life.

In fact, she still wants to live that simple life.

She doesn't need jewelry or the opportunity to be in the limelight, stability is enough.

"Take me to Paulina," said Georgiana bitterly.

She could actually go to Paulette's house and lie down for a while and do nothing.

After all, she is just a person who goes with the flow and lets fate control her, instead of fighting against fate like others.

Let everything be decided by fate.

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