Chapter 3282 A Peace Full of Holes (Part 2)

There is a French proverb that goes like this: Lunch is with friends, dinner should be etiquette, afternoon tea is for children, and supper time is for lovers.

Augereau seemed to want to postpone the dinner until midnight, but Georgiana remembered that the Italian Embassy had invited her to have afternoon tea, but she was distracted by other things and forgot about it.

Although she could chat with Humboldt for four hours, she really didn't know how to talk to Polina. She was so elegant that she was half-lying on a lounge chair, and she was still beautiful even if her hair was cut.

But how can she participate in social activities like this? It is not popular for women to have short hair nowadays, but more men have long hair.

The mansion provided them with coffee. In theory, they couldn't sleep after drinking this stuff, unless she also wanted to be called to a meeting by Bonaparte at 11 o'clock like the ministers.

But she drank anyway, hoping that no one else would be asleep when she went to the Italian Embassy later.

If the French cannot act without authorization, then the British have great freedom. After capturing Pirin Island, a Sir Home Popham was sent to seize the monopoly of Mocha coffee.

Apparently Georgiana was not the only one who had thought about this since the failure to recover Santo Domingo. Other islands producing coffee and sugar, such as Cuba, were under British jurisdiction.

But Cuban coffee uses the sun-drying method rather than the water-washing method. It is simple, cheap and the most traditional way to process coffee. The port of Mocha, near the Red Sea, lacks fresh water. How can they use precious water to clean coffee beans?

The washed method requires fermentation, which is said to allow the fruity aroma to enter the coffee beans. But Georgiana is a latte lover, and she really can't taste the so-called fruity flavor.

In short, the water washing method requires a shelling machine. After the invention of the shelling machine, the Scottish engineer had a new job to do. He wanted to invent a cheap coffee shelling machine. Today’s coffee shelling machines use a lot of metal parts. , making it expensive, planters preferred to use slaves to peel it by hand.

Brazil can theoretically grow coffee, but Humboldt proposed the theory of "horizontal plant dimensional zones". He also showed the sketch to Georgiana. The Amazon rainforest area in northern Brazil is similar to that in Central Africa, and is suitable for growing coffee beans. The area is in southern Brazil, such as Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and other places. The climate in these places is similar to that of West India.

But this is not absolute. For example, the picture of the cotton belt drawn by Georgiana is all sea-island cotton. If upland cotton wants to expand to one-third of the area, the key is that there is no "natural boundary" like the Missouri River. .

In addition to developing industry, Chaptard's work also included inspecting hospitals. There is a hospital called Saint-Louis in Paris. It was built by Henry IV in 1605 to accommodate the Black Death patients. This building was completely surrounded by city walls and the staff were Access is only through the guardhouse.

The place was now overcrowded, even though there was no outbreak of the Black Death in Paris.

Chaptal first relocated the mental patients in the hospital elsewhere, and then placed the pregnant women and children in a monastery in the suburbs. It is expected to establish a special children's hospital, but the location has not yet been decided, and it is still in the parliamentary discussion stage.

This Saint Louis is reminiscent of another "Saint Louis".

But after Georgiana looked at Polina for a long time, she decided that neither Augereau nor herself would be able to play tonight, so she left.

She originally thought Augereau would continue grinding, but she didn't expect him to come out. He looked at Georgiana as if he had something to say.

She let Peruye and Laplace go first and stood on the steps of Paulina's house to see what he wanted to say.

"You are also a woman, can you help me choose a piece of jewelry as a gift?" Augereau said dryly.

She was indeed quite a woman, although not as graceful as Polina.

"Okay." Georgiana readily agreed, "Thanks to you last time in Mechelen."

After only a short delay, a cavalryman came rushing over. It was the cavalryman who was very good at riding when Georgiana was in the monastery. He handed a letter to Georgiana.

This time she did not refuse to open the letter like last time. She stood in the yard and read it through the light from Polina's house.

When you see Murat, tell him that I have received his letter. Such remarks and actions are not something a sane person can do.

My first demand is a stable government friendly to France. If this is not possible, all my actions will be determined by French interests.

The French army will not march into Italy, but Switzerland has promised me to provide an army that you can use if Murat disobeys orders.

The police should fully obey the orders of the commander and his officers. In addition, I grant you the power to replace members of the State Council of the Republic of the Southern Alps. According to the constitution, professors or lawyers who have taught at ordinary universities for 15 years can replace the vacancies in the State Council.

Don’t forget that on the stage you are about to occupy, everyone will pay attention to your every move. If anyone asks you to make a request of me, say you are nothing. When the waves of glory have washed away our early stains and interwoven them with glory, monuments, and wonders, nothing will stand in the way of our connected destinies.

Kiss you.

February 10, 1803, at St. Cloud.

Georgiana put down the letter and looked at Augereau.

"Want to go to Italy?"

"Of course," Augereau said with a smile.

"We will go to Heping Street to buy gifts and then go to the embassy later. I promised to have afternoon tea with the Italians."

"No problem," Augereau said.

So Georgiana got into Laplace's carriage, and Augereau and the municipal guard cleared the way for her, and went to buy a gift before the shop closed.

In the carriage she took out the letter again and read it.

If Switzerland accepted French mediation, it would now be considered a sovereign country, even if its army used to be mercenaries.

Her mind was always thinking about the diplomatic incident that Richelieu had handled. The road that could pass through the passes of the Alps was not allowed to pass by any army except the French army unless Paris allowed it.

The Swiss are not willing to cede the Valais Canton, and no sovereign country is willing to do that. According to the words of Jean Bodin's "On Sovereignty", sovereignty is indivisible.

She thought something was missing, and then she saw another item on the letter.

Just when she was about to ask Laplace, the carriage stopped.

Heping Street was the city center in the 20th century, but now it still has a suburban feel.

She knew of a jeweler who had worked for Marie de' Medici, mother of Louis XIII, and jeweler to queens all the way up to Marie Antoinette. The last time they showed Georgiana the design drawings and samples, they didn't use real diamonds, just artificial glass, and the necklace was already very eye-catching.

It seems that the place has also been renovated. The same iron balconies as those on Rivoli Street can be seen everywhere, but there are no arcades. There are several other jewelry stores on the street.

The necklace moved Georgiana's heart, but she remembered its true purpose.

She also did not expect that Bonaparte would take off the star medal and wear the same peridot brooch as hers.

This is just a dream, don't take it too seriously.

As Augereau paid, Georgiana thought, how could an ordinary soldier afford that necklace?

The kings of the old days spent a lot of money on their courtiers, but did not give their soldiers the rewards they deserved.

She doesn't like to stand on the stage, although she knows that many people like to feel noticed.

She picked up the eye-shaped necklace around her neck. Humboldt said that the peridot was like "burning tears". Maybe it was not produced on the earth, but from outer space, because peridot was also found in meteorites.

She did not ask where the stone came from, and intuitively assumed it came from the Red Sea in Egypt.

"Let's go." Augereau said. The necklace is not ready yet. All it needs is to replace the glass on it with gemstones. It will be delivered to Paulina tomorrow.

Augereau walked in front, followed by Georgiana.

When they walked out of the store, she saw a man wearing a Prussian blue coat walking out of the shadows, and she immediately subconsciously put on armor to protect herself.

The sharp dagger stopped about three inches away from her eyes.

Just as she was about to take out her wand, Augereau had already kicked the assassin away, and then two more people came out of the shadow of the building. One of them held a shovel and hit Georgiana head-on.

The Municipal Guard was stunned, as if they were not selected from the National Guard who had experienced the Revolution.

Her intuition was indeed correct.

"Go to hell, witch!" The assassin who was kicked away got up from the ground and tried to assassinate again.

With a sound of metal collision, Augereau's sword was unsheathed. He was not using a Mamluk scimitar, but it was just as sharp, and he easily swung the dagger away.

He fought one against three and looked at ease. She immediately hid in the store and locked the door with the clerk.

Women all want to be loved, who wants to be hated?

Although the dagger did not actually pierce her body, it still pierced her heart.

There were shouts outside, and soon the gendarmes came. Savary was not a kind man, and the soldiers he led were the same. They easily knocked down the three assassins.

After they were subdued, Georgiana walked out of the jewelry store and looked down at the people on the ground.

"Why are you trying to kill me?" she said calmly, thinking she had done her best to do the right thing.

"You've left our city in moral ruin and our economy and finances in shambles," said the man in Prussian blue.

"We are patriots, and we are doing this to eliminate harm for the people." Another assassin said, "It's not because you are a witch."

"What about you? What do you have to say?" Georgiana looked at the silent third person.

He remained silent, and there was only piercing hatred in his eyes.

She believed that she had no enmity with this man and had never met him before. Why did she hate her so much?

She wasn't in the mood for "afternoon tea," but she still asked the Municipal Guard to deliver a message. So where would she go next?

At this time, Laplace got out of the car and took her back to the car, and the car began to move forward on the dark medieval streets of Paris.

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