Chapter 3283 Orchard Dream (1)

Pomona once drank coffee at the Café de Flore in Venice’s Piazza San Marco.

It is said that there is also a Café de Flore in Paris, which is very popular in travel magazines. I wonder if there was one in Paris in the early 19th century.

She sat up drowsily, probably because she drank coffee before going to bed, feeling as if she was awake from a dream.

She looked at the scenery outside the window, and Laplace sent her back to the Botanical Garden. Actually, this was good. She didn't need to rush here when the party was held in the afternoon.

The assassins last night didn't scare her too much. They were just three Muggles. She was just disappointed with the defensive capabilities of the Municipal Guard and actually let them sneak in like this.

The issue of "moral corruption" has existed since the construction of the Ourcq Canal, and people worried that the abundant water supply would be misused after meeting the needs of daily life, just like the luxurious baths of the Romans.

There was a bathroom on the construction site for the canal workers to take a bath after finishing their work. After the workers took off their dirty clothes before taking a bath, they could wash them directly for the washerwoman. Herein lies the "problem".

Small hotels opened one after another around the canal. Later, it was not just washerwomen. Parisians did not need to wait for the water to reach every house, and they could see the depravity caused by this oriental life in advance.

In the Middle Ages, Europeans stopped taking baths. In addition to poor infrastructure, this was also the reason why the five-pointed star representing Venus became a symbol of the devil.

Georgiana stretched. Although she seemed to have a lot to do, she planned to do some yoga.

Aquinas believed that man is the only rational creature among all creation. As long as the mind can think rationally, God will speak in his conscience.

There used to be a Sicilian restaurant downstairs from the apartment Severus rented, and the restaurant owner's nephew worked there as a waiter. He was very reluctant to take orders from customers or the boss.

After becoming a soldier, he doesn't have to listen to anyone's orders. He can even give orders himself, because he is a general.

At least Murat was not like Augereau and Ney, who easily dissolved the parliaments of the Republic of Batavia and Switzerland.

The Republic of the Southern Alps adopts a unitary republic, and the president is the head of state. Of course, it is not much different if it is a unitary monarchy. The important thing is that the "unitary" has not changed. But Julian Houvral said that anarchy is bad for the conqueror.

So far, some citizens have been incited, and the Visconti and other families have not participated. Even if these families are no longer what they were before the Austrian rule, at least they are not like they did during the wool carders' uprising, vying for the position of "standard bearer of justice" behind the scenes.

Policies and guidelines were already in place when the Nanshan Republic was founded in 1801. If the Italians drafted their own constitution, it would definitely cause controversy and riots. The appearance of Bonaparte stopped the debates and riots.

When Italy was founded, it faced the choice of a republic or a federal system. Talleyrand gave them a federal constitution. The Italians did not accept it, but the power of the Deputy Lord Seal still lies with Talleyrand, who is now in Brussels. If If you want him to stamp and issue an order, it will take at least half a month to go back and forth.

Among the people sent this time, Murat was his brother-in-law, Arrighi was his cousin, and Julian was his law teacher.

It is said to be a national matter, but also a family matter.

He gave Italy relative independence because of his "kindness". Everyone should admire, respect and be grateful. If you don't appreciate it, it will be another result. Even if it is not like Belisarius said, "holding inescapable destruction in one hand and peace and tranquility in the other", it would be unwise to give up this generosity.

He let Georgiana go on stage, just like the financial backer behind those ballet dancers, and the "swan" finally belonged to him.

This is not a fateful test like the French Revolution. It is more like an exam in class. It happens suddenly and people are caught off guard, but if they do well in the test, they will still feel happy.

The Hom Popham who negotiated trade with Arab countries everywhere near the Red Sea actually only succeeded with the Sultan of Aden. In addition to the Sultan of Kermir, Napoleon's title was also called padishah, which is derived from In Persia, after Cyrus the Great unified Babylon, Assyria, Persia, Anshan, Media and other countries, all the kings of the Achaemenid dynasty called themselves padishah. After the fall of the Persian Empire, the emperors of the Parthian Empire claimed to be descendants of the Achaemenid dynasty.

Although she had no idea why the Sultan of Aden had agreed to trade with him, Hom Popham's chances of continuing to negotiate successful trade on the Red Sea were slim.

However, the hope of success of "Perseverance" is still greater than that of just trying. Maybe he can also survive from a desperate situation.

When she opened the bedroom door, Bertin was already waiting for her outside the door, holding two skirts in her hands.

They are both Ionian, differing in color, one pink and one purple.

Georgiana would never wear pink under any circumstances, and just when she was about to reach for the purple pair, Bertin ducked away.

"This is for Princess Paulina. You are wearing this," Bertin said.

Georgiana looked at the horrible pink gauze dress.

"If you want me to wear this, why do you let me choose?" Georgiana complained.

"Do you want to add some butterflies like this one?" Bertin showed the skirt decorated with a row of butterflies in his hand.

Georgiana doubted that Polina would wear this. Everything she wore at home was more fashionable.

"What reason did you give her to wear?" asked Georgiana.

"She hasn't left the house for three months since she came back." Bertin said easily, as if he was confident, and then picked up another set of clothes from the small table. "The clothes you want are ready."

It was a men's tuxedo, with a changing red and gold vest underneath, a black jacket outside, and gray lapels with gold buttons.

"Don't you think it's too fancy?" Georgiana said, looking at the dress.

"Have you seen what the Second Consul wore?" Bertin asked.

The "golden" Cambaceres appeared in her mind, and she suddenly felt that this outfit was quite low-key.

"I heard that the Second Consul seems to be taking a medicine called musk medicine, which was brought back from Egypt." Bertin lowered his voice and said.

"What's that medicine for?" Georgiana asked.

"It seems to make people feel calm and relaxed. The first consul asked him not to eat, but he still ate, saying it was the fun of being a bachelor." Bertin said.

It does take courage to form a partner with Camba Ceres, who has come out as gay. Let alone this era, Albus will carry the secrets of him and Grindelwald to the grave 200 years later, and she will not leave until after his death. I know the correspondence between the two.

"Don't mind other people's business," Georgiana said, picking up the pink dress.

Who would believe it? Modern Caesar and padishah actually like pink.

She really didn't want to wear this outfit, but he could wear it if he liked her. At worst, she would never wear this outfit again.

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