Chapter 3281 A Peace Full of Holes (Part 2)

Wizards would use amplifying spells. On the Pomona, Georgiana had seen the navy convey orders, and they would use cumbersome tools like loudspeakers. The army obviously cannot carry such heavy things. They will use a variety of musical instruments, such as drums, horns and trumpets. They not only play the role of transmitting orders in fierce battles, but also the sonorous and powerful rhythm. It can boost morale, and also plays a role in getting up, turning off lights, hunting, and paying tribute in the daily life of the army.

These were only suitable for short distance transmission, and in theory the saber was worn by all light cavalry, but the standard uniform of a general's adjutant did not include a saber, instead a "mailbox" was worn. Don't look at the fact that after Napoleon became the first consul, many people competed to be his adjutant. In fact, the main function of the adjutant was to carry urgent messages, whether on the battlefield or on long-distance missions across the enemy, or when the two armies were shelling each other or between two armies. Traveling between cavalry charges. These adjutants are all experienced soldiers, with at least the rank of lieutenant.

Napoleon liked them not because they were professional messengers. Most of them were aristocratic children of the old era, fighting for honor and striving to complete their missions to the limit of their ability. An adjutant named Marbert once traveled from Paris to Strasbourg and back in forty-eight hours, and an adjutant from Davout covered 170 kilometers in enemy country in nineteen hours without changing horses.

These isolated messengers took great risks and "consumption" was also great. It is said that more than a hundred messengers were captured or killed, which made high-quality information transmission very expensive.

Cannon sound communication is suitable for short and medium distances. It is like someone agreeing on a secret code with others and knocking on the door three times for a short time and once for a long time.

In Mantua, it started with the prescribed four evenly spaced warning cannons, fired at twelve o'clock every day, which meant preparation for the attack. However, the Austrians were not fools. They figured out this pattern and fired four siren cannons, which almost caused the Mantua defenders to fall into a trap.

Long and short, short and long, long and short, short and long. In Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bonaparte also fired a star-shaped flare. The strong light illuminated the town and port for several seconds, and even British warships on the high seas were illuminated. At that time, Georgiana thought he had fired it. It's fireworks.

In the old days, hot air balloons were released for entertainment and were a relatively expensive toy, but they were used in the war during the Anti-French Alliance War.

Fresnel, who refused to join the military, designed the lens for use in lighthouses, although he was not opposed to using the technology to relay intelligence at hydrographic stations.

It was now obviously complex, and like Edgeworth's telegraph, the message was not efficiently delivered, taking half an hour to transmit a sentence.

The "Sos" signal is a fixed signal of three short, three long and three short. It is usually understood as "save our ship". For example, a ship suddenly hits a rock and is about to sink. However, in addition to this information, it also needs to report its own coordinates. Otherwise, other ships will not know where to go for search and rescue after receiving the signal.

While talking to Humboldt, Georgiana heard from him the term "magnetic coordinates," which were determined not by the meridians and equators marked on the map, but by the magnetic equator and magnetic longitude.

The geomagnetism of the entire Western Europe is tilted to the west. Only in 1632, the magnetic pole of London pointed to true north, and in 1669, Paris pointed to true north. Galileo of the University of Padua noticed the phenomenon of magnetic declination and believed that the magnetic declination would continue to change.

Humboldt encountered many earthquakes during his trip to South America in 1799. It is said that animals will behave abnormally before an earthquake. In fact, this is not always the case. When an earthquake occurred, Humboldt noticed a change in the magnetic declination. , everything around the animals is normal.

Navigation uses many instruments, not just compasses, but also chronometers. If the geomagnetic field is really so fickle, then using it to draw nautical charts will be updated frequently, which will become inconvenient.

Then they talked about the shape of the earth. In Newton's "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", he proposed that the earth is a uniform ellipse, and set the earth's oblateness to 1/230. People used three methods to explore the curvature of the earth's surface. : Measurement of curvature, pendulum motion, and lunar orbit.

This was proposed by Laplace to determine the oblateness of the Earth by calculating the irregularities of the moon, which cannot be achieved by local pendulum and curvature measurements.

Only the surface curvature of the northern and southern hemispheres of the earth seems to be roughly the same. Using pendulum and curvature measurements, the surface curvature of some areas is very different. Therefore, it can be concluded that the true shape of the earth is not a regular ellipse, but more like A "baroque" pearl, that is, an irregularly shaped pearl.

Humboldt believed that a prerequisite for the stability of the earth's shape is that the density of matter inside the earth remains constant. There are many active volcanoes in the Pacific, and in books Pomona read in the 20th century, he saw that the density of these areas was different from other places. There is a man named Bo Song who believes that the temperature of the earth depends on the temperature of the universe when the solar system is moving, and that all heat enters the earth from the outside in.

Blocked volcanic activity can cause earthquakes, and earthquakes can also affect volcanic phenomena.

Georgiana and Humboldt chatted for four hours and even forgot to eat lunch. If she had met him first, she would have traveled the world with him instead of being chased around like this.

As a naturalist, you have to move around a lot, rather than staying in one city.

The "stability" she wanted did not necessarily mean staying in a fixed residence... Well, she admitted that Humboldt was good-looking, but if she ran away with him, the consequences would be serious.

Humboldt said that people who have experienced earthquakes will destroy their previous illusions at the moment when the earth shakes. They thought that the nature we depend on for survival is calm and quiet. After experiencing the unknown territory dominated by the destructive force, we will listen to everyone. A sound that could not escape even the faintest tremor in the air. Even when you step up or down, you can't believe the stability of the ground.

Although she resented Veela being classified as a beast, perhaps because she had been surrounded by danger, this dormant early warning ability seemed to have awakened. Although there were thrills when she was at Hogwarts before, they were short-lived. After the danger passed, she quickly relaxed.

She had always believed that Hogwarts was the safest place in the world.

Neither Severus nor Napoleon could provide her with the sense of security she was obsessed with. After dinner, Georgiana stayed alone in the small living room thinking about how to reply to the letter, while everyone else stayed with Polina. Play, their laughter feels distant.

She wanted to comfort others when she was uneasy. Fortunately, this was not the first time she had done this, so she took out her pen and started writing a reply:

I had a very fulfilling day. Someone told me that the volcanoes in the Andes are above the snow line. Every volcanic eruption will cause earthquakes. The underground dome caves will be shaken open in an instant, and water, fish, and tuff-like mud will pour from the gaps. Outside, the indigenous people of the Quito Plateau will see the strange sight of fish erupting from the volcano. He gave me a shellfish fossil before. He told me that this fossil was brought about by the power of a volcanic eruption. I thought he was fanciful. What kind of volcanic eruption could eject rocks with shellfish up to 18,000 feet? He went up to the mountain, so I joked and told him that it was seabirds that flew up to the mountain with oysters in their mouths.

I heard that Milan is close to the Alps, and you can see it as soon as you go out...

She stopped writing here, because the Chasseurs who protected her were in the Alps, and if she set out from Marseille, she would probably only encounter them on her return trip.

She seemed to have a choice, but in fact others had already made the choice for her.

Prometheus was chained to the Caucasus Mountains for stealing fire. An eagle pecked his liver every day, and the pain kept him awake.

In front of the Tuileries Palace, there is a bronze sculpture of Heracles fighting the nine-headed sea monster Xudra. If Heracles chooses to sleep soundly, Prometheus is still chained to the mountain at this moment.

So she picked up her pen and wrote:

I would like the first stop of this trip to be in Milan. Is it okay to take a boat on the return trip?

After finishing the letter, Georgiana waited for the ink to dry, then sealed it in a wax envelope and used her bull badge.

After writing the letter, she planned to hand it over to the Municipal Guard for delivery. Next, she had to think about how to get Paulette to cooperate. Could it be possible to kidnap her son?

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