Chapter 3289 Sudan’s Beautiful Concubine

Josephine had a botanical garden with many roses, and Redoud would paint them with delicate brushes. One of the roses was imported from the Netherlands, and it was called maheka, which means the beauty of the Sudan.

The names of Parvati and Padma always remind Pomona of a Sufi epic in the 16th century. This stunningly beautiful Sri Lankan princess asked the Sultan of Delhi to attack her husband's castle like the ancient Greeks. But Helen finally went back with the King of Sparta, but the beautiful concubine of the Sultan chose to commit suicide when the city was destroyed. The Sultan of Delhi did not get her in the end.

Usually things that are not obtained are often lingering in people's minds. Georgiana patted off the white threads on Bonaparte's black coat, making the coat more crisp on her body.

He was much stronger than he was during the Italian war, and this version can hold up well.

"How's it going?" He adjusted his sleeves and looked in the mirror.

She suddenly felt that the red and gold gradient fabric should not be hidden inside the coat, but on the outside, but that would be the same as the red review uniform.

"Where's your brooch?" asked Georgiana, thinking it would look better with some gorgeous jewelry.

"It's broken." He said flatly, adjusting the scarf around his neck.

She also felt that the sunflower brooch was not suitable for wearing on the chest. It would be better for him to wear the star-shaped Legion of Honor.

The sharp corners of the collar can actually be matched with gemstones, such as peridot and gold oak leaves.

Suddenly she realized that she was grooming him, which was not what she was supposed to be doing.

There is a lilac pattern on one corner of the scarf, as if someone is announcing their presence and "sovereignty".

He may have seen the change in her expression in the mirror and turned to look at her.

"Why are you unhappy again?" he asked patiently.

"You said in your letter that I am nothing, then what am I?" she asked angrily.

This time, he was happy. He put his arm around her waist and picked up the peridot necklace around her neck.

"What did that old fox give you this morning?"

She broke free from his arm and gave him the transcript of Home Popham's interrogation.

"Popham's actions in the Red Sea were his own decisions and had nothing to do with England."

He didn't even look at the transcript and threw it on the ground.

"Want to dance?"

From the distant greenhouse came the sound of a violin.

The violinist who ran to Tsarist Russia with Grassini was named Pierre Rod. He was originally a music prodigy. Although he was not as good at composing as Mozart, he was the chief performer of the conservatory.

When not working as a music teacher, he plays at the Italian Opera House built with the patronage of the Count of Provence, which is now occupied by the court cellists of Frederick the Great.

When he arrived in Tsarist Russia, Alexander appointed him the dean of the Sophia Church. Grassini is still singing at the Moscow Opera House.

Maybe it was because she didn't reply, so he led her into a waltz. Their outfits were no different from those of the middle class in Paris.

She looked at her dancing partner with a smile on her face, as if she was having a strange yet familiar dream.

The "sand" of the tsar is taken from Caesar. The first tsar, Ivan IV, proclaimed himself emperor in 1546. After Peter the Great was crowned in 1721, he changed Tsarist Russia to the Russian Empire. In that year, Peter the Great won the war with Sweden and gained Baltic Sea outlet.

In addition, the kings of Bulgaria also called themselves czars, because they all considered themselves the successors of the Byzantine emperor.

Since Catherine II, Russia has always wanted to gain a foothold in the Mediterranean, but even the earliest Russian emperor had nothing to do with the Crusades, and the Knights of Malta were established during the Crusades.

Home Popham was awarded the title of Knight of Malta during his service to Paul I, and he dared to claim it.

But when Paul I died, the Treaty of Amiens had not been signed, and the ownership of Malta had not yet been determined. Now Napoleon gave Malta to Alexander. If Alexander had accepted, he would have joined Napoleon's side, even though he had signed another treaty recognizing British power in the Baltic Sea.

The island Bougainville colonized is on the South American continental shelf, but South America is not the only Spanish colony.

The meridian of Alexander VI's arbitration was later moved, and there are three in total. The last meridian located at 46 degrees west longitude is where Spain and Portugal abandoned the pope in a small town called Todesillas. The meridian determined in the "Treaty of Tordesillas" is obviously inconsistent with the papal edict, but Pope Julius II still ratified it in 1506. The accurate name of the "Pope Meridian" should be "Todesillas Meridian".

Extending south along this line, part of Latin America belonged to Portugal and is now called Brazil. Further south, the location of the "archipelago" colonized by Bougainville was probably on that dividing line. If the coordinates are to the west, they belong to Spain, and if the coordinates are to the east, they belong to Portugal.

Oh, Pope, you remember him at last.

Of course, after so many years, even Spain and Portugal thought this meridian did not exist. The Yana River (jurua) is a tributary of the Amazon River. The Portuguese found it by going upstream along the Amazon outlet. It is located near 10 degrees south latitude and 67 degrees west longitude. It has long exceeded the dividing line. The left bank of the Yana River is a large unexplored area, which is very suitable for filming movies such as Anaconda.

Will the British go? Since they will not go, then the obligations stipulated in the "Badajoz Peace Treaty" prohibiting British ships from docking at Portuguese ports are in vain.

Lisbon is a free port. Of course, all ships can go to the free port. Why can’t British ships go there?

To the north along the meridian of Todesillas, roughly at the tip of Canada, there is the St. Pierre and Miquelon Islands and another place called Nova Scotia. They are on the same continental shelf, but belong to the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom respectively. France, if calculated based on the length of the coastline to the Marlow Islands, Nova Scotia should belong to France, and it originally belonged to France and was ceded together with Gibraltar in the Treaty of Utrecht.

Even if we ignore the issue of "successor", according to Article 123 of the "Peace of Westphalia": If any provision is violated, the victim should first warn the violator not to take hostile actions and report the case to Submit it to a group of friendly persons or take the usual judicial proceedings.

This organization of friendly people can be understood as "third-party intervention." For example, during the signing of the Treaty of Amiens, the papal envoy Caprara participated in the entire peace treaty signing process.

When the United Kingdom and the United States signed the Jay Treaty, a five-member committee was established. The United Kingdom and the United States each nominated two people, and one person was nominated by four people, who were then determined by drawing lots. This cannot be considered an international arbitration.

Jay's Treaty stipulated freedom of navigation for Britain and the United States on the Mississippi River, but what about freedom of navigation for French and Spanish ships?

The Cape of Good Hope was opened to the international community in the Treaty of Amiens, but the Mississippi River is not open to the international community?

Antwerp was opened to the British because the Peace of Campo Formio did not mention the blockade of the port, and Austria allowed France to expand to the "natural border" of the Rhine.

Then after the continental shelf issue, there was the boundary river issue.

There was no third-party intervention in the "Badajoz Peace Treaty," but we have to carefully calculate after the "Westphalia Peace Treaty" was signed. How many treaties did not follow procedures?

Don't raise questions if there is no need to go into details. Just like when Spain issued blank charters and Britain said it would stop them, no one bothered to inquire whether they should stop or not. Anyway, Ceylon was still issuing them. The Spanish governor refused to let the ships leave New Orleans without seeing the charter issued by the King of Spain. The Americans could pass if they bought it, but the British could continue to "navigate freely" in the Mississippi River without buying it.

The term "continuous voyage" originally refers to the United States' wartime ban on shipping goods to France and its colonies, consigning goods to neutral ports and then transferring them to Europe. This was after the signing of the Jay Treaty. Before the signing of Jay's Treaty, the United States was a neutral country. In order to peacefully resolve disputes, Britain withdrew its troops from the Northwest Territories of the United States in accordance with the treaty. The United States also banned privateers targeting Britain in American ports and determined the boundaries of British Canada.

Georgiana has always felt that women should not participate in politics. Some people like to praise their ancestors, and some people like to praise their own achievements. The conductor of the Knight Bus will also say that he is a vampire hunter in front of Veela.

No one wants to be a loser, but there are definitely losers and winners in a game.

When Galileo lived in the Villa Medici, the villa was actually a prison cell.

Perhaps in the eyes of that member of the House of Commons, Prime Minister Addington seemed to be already living in prison.

Or maybe it was another explanation. How could a fool like her understand it, so she stayed away from politics, and the "congressman" also told her that as long as she was loved, that would be enough.

But what if one day she wakes up from the dream and she is still the short, fat Sprout?

She cried at the thought, and Bonaparte stopped dancing quickly.

"What's wrong with you?" He coaxed patiently. He had clearly said before that he fell in love with her because she was older and emotionally stable.

People do change.

"What if I don't look good one day?" she said sobs, "Will you still like me?"

He seemed to have heard a fantasy and couldn't understand it.

"Fuck you." She was pushed away by him and sat aside to sulk.

He walked up behind her and whispered in her ear.

In fact, she felt that she could wear a pair of mandala pattern earrings, but she felt that he would not understand what she was describing. What she wanted was to find a jewelry designer. They were professionals and knew best what women liked. What.

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